Chapter 394: Stealing Innate Chaos Qi and Reforging the Blade of the Blade!!!

This long sword has been following and fighting with him since the beginning of the wilderness, and has never been replaced for tens of thousands of years.

During the same period of time, he also forged and refined it with supreme matter, but unfortunately, even so, he still could not reach the level of innate chaos supreme treasure.

After all, how this long sword is sacrificed is only an acquired thing, and if you want it to reach the Innate Chaos Supreme Treasure level, you must return to Chaos!

The long sword was full of cracks, and all kinds of breaths were entangled, emitting a supreme aura.

At this moment, he also used all his strength, burning true blood, angry at the heavens and the earth, pinching the fist mark in one hand, and wielding the long sword in the other.

The creation jade disc hovered into the air, swallowing chaotic qi, and the image of the Great Tribulation of the World Destruction was also staring more and more!

If it is said that when it comes to the authority of heaven and earth, the Western Queen Mother’s punishment on behalf of heaven, the fierceness of heaven, and the five punishments are the most fierce authority, then the Great Tribulation of World Extinction is the most terrifying vicious chaos treasure.

It can be said that if the Heavenly God Axe can’t be opened, it can be invincible and everything!

The two forces collided brazenly, the void suddenly disappeared, causing the disorder of time and space, the immeasurable years appeared again, the torrent surged, just this collision is unknown, more than many great worlds have been annihilated.

The creation jade disc fell into Hongjun’s hands, and the light gradually dimmed, and then he collected it.

The desolate figure in the distance is shattered, and the blood stains the long run, but it still stands still in the turbulent flow of time and space.

The figure gradually solidified, and the long sword in his hand shattered to the extreme, turning into flying debris in the sky.

“You’re already pretty good to be able to do that.”

Hongjun looked at the other party, and at this moment, even he had to admit that the Terran in front of him was already the most shocking person he had ever seen.

He even sacrificed the creation jade disc, but he was blocked by the other party, and such qualifications were really jealous.

“This is the end of the matter, let’s take it to death, and the Terrans will accompany you later.”

When the words fell, Hongjun was about to start, but he saw that a plate of desolation was still plain, and he didn’t seem to care, which couldn’t help but make his eyes cold.

One finger to the sky, the Purple Night God Thunder and the Heavenly Firmament converged, this blow he used all his strength, there will be no longer the slightest hand left, even if the other party has any powerful back hand, under the Purple Night God Thunder, it will inevitably be silent!

Heaven and earth roared, and the power of destruction above the bend of the heavenly dome throbbed, as if carrying the power of annihilation, and just a trace of breath emitted made the heavens and the earth tremble.

Countless creatures only felt trembling all over, and a Yan Li from the soul emerged.

At this moment, no one dared to believe that there was any means for the wilderness to escape under such a terrifying attack.

This is still a mortal situation.

“You’re still happy too early.”

Huang looked at Hongjun, his body was straight, and his aura was extremely heavy, as if he would not extinguish the soul.

“Demonic words confuse people.”

Hongjun didn’t say much more, under the command of his hand, in an instant, the power of endless destruction overturned, like a purple waterfall, and the power of chaos completely wrapped the body of the waste.


There seems to be a faint sound of Jinge, the sound is getting louder and louder, the sound is like thunder, and even the Nine Snow God Thunder can hardly cover up this Jinge sound!


Hongjun’s face changed slightly, and when he thought of something, he quickly took out the creation rain saucer.

In an instant, like a lightning strike, the innate chaotic qi bred in the creation jade disc dissipated, although this is not much loss for the creation jade disc, but it can continue to be nurtured in ten thousand years, but at this time, the innate chaotic qi disappears, which is inevitably a little too weird.


Like striking iron, the sound boom Kyushu.

Hongjun realized something, and hurriedly withdrew, Nine Snow God Thunder, but it was too late to see that under the Nine Snow God Thunder, a figure supported the bend of heaven and earth, slowly walked out of his side, a pitch black long sword exuded an incomparably brilliant will, which seemed to be able to be on par with heaven and earth.

What shocked Hongjun the most was that the moment the other party appeared, it actually triggered the resonance of heaven and earth, and countless heavenly forces were instilled in it, blessed by the power of heaven and earth!

This is…

“Innate Chaos…”

He gritted his teeth, he had never been so furious, especially today, the other party actually used himself as bait to rob him of his innate chaotic qi.

“Thank you, Dao Ancestor Chengcheng.”

Ara held the long sword in his hand and looked at the other party and said softly.

Even if Hongjun is well-nourished, such a situation can’t help but rise and fall violently, pointing at the barren eyes and becoming more and more furious, like a man-eating tiger!

“In this case, I asked Dao Zu to help me try the sword.”

When the words fell, the long sword in his hand danced, and the figure had reached the other party’s side, the sword light danced, and a sword broke through the air!

The sword light is fierce, and the cold light is raging!

In an instant, heaven and earth were separated, and the power of the heavens blessed up!

Hongjun did not dare to resist, and immediately sacrificed the creation jade disc again, and endless Hongmeng purple energy was injected into it!

The sword light poured into the sky, a sword was cut out, and in an instant, the sky bent and tumbled!

The creation jade disc collided with it, emitting a sound of contention, but its interior had lost its innate chaotic qi, and the power of the supreme treasure did not exist, and it was bombarded and fell in an instant!

The reversal of the scene was too bad, for a time, there was no human race to be in catastrophe, who ever thought that the next moment, it would be flipped again!

Desolation actually stole the innate chaos qi in the creation jade disc, and reforged his own blade, making it successfully promoted to the Chaos innate treasure!

Such a change is really unexpected!

In such a situation, even Hongjun was dazzled, and he never thought that he was calculated by the other party, lost the innate chaotic qi, and made the other party add a blade.

Although the anger in his heart was extraordinary, but the matter had come to this, there was a wasteland, it was already difficult to get rid of those two traitors, and when he turned around and left, he fled into the void behind him.

“Today is different,… The next time we meet, it will be the destruction of the Terrans. ”

After letting go of the words, Hongjun finally left completely.

Ara stood above the void, staring at the other party’s figure, silent for a long time.

It wasn’t until Xuanyuan Huangdi, Emperor Yan, and the First Emperor stepped forward that he slowly turned around and left.

The Terran God Temple, stepping up, the momentum that was originally as heavy as a mountain disappeared in an instant, his face was extremely pale, and his strength was sluggish.

The hair turns pale.

On the side, the Chao Clan and the Eastern Emperor hurriedly pressed on each other’s shoulders, and the Avenue of Life was injected into it to heal each other’s injuries.

I don’t know how long it took for the other party’s momentum to finally gradually improve, and he suppressed the injuries in his body and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

“Sure enough, the gap between Daoguo and Taichu is too big to be matched.”

Fighting against the other party, he burned true blood, and then experienced the heavy damage of the Purple Night God Thunder, but he has been holding on to his body, if the other party is more radical, I am afraid that today’s human race will be hit hard.

So, Hongjun was already suspicious, and the old fox who had exhausted the organs was sometimes too cautious, which gave him an opportunity.

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