Chapter 393 Fighting Hongjun, Creation Jade Disc Now!!

Countless people were shocked,… I saw that above the distant void, a figure walked slowly, and the three-foot blue front shined in his hand.

Other than that, there is no change, the heaven and earth are ordinary, and the space is stable.

But the moment the other party appeared, the entire heavenly dome began to be exquisite, as if freezing time and space.

Countless creatures looked at that figure and unconsciously rose a vast sense of awe.


The first strong man of the human race, one of the original human races, and ten thousand years ago, he had an epiphany Dao fruit, and refined the two Buddhas into incarnations, and in less than a hundred years, he also fought against the gods and demons, and his strength passed through the heavens and the earth.

However, until this moment, the other party’s cultivation time was only 50,000 years, but the existence he fought was all millions of years, and even there were many supreme powerhouses for tens of millions of years!

It can be said that this person is a legend of Da Luo Honghuang, and even Heavenly Emperor Emperor Jun is full of praise for his qualifications.

Hongjun put away the palm print, turned to look at the other party’s figure, and his eyes finally had a little solemnity.

He came this time to extinguish the primordial, Lingbao to prevent the leakage of Daomen immortal qi is one of them, and the other is to test whether this supreme power of the human race has also reached this level Since he saw each other in immeasurable years before, the breath on the other party’s body is extremely strange, contaminated with so much causal breath, it is already a miracle that he can come back intact.

“In the land of my human race, you are not allowed to be presumptuous here.”

The desert clenched his fist, and suddenly, it seemed as if the heavens and the earth were collapsing, the void around him collapsed layer by layer, and above his arm, it seemed like an extreme brilliance shining.

The endless bends surged endlessly, and they all seemed to be afraid of this punch.

The creatures were even more shocked, and they fled away one after another, facing this murderer, no one knew how devastating the other party’s blow would be!

But escape, at least that’s right.

And Hongjun, who was in the central area, felt this power, and his eyebrows were slightly relaxed, at least for now, it seemed that the other party had not yet reached this level.

Even so, he might as well take advantage of this opportunity to kill it, which can be regarded as a major disaster.

Hongmeng Purple Qi retracted the heavens and the earth, giving birth to all kinds of mysteries, and in an instant, millions of Dao laws shone out from behind him.

Each Dao Law contains the power of the Dao, like a meteor shower!

With the same punch, Si Huang’s punch was also completed here, and in an instant, the heavens and the earth turned into incandescent.

Hongjun’s face changed slightly, and his attacks were all punched backwards by the other party, as if going back in time.


Fighting with himself, the other party has not reached the power of time regression, he cannot have this kind of authority!

This breath…


Avenue of Force!

Hongjun’s eyes were cracking, he would never admit this breath, even if it was covered by countless avenues, but this power could only be reached by powerful avenues!

Such a destruction of the heavens and the earth, destruction and decay!

But… The Avenue of Power is the Avenue of Pangu.

The other party is no longer a desolate Daluo, and the residual avenue of power is only rare on its surface, but how did the other party obtain such a refined avenue of power, and it is still so vast!

Like… Pangu True Body!

Such a scene even Di Jun, who was above the nine heavens, stood up straight, and his eyes were solemn.

This was not good news for him, Pangu Father God actually spread the Great Avenue of Force.

Does this mean that the other party already has its own layout and will, but.

Didn’t God Father say that he would enter the Flood Wasteland again?

With a long sigh of relief, Di Jun returned to his seat, his eyes solemnly and abnormally fell silent again…

With the force to break ten thousand laws, all the Dao Law attacks in an instant and disappeared in an instant.

The fist came head-on, and such a crisis made Hongjun’s heart throb when even his hands pushed out horizontally, and a puguang jade butterfly slowly emerged.


Suddenly, it seemed to spread with water ripples, setting off Dao ripples, and at this moment, both the void and time were affected.

On the side of Desolate and Hongjun, there was no aura of tearing and destruction, within a million miles, plants and trees suddenly grew, but in an instant, the growth period of 10,000 years was still crossed!

There are 100,000-year-old holy medicines, breaking through the earth, emitting the brilliance of the sky.

In the next moment, everything seemed to go back in time, and countless medicinal herbs and holy medicines became smaller, turned into a budding state, and then turned into a barbaric state!

The will of the two sides continued to confront, causing layers of great changes in heaven and earth, and countless creatures were dumbfounded, and they only felt shocked their hearts.

Finally, the will of the two canceled each other, and they stepped out one step at a time, taking advantage of this gap to throw a punch again, this punch, the endless invincible avenue frantically swarmed up, and the four rivers, lakes and seas generally impacted on Hongjun’s body!

In the eyes of outsiders, they could not see the attack moves of the two at all, and could only see the divine light of the two great shores standing tall in the sky and colliding with each other.

Hongjun’s figure retreated, but he blocked the opponent’s blow with his arm, but even so, he felt that his arm was in severe pain, and every bone was roaring viciously, as if it was about to shatter.

Such a blow really surprised his eyes, to know that the strength of the other party is only a little, the Dao fruit is complete, even if it can touch the Taisui mystery, but it is a little incredible to want to hurt yourself with these alone!

“The Avenue of Force, Pangu taught you, right.”

Hongjun gritted his teeth, no longer had the slightest obstruction, and the creation jade disc appeared between his palms, pressing one by one!


The four heavens and the earth swirled, and the power of the creation jade disc was unstoppable, even if it was desolate, its face was solemn, and it was shocked by this blow and retreated more than a million miles.

His arms resisted down, still drenched in blood, and all kinds of rhymes stained them, making his injuries impossible to recover.

The Innate Chaos Ultimate Treasure is truly powerful.

Even the desolate had to be taken seriously, the three-foot long sword in his hand burst out of the sky, his own blood gathered up, and thousands of mana gathered up.

“I don’t believe it, you can really fight me!”

Hongjun snorted coldly, and once again sacrificed the creation jade disk, and the supreme Hongmeng Qi was injected into it, and for a moment, the yin and yang double fish filled the sky.

It actually evolved a heavenly grind!

“The Great Mill of Extinction!”

Countless creatures were shocked, and they did not expect that with the power of the creation jade disk, Hongjun would be able to evolve the influence of the Great Tribulation of the World!

The land of return, the gods and demons of death, the battle of enlightenment, the moment when the Great Tribulation of Extinction appeared, he was not surprised.

The creation of jade discs has its own creation that seizes heaven and earth, and evolves the mysteries of heaven and earth.

It is not surprising that he can do this, what really depends on is how much combat power he has evolved into the Great Tribulation of Extinction.

“The power of the heavens reflects my body, and it is immeasurable, and it should be the firmament of heaven.”

Desolation slowly sounded, the three-foot blue front in his hand, shining the endless power of the firmament converged upward, and cracks slowly spread!

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