Chapter 389: Gods and Demons Occupy Territory, and the Heavens Divine Retreat!!

Tianzun looked at the abyss ahead.

Although he had the intention of fighting again, he also knew that this period of time was a very important event for the heavenly gods, and countless divine fruits of enlightenment, although it was a happy event, but it would not be long before war would break out again.

This matter is not far away, and he occupies a place, and he will inevitably suffer from the Kai ship, so it is best for us to compare the edge and recuperate.

Only in this way can we rise again from this wave.

After all, he had already noticed that many of the divine beings who promoted the Dao Fruit had begun to gradually divide the territory, and he had just established his power before, plus Yu Wei who was in the divine of the heavens before, and the other party should not touch his mildew head in a short period of time.

In this way, you can also live in peace for a while, it does not need to be too long, a thousand years is enough.

Thinking of this, Tianzun changed his body and planned to enter the power of his own authority to practice enlightenment again.

However, the mutation suddenly appeared!

A vicious claw, tearing the bend, bringing rolling night, black gas stained the bend, turning everything into depravity.

Heaven and earth are disturbed, and a vicious breath is born one after another, turning into a popular fall to the earth!

“This breath.”

Tianzun was shocked, feeling the black qi wrapped around him, such a terrifying will, even his Dao fruit was slightly light!

“This place should be mine.”

A vast sound was released from the darkness, and the chaotic aura of the gods and demons raged through, and the other party raised his hand to surround it with layers of dark power.

“Dark Avenue! Dark gods and demons! ”

Tianzun’s face was shocked and angry, and his heart was shocked to the extreme, he didn’t expect that the other party would dare to appear between heaven and earth, could it be that he was not afraid of the Heavenly Court sanctions?!

“Dark God and Demon, if you occupy my land like this, you are not afraid that the Heavenly Emperor will detect and suppress you together!”

He was so powerful that he moved out of the Heavenly Court and Heavenly Emperor, intending to let the other party evacuate.

After all, the other party was a god and demon, and he didn’t want to fight with it.

The dark gods and demons especially care about each other, let alone explain to each other, when even the Dark Avenue of Luck reshapes this area, turning this place into extreme darkness and becoming the most suitable place for cultivation!

Seeing that his territory was about to be occupied by the Dark Avenue, Tianzun’s heart throbbed, in order to find this cultivation place, he had been improving this area for hundreds of thousands of years!

Now that the peach has been picked, hundreds of thousands of years of hard work will be burned, how can you bear it!

“Lie to me too much!”

Immediately Tianzun roared angrily, running the qi of heaven and earth, and the majesty of the Dao fruit bloomed, touching the heaven and earth bent and rolling endlessly!

He kept putting up with it, and the other party ignored its actions again and again, which brought great humiliation to him who advanced to the Dao Fruit.

Even if you are a god and a demon! I have preached the exalted throne of the Tao, and I am not afraid!

The powerful force shook the heavens and the earth, turning into a chain of heaven and winding up, through the layers of void and directly entangled with each other!


“Floating trees.”

The eyes of the dark gods and demons were cold, slowly put downward, and the endless dark power surged forward, turning into a hideous finger mark straight down!

“This power…”

Tianzun’s face suddenly changed and felt this terrifying power slightly.

The power emitted by itself is instantly directed at the dark fingerprint hole, as easily as breaking a layer of window paper!

The fingerprints continued to penetrate, Tianzun’s face was solemn, and he immediately stopped keeping his hand, and the thirty-six to the Tiangang Star Array moved up, as if supporting a big world, emitting a bright light comparable to the explosion of stars!


The eyes of the dark gods and demons were indifferent, and they were a little surprised by the strength of the other party, but he who got the lotus of the avenue, his strength recovered a lot, and it was already difficult to compete with him at the level of the Dao fruit, not to mention that the other party had just broken through how to know the mystery of the fruit!

The dark avenue brewed the heavens and the earth, turning into a huge dark hammer and smashing down!

In an instant, the thirty-six heavenly star array shook abnormally, and the cracks on the upper layers of the formation spread, and Tianzun gritted his teeth to support, unable to believe that the gods and demons were so powerful!

You know, at the beginning of the wilderness, it was also the first entry into the Dao Fruit level, and even in less than a hundred years, it clashed with the gods and demons, and it was still an extremely powerful reincarnation god and demon!

How easy it was for the other party to be at the beginning, but it was so much for himself.

My heart suddenly became more aggrieved and humiliated, but at this moment, in the abyss in the distance, seventy-two earth chaos arrays shone out, triggering the heaven and earth qi, rolling in, and directly hitting the body of the dark god and demon!

Suddenly, the void within a radius of 30 million miles shattered, and the heavens and the earth collapsed one after another, turning into dust and the power of the void constantly vibrating out!

The Earth King’s eyes were cold, the cyclical momentum was running to the extreme, and the formation hub in his hand emitted a shimmer, bombarding again!


Layers of power shook out of the dark gods and demons had to free their hands to fight against the Earth King, after all, the other party is also the Dao Fruit level, the strength is not weak, if one statue he can naturally suppress it, two statues are a little difficult.

After all, the Dao Fruit is not weak, and the reason for the weakness is that the two sides are only new to this realm and cannot master the killing moves for the time being.

Otherwise, he might not be able to fight so easily.


The king of the earth was born cold, holding up the seventy-two earth chaos formations, and a body of divine power was constantly injected into it, and the two of them were born together, one and the other, like the yin and yang of the Daomen, alternately surrounded.

Once the Dark God and Demon occupies the land of Tianzun, then his realm will inevitably be imbued with decay, which is unacceptable to both sides!

Tianzun held up the thirty-six Heavenly Gang Formation, and the impact went up, and the cracks in the formation were constantly repaired and solidified again.

From a distance, it seems like two great worlds, accompanied by the gods and demons in the center, and began to collide continuously!

“In this case, let’s die together.”

The dark god and demon’s face was furious, and the dark avenue above his body appeared layer by layer, and instantly a supreme avenue charm gradually took shape, and then it opened!

It seemed that the sky was cracking, and the sea was furious, and the void came in an instant!

The Heavenly Venerable Earth King joined forces but still could not resist, the formation shattered with a bang, and his body was also severely damaged, and he had to flee.

The dark gods and demons did not hunt them down, after all, their time was more urgent, only five thousand years.

The more they recover in these five thousand years, the better they will control the situation in the future, otherwise it will only be more difficult.

Endless dark forces spread out, completely changing this area, and finally, this world completely turned into a pitch black abyss, and here there was no avenue left except for the dark avenue, all dispersed by the dark gods and demons!

And such a scene not only appeared in the territory of the Tianzun Earth King, countless gods and demons descended from the sky, almost occupying the main area, and countless innate divine beings suffered a head-on blow, and had to leave embarrassed like the Tianzun Earth King.

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