Chapter 388: The Dao of the Primordial Spirit Treasure Ends, Wanting to Fight with the Terrans!!

Countless innate divine excitement is abnormal, tens of millions of years!

Although they are congenitally sacred, they have all been reduced to pawns along the way, how humble and sad!

And at this moment, with the change of the flooded world again, finally, they ushered in their own transformation!

Finally, my daughter-in-law has survived to become a mother-in-law!

In this way, they can also be regarded as the power of the heavens, and they are already qualified to compete for the identity of the chess player!

In a quiet place, two figures walk side by side, surrounded by colorful light, and the supreme clear qi directly pours into the heavenly spirit.

One of the figures walked out slowly, full of luck all around, and whispered to heaven and earth: “Today’s Wuzun title: Yuan Shi Tianzun.” ”

The second figure’s eyes were flat and easygoing, and his voice sounded with the weather: “From now on, my honorable number: Lingbao Tianzun.” ”

Heaven and earth roared, as if they were acknowledging the personalities of both sides, and the power of the heavens blessed upwards, and layers of power penetrated through.

The cultivation of the two of them is crazy for a longer time, but they have already crossed the realm of Dao Fruit and reached the peak!

The two sides looked at each other, their eyes were unhappy, since the original incident, the two of them have been hidden for millions of years, during this time they have been deducing their own Dao, and they have already reached the realm of Tianyi.

Even hundreds of thousands of years ago, they had the strength to preach the Dao Fruit level, but they did not break through because of the poisonous hand of Shan Hongjun and continued to hide.

Until today, the flooded world has changed greatly, and the two of them have no way to hide, and can only be exposed.

“Big brother, it is already difficult to stop you and me from changing like this, Hongjun is vicious, killing my third brother, such a grudge is already difficult to remove.”

Lingbao Tianzun’s eyes were solemn, and his eyes looked at the eldest brother on the side, when the three of them were born together, they already had the supreme personality, but it was a pity that they were plotted by Hongjun and beguiled the third brother.

And took the way of the three, and then killed the third brother, such a cause and effect is really deep.

Yuan Shen Tianzun’s eyes were solemn, although the two brothers had already stepped into the peak of the Dao Fruit, Hongjun had already stepped into the Primeval Realm, and the gap between them was still very large.

And at this moment, their strength will inevitably be tolerated by the other party, and instead of such a Yuan Shi Tianzun pinching his finger seal, the Supreme Dao Law is contained in it.

“You and I should have inherited the profound Taoism, but we have lost our own way by being deceived by it, but this time it is not a curse, but there is also a blessing.” ”

“What the eldest brother said…”

Lingbao Tianzun seemed to have realized, with their state and the sensitivity of their identities at this time, there was only one place where Honghuang Da Luo could accept the two of them at this time.


The two spoke in unison, and Lingbao Tianzun’s eyes were solemn, “But how can they trust me and wait, after all, what I preach is also the Tao.” ”

Hearing this, Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled at the corner of his mouth: “The way that Hongjun preached lies in abandoning the seven emotions and six desires, and the difference between immortals and mortals is too large and does not complement each other. ”

Then his face was solemn: “The way I am waiting for should be to save the world and help the disaster, and in the mountains of peace and hidden mountains, the chaotic times should be saved from the world.” The way of the Tao is in accord with heaven and reason. ”

Hearing this, Lingbao Tianzun on the side suddenly seemed to wake up as if it was Hu Empowerment, and couldn’t help but pinch the Dharma Seal with both hands, and clean the Buddha dust in his hands.


The place where the nine heavens converge, this is the border of Honghuang Daluo, from south to north is an incomparably magnificent flame yin mountain, surrounded by ice-blue flames to the sky, endless burning, but the mountains are covered with snow, like a world of ice and snow.

At the peak of the mountain, two figures sit side by side, leaning on each other, one is wearing a yellow robe, his face is elegant and easygoing, warm as jade, a pair of eyes calm and gentle The other figure is delicate, three thousand green silk hanging lightly around the waist, her face is exquisite and elegant, she gently leans on each other’s shoulders and is very intoxicated.

These two are Fuxi and Nuwa, who have traveled through the flood and waste.

During this period, they traveled all over the flood and wilderness, appreciated various mountains and landscapes, and encountered various unknown creatures, and many things were recorded by them.

“Brother, I like this so much, have we always been like this.”

Nuwa whispered, at this moment she is no longer Mother Earth, nor is she the so-called Nuwa Niangniang, she is just a sister who wants to be by her brother’s side.

“If you want, we can continue to be like this, no one will hinder us, no one will dare…”

Fuxi touched the other party’s head fondly, and then took out a handwritten note, and the runes slowly appeared with a flick of his fingers.

“Beyond the Northwest Sea, in the corner of the great wilderness, there are mountains that do not match, and the name is not weekly.”

“Buzhou Shan?”

Nuwa on one side couldn’t help frowning slightly when she saw her brother recording these again, and her brother had also recorded many mountains and rivers during this time, which was very peculiar.

At present, there are still many birds, beasts, fish and insects, but most of them have been well analyzed…

Well. It tastes pretty good.

“Why do you have to call it Zhoushan, can’t you call it Xishan?” Washan is also good…”

“But it’s already there before.”

Fuxi smiled, and then said softly.

“This mountain is connected to heaven and earth, it is one of the spine of heaven and earth, do not move lightly, if you move, the sky will fall, you must remember.”

“The sky is tilting, just find someone to make up for it, haven’t we seen Jujian, his legs are quite large, when the time comes, you can use its legs.”

“Eh… Nor is it impossible. ”

Fuxi smiled slightly, not caring, and then closed his hand, got up and smiled.

“Let’s go, there have been great changes in the flooded world, at least we still have more time to travel.”

Nuwa smiled like a flower, and when she followed the other party’s side, she laughed softly.

The land of the extreme south, this place is occupied by the heavens divinely, and since the change of the flooded barren heaven and earth, this place has spread endlessly and cannot be explored.

For them, the change in this place is exactly what they want, providing them with an almost unlimited territory, where they can practice enlightenment, progress rapidly and for a long time, and they can realize the results of the Dao and even higher.

The extreme south, the land of the Heavenly Abyss, this is the land of the Innate Divine Heavenly Venerable, after the change of the Honghuang Continent, he advanced to the Great Luo Daoguo, because his own power was originally one of the supreme beings of the Heavenly Divine Beings.

Therefore, one person occupies the land of the heavenly abyss, and the land occupied is more than hundreds of millions of miles, although the innate divine is not angry with the domineering of the other party, but the other party’s strength is strong, and they also have to submit.

Tianzun slowly opened his eyes, his eyes looked into the distance, surrounded by mountains in the distance, and there was an abyss version of the canyon between the mountains, which was bottomless.

That is the residence of the king of the earth, the two sides have never been compatible, it was really the other party who killed his friend Li Feiyu, but because the two are like Taiji yin and yang, they are born and fight each other, and they must exist with each other to continuously improve their strength.

Although the two sides came in without communication, they both knew the other party’s changes.

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