Chapter 392: Hongjun Valve Human Clan, Only Hand Town Three Emperors!!

In the land of the human race, the sacred qi of heaven and earth spreads, and countless doors and rhymes have been cleansed out since Erqing entered the human race to inherit Taoism, and more than a year has passed since the door wall was opened.

In the past year, the Taoist forces of the Terran have achieved unprecedented development, and countless Terrans have entered the Daomen, comprehended the supreme avenue, and their strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.

It has even led to the continuous development of the other three inheritances, competing for wonders and blooming, and there is a tendency for a hundred flowers to bloom.

The power of the sect led by Yuan Shi Tianzun has developed rapidly, although it is a rising star, but it is also powerful for a time, but in just one year, the bottom has reached 100,000 people, and it is still increasing.

Lingbao Tianzun, on the other hand, is not keen on shining on the door wall, but has been preaching in the Temple of Heaven from beginning to end, and in tongues, when it comes to three hundred years, although the disciples in the sect have not yet expounded the teachings, its influence is extremely far-reaching, and the way he preaches not only contains the meaning of intercepting the teachings, but also contains the breath of various avenues, as well as his own perception, which has a very far-reaching impact.

Even with the Four Directions Lineage, many disciples came to listen to the Dao Law and gained a deep understanding.

Although the time of this year is extremely short, it seems to have injected new vitality into the Terrans, and many young rookies have been born from it, making the Terrans more prosperous.

Everything is steaming, but what should come will come.

Three days later, outside the Kunlun Mountains, 800,000 li.

“I am Hongjun, the disciples under the door are primitive, the two Lingbao are against my door wall, leaking the Daomen Zhen’ao, Er and the other Terrans should explain to me, otherwise, they will step through the Terran Temple to prove my Dao prestige!”

The voice of the sky penetrated the heavens and the earth, and since the 800,000 left the outside, it spread into the human race, causing the heavens and the earth to roll endlessly.

Above Zhou Tian, Hongmeng Purple Qi, surrounding the heavenly firmament, exuding a lot of might, like the wrath of the heavens!

At the same time, countless Terran powerhouses had solemn faces, felt this harmful momentum, and faintly found that the gaffe was not good, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

Obviously, I didn’t expect that in just one year, Hongjun actually found the door!

And the posture is so tough.

For a time, countless Terrans explained but some looked at the two clear light figures in the distance, Yuan Shi Tianzun, and the top of the interpretation of the Dao seal, low eyebrows and contemplation as if they were unrelated, quietly realized.

And Lingbao Tianzun was still slowly preaching, without receiving the slightest interference in the slightest, and countless heaven and earth perceptions were transmitted one after another, causing some restless disciples to slowly calm down.

They have already received the news, just stand still.

Although it is not only the other party’s meaning, but at present, it seems that the two of them are currently separated from the body, and the power is only five or six layers of the original body, if they go out, they may also be useful.

Above the Terran Temple, three rays of light suddenly rose into the sky.

A figure, wearing a golden lightsaber in a Xuanhuang battle robe, rushed straight into the sky, with the grace of facing the gods and Buddhas without changing!

The other figure is extraordinarily old, holding a sheep whip, with a childlike face, but he has a momentum that dares to bend his waist in the sky!

The muffled thunder roared, the dark clouds rolled like black clouds pressing down on the city, and in the dark clouds of the angry sky, a pitch-black angry dragon tore through the sky.

The Imperial Avenue was conceived in it, and one of the Xuan-robed figures stepped on the dragon horn, exuding endless majesty between the eyebrows, as if it was about to tear the sky!

The three to the momentum is incomparable, each of which is mixed with the breath of the supreme Luo Dao fruit, as if carrying the rolling heavenly firmament!

“Golden lightsaber, golden armor! It’s Xuanyuan Huangdi! ”

“Whip the sky! Yan! Emperor Yan is out! ”

“Great Qin Mighty, I’ll wait to see the First Emperor!!”

For a time, countless Terrans dyed these three figures, one by one, their faces were excited, and they only felt their blood surging, and the original taboo color was swept away with the appearance of these three!

800,000 miles away from Kunlun Mountain, Hongjun’s hair is white, wearing a yin and yang gossip Taoist robe, looking at the years of heaven and earth, without the slightest emotion.

Even the appearance of these three supreme Dao Fruits did not make him frown in the slightest.

“Heaven and earth are unified and each is a home, what is the name of master and disciple between the primordial and the spiritual treasure and you? If you want to join my human race from this, let’s stop it. ”

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, Xuanhuang battle robe exudes earth-shattering might, and his figure is like a mountain, unshakable!

“It’s useless to talk more, or go,”

The First Emperor looked at each other, the black dragon under his feet roared in the sky, and his voice was flat but made Hongjun’s eyelids jump.


At that time, the Yan Emperor on the side seemed much more plain, but he completely locked his qi machine on Hongjun’s body, and once there was a slight movement, this heavenly whip would inevitably strike!

“Good, good, good!”

Hongjun looked at the three, but he dared to talk to him like this, and he couldn’t help but laugh angrily for a while.

“In this case, let’s die together.”

When the words fell, the aura of heaven and earth suddenly moved, and endless murderous opportunities loomed, turning into a hideous jade disk, and then swirled down!

Xuanyuan Huangdi looked at the Hongmeng jade disk pouring down the sky, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand triggered a million miles of heaven and earth sword qi, as if there was a supreme power blessing very wolf bombardment!

Emperor Yan waved the whip of heaven,… A body of divine power was injected into it, and countless heaven and earth qi rose into the void, as if boiling!

A moonlight rushed straight to heaven and earth, shattering layers of firmament!

The First Emperor’s hands were in the air, the Xuan Yi was fierce, and in an instant, ten black dragons in a row soared into the sky, and the dragon roared and shook the sky!

In the face of the all-out attack of the three people, Hongjun did not have the slightest difference, although the opponent’s strength was very strong, but the initial Dao Fruit still had the strength of the middle stage of the ordinary Dao Fruit, but it was still a little insufficient in his eyes.

After all, even the late-stage Dao fruit was just an ant in his eyes.

Pressing the void with his palm, it seemed like a dragonfly dotting water, and the next moment, the figures of the three people were suppressed from above the bend of 100,000 li!

Such a momentum caused a heavenly earthquake, and countless life spirits were discolored by this breath.

“Such an aura, it is really Dao Ancestor.”

“It’s too terrifying, grabbing three Dao Fruit levels with one hand, this side is the horror of the beginning…”

“I’m afraid that more than that, Dao Ancestor has never faced these three people at all, and the strength exerted is not more than one ten-thousandth!”

A group of Hongjun creatures, looking at such a shocking scene, only felt trembling all over, and were shocked by Hongjun’s strength again.

You must know that the three people who fought against him can be described as prestigious, and at the beginning of the half-step fruit level, they went up against the sky and defeated the incarnation of the Buddha, how strong is such a strength!

But now the three unions can’t stop the next move!

“Too weak, let Arashi come to see me.”

Hongjun’s eyes were indifferent, and his voice spread to the peak, causing chaos in the heavens.

“As you wish.”

Thunder broke out on the four flats, and the sound of indifference echoed in the sky, causing countless creatures to be struck by lightning!

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