Chapter 385: The Heavens Face Off, a New Heaven and Earth Tribulation!?!!

Fang Yuan got up slowly, but he didn’t expect that just by coming here, he was successively calculated and planned.

He must be well hidden, only in this way can he avoid being plotted as much as possible, of course, he also needs some deployment, some necessary ways to become stronger.

Thinking of this Fang Yuan took out the fragment scroll secret technique in his hand, he had studied this technique thoroughly, this technique was extremely strange, and he wanted to feed the world with his body as a trick.

Although it is only a fragment, the power contained in it is not to be underestimated, especially the Heavenly Trick in it seems to be able to control the existence of the Da Luo Daoguo ~ level.

Use the other party’s body as bait, and the spirit as the material to feed the life and kill the sky.

Inferior means are unprecedented.

But it also gave him a means to become stronger, which is just right for him at the moment.

Han Li and Devouring sat on one side, and discussed the mystery of the avenue with a group of gods and demons here, and the gods and demons were worthy of being gods and demons, and every time they discussed the avenue with each other, it would benefit him for a long time.

On top of the perception of the avenue, the gods and demons walked in front of all the creatures of the flood and desolation, even if they had sunk, they were still at the top.

At this moment, several figures on the side slowly got up, their eyes slightly solemn, as if they sensed some kind of existence.

The other party’s actions naturally could not be concealed from the gods and demons, and everyone already knew for a while, and pondered for a long time.

The Devouring God and Demon looked at Han Li on the side and asked out loud.


Just now the death gods and demons transmitted, the Honghuang Continent will change again, this time will be an essential improvement, the heavens will be turbulent, specially led them out to narrate.

But the true meaning of this is unknown to anyone, a group of gods and demons are looking at Han Li, the other party is fate, since the chaotic gods and demons are rampant, they have been called Chaos Old Six together with cause and effect, and seeking luck and avoiding evil is not just talk.

Although the gods and demons did not think that death could do anything to them at this time, their strength had not yet fully recovered, and they did not want to fold outside if something went wrong.

After all, now that the strength of the flood is getting stronger and stronger, they don’t want to be directly suppressed like time, space, and killing the three gods and demons.

“Since the other party has been invited, then I will go on a trip, after all, I have come, and it would be too hasty to leave like this.”

Han Li stood up and said, hearing this, the devourer on the side did not say much but stood up and followed his decision.

For a while, the gods and demons looked at each other, and even the old sixth spoke, how could they stay here again, just as they also wanted to see what kind of great change it was, so that death would call them all out.

For a time, countless gods and demons rose into the sky together, and in the hidden place, a figure slowly emerged, his eyes rotated, and he was always here, but it shielded the perception of all gods and demons.

There is no cause, and there is no need for effect.

He is the god and demon of cause and effect, and apart from death, the existence of all gods and demons is known.

And at this moment, the figure of the death god and demon fell on the other party’s side.

“Is it a pool…”

When asking Han Li, you must know that even if the fate gods and demons are changing, the breath that belongs to the other party will not change much, but this meeting, the other party’s fate is extremely strange, although it is still the breath of gods and demons, but…

There were already other things involved, but the devouring gods and demons on the side were obviously in such a state that Han immediately identified, which made the death gods and demons undecided for a while.

In this way, there are causal gods and demons to make decisions, after all, these two have been staying together in the chaos, and they can naturally be easily recognized.

“Fate backtest, sleeping for so long years, there will be some changes in the end.”

The causal god and demon said slowly, his words were unclear, and then he turned around and disappeared.

The death god demon on the side was obviously not very satisfied with the other party’s answer, but he couldn’t help the other party for a while, so he didn’t track it down.

Thirty-three heavens, Di Jun sat at the peak,… Looking at the Hongbarren Heaven and Earth, he felt an incomparably shocking force constantly changing the Hongbarren Heaven and Earth, and such a change in momentum caused the sky to change color.

It was quite shocking, especially the vast power contained in it, even he felt a trace of palpitations.

During these years, the changes in Honghuang have become greater and greater, so big that even he is a little difficult to control.

Kunlun Mountain, the Queen Mother of the West looks proudly in the clouds, dressed in red and peerless, looking into the distance.

I saw the sky bending and rolling, the flood and desolation, the heavenly machine revealed, countless forces fell to the rock, this powerful force is the perception of the whole world is more mellow, and the breakthrough has become easier and easier.

But the same feeling in the shadows is also getting deeper and deeper.

The jade foot lightly clicked, and the next moment it had disappeared on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

In the land of the Wu Clan, the twelve ancestral witches noticed this breath, their faces were solemn, and the back soil on one side had been with them since they returned, and it seemed to return to the old days.

Everyone looked at each other and then went together.

Immeasurable years, turbulent waves, chaotic heavenly machines, layers of breath from the past to the future.

Han Li and a kind of god and demon descended here, looking around and looking deeply.

Immeasurable years, connecting the past and future, evolving the world, each drop of water has a world of years, competing for release, what they did not expect, this great change actually originated here.

The figure of the death god and demon has been waiting for a long time, and he stands on the shore of the lake of immeasurable years, his eyes looking at the past and present.

In an instant, immeasurable years not far away stirred out, and the breath of pure cruelty also emerged.

Heaven and Earth Emperor Jun, Kunlun Mountain Queen Mother, Twelve Ancestral Witches, and Hongjun in the dark.

The Queen Mother of the West noticed the existence of the other party, snorted coldly, but did not make a move, since the years to come, Hongjun was swallowed by the gods and demons of immortals, and the end was miserable, that scene was quite relieving to her.

But at the same time, Di Jun and the Twelve Ancestral Witches on one side frowned slightly.

It seems that a figure is missing here.

It’s wild!

Where did he go!?

This place was unexpectedly unexpectedly unexpected, and for a while, even Hongjun in the dark changed his complexion slightly, wanting to start a calculation and deduction, but in the next step, Han Li came out straight, his eyes warning the crowd of Hongjun.

“So it seems that these acquired spirits are different.”

The other Honghuang powerhouses frowned slightly at these words, but they were not easily provoked by it, and in the face of gods and demons, they could indeed be called innate spirits.

“What do the gods and demons mean by this, but are they willing to discuss with Bendi?”

Di Jun’s eyes flickered, knowing that the other party was stirring up their ideas, but he was pushing the boat along the water, and if the other party admitted it, he would take the opportunity to see if he could suppress another god and demon.

However, he also knew that this idea was unrealistic, after all, there were nearly a thousand gods and demons in front of them at this moment!

There are even more death tigers watching, so it seems that the other party’s plans are not small.

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