Chapter 391 and Ti Shuanglian, Dao Inheritance, Hongjun is furious!!!

Terran Dao inheritance, in short, there are only three categories, one is the inheritance of the wild, an immortal battlefield, an invincible dojo.

The two are preparing for inheritance, Confucius, and the great road of Confucianism, this way is full of talents, but Confucius has not yet glimpsed the true meaning because of his own strength.

But it is still like the blazing sun at noon, burning endlessly.

Third, it is the most extensive one, paying attention to practicality, learning miscellaneously, using everything, learning everything, and such inheritance does not know when it will arise, although there are many wonderful uses, but it is rare to get its essence.

And at this moment, these two people can add another way out for the human race, and the impact will be far-reaching and benefit the world.

“So I also ask Taoist friends to preach.”

The Ario clan stands on one side, making way for the two.

Seeing that Yuan Shi Tianzun did not delay, one step out, purple qi came east, thousands of rays of light filled the air, and Zhou Tian Qingqi fell.

The endless Dao Law is gorgeous and alternates the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and the Tao Law expounds the meaning of giving birth to heaven and earth.

“I am the Yuan Shi Tianzun, on the same day and the human race to establish the teaching, spread the law of heaven and earth, self-made heaven and earth power should follow the sky, hear the heavenly way, all things are divided into three, six nine, etc., according to the talent and education.”

When the magnificent Dao sound was emitted, countless human races heard it and moved, and their intuition had an epiphany, and they couldn’t help but sit cross-kneeled, listen to the Dao, and understand the Qi Dao.

Zhou Tiankun gave birth to three thousand green lotuses, accompanied by them, and the afterglow of the Dao Law fell one after another.

Countless human races only felt that Mao Xi suddenly opened, and they stepped into this heaven and earth, listening to the Dao Law edification as if they were mesmerized, but the mystery of such Dao Law was not compulsory, and there were also cultivators who were deeply enlightened by it, but they did not step into it.

Just salute from afar as a sign of respect.

Ran Ran saw that behind the primordial body, there seemed to be thousands of great worlds, reciting the Tao, and morality was prosperous.

Seeing this, Lingbao Tianzun, who was on the side, also stepped out slowly: “My name Lingbao Tianzun, today and the Terran race to establish the sect, willing to intercept a ray of life for Cangsheng, and explore the law of heaven and earth together. ”

When the words fell, the stars in the heavens moved, turning into three thousand rays of light flashing out, bright and transparent, like shining enlightenment stars.

The other party waved the dust lightly down, as if the light of heaven and earth converged, and endless true intent was bred.

All kinds of momentum have risen up and formed various changes.

Many Terrans also came together to listen to the mystery of the Dao, only Yuan Shi Tianzun on one side looked at each other.

He knew that the other party did not have the intention of founding a sect, and this long-cherished wish was the vision of the third child, and Lingbao did so.

“Although I don’t understand his meaning, I have a deep understanding of the word Cut Heaven, although he has gone, I will set it up for him.”

Lingbao Tianzun said slowly, and then the figure fell, the Buddha dust poured, and a green ox between them, born on the ground, came to his side.

Seeing this, he smiled, and slowly sat on his back and slowly preached in front of the Terrans.

Such a vision of heaven and earth made the true meaning of the Dao light rise up one after another, and the surging true intent of the Dao, even the divine heavens were aware of it, and couldn’t help but change his complexion slightly and the land of the human race actually transmitted such a prosperous true meaning of the Dao!

Could it be that Hongjun preached?!

But thinking about it, how is this possible, even if the teachings preached are only ninth-rate techniques, how can they be so grand and upright, even so close to the Tao!

At the same time, heaven and earth resonated, and countless divine faces were shocked and incomprehensible.

At the same time, Hongjun, who was preaching in the deep immortal world, suddenly opened his eyes, looked into the distance, and pinched the mark with his fingertips.

“And the lotus of Ti, the Dao rhyme is diffused…”

“It’s them!”

Hongjun’s face was gloomy, obviously not expecting that he hadn’t gone to their trouble, and the other party dared to spread the morality of the Dao, and this act almost further stripped him of his connection with the Dao!

In this way, the true meaning of the Dao will be divided into two types, one is the way of his Hongjun, and the other is the way of inheritance of the human race!

But the morality created by the primordial Lingbao duo is not connected with him, but is beyond his way.

In the eyes of the outside world, how can his ancestral name stand!

This is damaging his foundation!

Even so, it doesn’t take a hundred years, and the Terrans have also changed their liquidation!

In the demon world, the Demon God Temple, the heavy building on the side has already advanced to the Dao fruit, and the strength of the body is extremely solid, extremely strong.

At this moment, he was listening to the Demon Ancestor explain the Demon Dao Abyss, but at this time, the Demon Ancestor’s voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes looked straight into the distance, as if he had an understanding.

Just now, in his perception, the level belonging to the Dao was separated everywhere, divided into two kinds, one of which was naturally Hongjun’s Dao, which was incomparably huge, accounting for eight or nine out of ten.

However, the other side produces another kind, the Taoist Law, although it is small, but it is also sparkling, the foundation is prosperous, and it seems to have…

Qi Movement Blessing!!

And it is also the most powerful Terran luck in the entire Honghuang Heaven and Earth!

This not only made the corners of his mouth raise a trace of arc, and Ti Zhilian, a two-way unification, Na Hongjun is afraid that he is going crazy…

For a while, even he couldn’t help but laugh dumbly, and when he saw the heavy building on the side, he showed a strange color, and then he slapped the other party out.

“The rest of them will come to their senses, and if they don’t know how to fight, they will fight.”

The land of the far north, full of fairy air.

The immortal gods and demons were running around the avenue of immortals, dying in the prosperous place of enlightenment, but the next moment the pool stopped sensing.

Another source of the immortal path, blooming, the place of origin, the human race.

“So it was them…”

The immortal gods and demons have understood their roots after a little thought, these three clearings are after the fall of Pangu God, the Yuan God, and the resurrection of Pangu against the sky, these three Yuan Gods have already realized their way.

It’s just that in the previous matter, the three lives were manipulated by Hongjun, and then they killed the Tongtian Sect Master, and I thought that this pulse would be Zhou.

Who would have thought that the remaining two would bloom in adversity, so the initial foreshadowing is still these two people.

In any case, the Immortal Dao has already entered the human race, and it naturally has a blessing power for him.

In this way, 5,000 years is enough.

He is the god and demon of the immortals, no matter the immortal Dao, who triggers it, there will be the blessing of the underworld and his own body, at the beginning, his layout was only in the three clearings, the real number of Hongjun, the sudden change, as for these two to spread to the human race again, it was already an unexpected joy.

“Not bad, very good.”

At the same time, not far away from the veins of heaven and earth, a figure was entrenched.

[Heaven and earth change, you go to the human race to seek morality, you ask Yuan Shi Tianzun. ] 】

“You’re dead. 】

Dead again.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, in this great change, it was still a good opportunity for him, at this moment he had already reached the realm of Daoguo and achieved the honorable position of Daoguo.

It’s just that I didn’t think that I would actually die again, so it seems that the Terran Land still does not want to set foot in it for now.

Among them, he died almost a thousand times, and more than five hundred of them, he died unknown.

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