Chapter 386: Heaven and Earth Alliance, _ Five thousand years of contract, gods and demons working together!!

A group of gods and demons did not know Han Li’s intentions, but no one felt that the other party was reckless, there must be a reason for this remark, and for a while, a group of gods and demons couldn’t help but think deeply about what could be so tough and reckless as the other party.

But at this time, a figure stepped on the waves above the years, emerging above the immeasurable years, with a majestic posture, holding a long sword, heroic and domineering.


Seeing this, Han Li’s pupils shrank slightly, thinking that something had happened, but seeing the other party’s calm eyes, he gradually calmed down.

However, at this time, the desolate body drive was contaminated with various breaths, and the backtest was weird, even the emperor Jun on one side was slightly staring, and he was slightly surprised in his heart, where did the other party go, and he was contaminated with so much breath.

There are even gods and demons among them, and even his breath.

This guy, could it be that he took advantage of the immeasurable years and their past years ‘five or nine-zero’, and fought a battle?

However, he didn’t care, the past and the future were no longer important to him who had entered the beginning, even if the other party killed his past body, as long as there was a body in the future, it would return to the original state.

Trying to really kill them is not much easier than killing gods and demons.

The Queen Mother of the West on the side had solemn eyes, looking at a group of gods and demons, her eyes were extremely cold

“Why do you have such a big fire, I will come to share a piece of the origin of heaven and earth, the flood and desolation have changed greatly, it is impossible for you all to take advantage of it.”

Death said slowly, his voice indifferent.

“The origin of heaven and earth…”

Everyone pondered that they were no more sensitive than gods and demons, and they could most keenly perceive the great changes in heaven and earth, but when it came to the origin of heaven and earth, its importance was naturally self-evident.

“The origin of heaven and earth is far beyond the reach of you and me, this is the foundation of Honghuang Daluo, do not trespass, otherwise you will be an enemy of all Honghuang creatures.”

Di Jun took a step, the figure of the great sun rose into the air, and the terrifying momentum rose up to the heavens and the earth, and the power of such a surging big sun was very invincible.

The Queen Mother of the West also walked out one step, the jade hand was held lightly, the immeasurable years stirred out, the strength of the sky, the five punishments, stored in one palm, all kinds of terrifying qi, making the sky tremble.

Hongjun is also not covering up, he appeared, although his plan is far-reaching, but the origin of heaven and earth is too important, once he is really plotted by gods and demons, his immortal world will also be affected, this is the foundation of his body, and nothing will be allowed to be broken!

At the same time, the twelve ancestral witches on the side, and the wilderness also exerted their strength, showing an extremely resolute heart, making the gods and demons couldn’t help but stare at each other.

If they do fight, not to mention what will happen to the other side, at least a large part of them will fall into a deep sleep, and they are not willing to fight.

And death naturally knows this deeply, and in addition, his original intention is not above the origin of heaven and earth.

Chi looked at the group of figures and said slowly, “In that case, how about I change my appeal?” ”

“The origin of heaven and earth, there is no need to give in.”

Di Jun’s voice was cold, and although his tone was cold, it also showed that as long as it did not involve the origin of heaven and earth and did not endanger the flooded heaven and earth, it was not impossible to give in.

“In this way, after I wait for the gods and demons to cultivate the flood and desolation changes, I need a place to cultivate, and I will not be disturbed for ten thousand years.”

The death god and demon said slowly, hearing that the faces of the gods and demons changed slightly, and the death remark was to obtain ten thousand years of recovery time for a group of gods and demons.

Although it is naturally easy for gods and demons to occupy a place, it is not easy to think about it for a long time.

After all, in today’s flooded world, the real supreme existence is still the acquired spirit created by these Pangu, if the other party insists on obstructing, I am afraid that it will be difficult to recover for 100,000 years.

At any time, Di Jun and the most powerful people in the flood desolation would not agree, but at this moment, they had to think deeply about the pros and cons.

Once the other party’s conditions are rejected, the other party is very likely to destroy the origin of heaven and earth at any cost, and even the Father God Pangu will be powerless to return to heaven at that time.

But once you agree, it is undoubtedly a tiger to raise a trouble, thousands of years, coupled with the lotus of the avenue, the strength of the other party will inevitably be extremely terrifying, and I am afraid that it will be another round of liquidation and destruction.

But in Han Li’s eyes, this matter is not the same at all, so threatening, Di Jun and others are very likely to agree, once they agree, I don’t know that the most troublesome thing is not only the catastrophe in ten thousand years.

The most terrifying thing is death, the other party wants another god and demon to owe such a huge cause and effect at such a cost, how terrifying is the idea behind it!?

It is very likely that the future direction will be more than several times more serious than the one he intercepted…

But at this moment, he couldn’t say anything more, because at this time, the gods and demons of death had tied all the gods and demons to themselves in a boat, not to mention the other party’s plots, but at this moment, the gods and demons could feel the importance of them to themselves.

Because for this time, all the gods and demons hope that they will recover as soon as possible and be disturbed.

Everything else is worse than that.

Queen Mother Xi looked solemn and said coldly.

“Impossible, even if you wait to retreat today, but after 10,000 years, the flooded world will inevitably be set off another earth-shattering catastrophe!”

She saw the years to come, and if she let the other hand like this, then everything they did was useless!


Di Jun spoke slowly, his eyes were flat and did not have the slightest wave, ignoring the words of the Queen Mother of the West, “But 10,000 years is too long, take the middle, five thousand years.” ”

Hearing this, the gods and demons couldn’t help but look cold, but they also knew that this was the other party’s final bottom line, five thousand years, although not long, but if it recovered, it was very reluctant.

They also know that they can’t press too hard, otherwise the other side will directly go to war, and both sides are unwilling to bear the consequences.

“So, it’s set.”

The eyes of the gods and demons of death were solemn, and when they looked back, they saw that all the gods and demons were running the avenue, forming an incomparably thick avenue contract.

Di Jun tapped with one hand, and the Great Sun Mark appeared, and although the rest of the people’s faces were solemn, they still left their imprints.

Only the Queen Mother of the West on the side, her eyes were extremely cold, and then left a trace with the power of the sky and left indignantly.

Such a heavenly god and demon goal has been achieved, and they retreated, leaving only everyone to look at each other.

“Experience the transformation of gods and demons,… Where does your confidence come from? ”

Hongjun couldn’t help but stare slightly at this old opponent, this move was too reckless, but after thinking about it, there was no other way.

It is precisely because of this that he looked at Di Jun, they have been planning with each other for millions of years, but the lessons of the gods and demons have not yet dissipated, why is the other party so confident that he can control everything, he is not afraid of being repulsed?

And Di Jun didn’t say anything about this, and then stepped away from here, seeing this, Hongjun also shook his head slightly, and looked at the desolation on one side.

“Wait a minute, it’s not too late for the previous thing.”

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