Chapter 395: Void Realm Changes, Sea of Heavenly Phoenix!!

Time passed in March, and Su Xiao woke up from his cultivation.

During this time, he still refined his own strength, and his qi machine became more and more powerful, in addition, he also had a little mastery of the second layer of the God and Demon Chaos Method.

The second layer of the Divine and Demon Chaos Method is a set of palm methods, named Day: Divine Demon Shocking Sky Strike.

This trick is divided into three styles, each of which is extremely strong, and practicing until Dacheng can shake the sky ~ Kun.

At present, Su Yang still masters the first style, and the second style has just been practiced, but even so, it is extremely strong, which can be compared with divine powers.

The so-called divine power is a powerful move that can only be performed in the realm of the true body, and generally the true gods below three revolutions cannot master it, and only the four revolutions or even five turns of the true gods have enough divine power to cast.

The power is also to destroy the world, and it can change a galaxy at every turn.

After this period of deposition, Su Tian’s strength has also broken through to the mid-ninth order level, and his own realm is gradually consolidating, but another reason for leaving the customs is because of a message sent to him by Su Qingyun.

“But what happened?”

Su Xiao came to Su Qingyun’s room, did not treat himself as an outsider at all, poured himself a cup of hot tea, looked at each other, and was very calm.

After all, the other party is extremely beautiful, and there is no shortage of luck to appreciate the beauty after drinking tea like this, even he enjoys this moment very much.

Su Qingyun was not annoyed when she saw the other party’s self-familiar appearance, but smiled on her lips.

“Naturally, it is about the Heavenly Void Realm, do you want to hear it?”

Hearing this, Su Tian’s face was solemn, and it was indeed time for news to come out in three months.

Seeing the appearance of the other party, Su Qingyun did not sell Guan Zi to bring what he knew Xu Xu.

“Since March, the two Optimus Pillars of the Terran Race have entered together with the extremely strongest of the Void Demon Clan, that strange plateau, fought in March time, and returned three days ago…”

“Say the subject.”

Su Xiao took a sip of tea and said slowly.

Hearing this, Su Qingyun on the side looked at the other party angrily, and then said slowly.

“It is said that the Heavenly Void Realm has been identified as some kind of plane tunnel, and after the return of the two god emperors of the human race, they were both seriously injured and seemed to be contaminated by some strange qi.”

“However, it also repelled the strange plateau, but since then, both the human race and the Void Demon Race have turned it into a forbidden area, strictly forbidding all forces to enter and look at Su Tian’s gaze, Su Qingyun smiled at the corner of his mouth, it has a general style, which is intoxicating.”

“We have our own intelligence, which is what we know and know everything, and where we connect in mysterious passages such as that strange passage is unknown.”

Hearing this, Su Xiao nodded lightly, and then stared at it in deep thought, not that he felt that the other party’s news was scarce, but he knew that he could get this information, but it was not easy to obtain, of course, Suzhou naturally did not have any thoughts about the other party’s intelligence personnel.

What he cared about the most was the tunnel, it was very likely that the creatures on the plateau came out of the tunnel, and he could feel at that time that most of the monsters in that plateau were god level.

Few can endanger the existence of the God Emperor, so if they can be injured, I am afraid that they have entered the tunnel, otherwise it is a little ridiculous to just rely on which gods will hurt them.

It can be thought that even Su Yang here does not have a slight gaze.

If you guess so, there must be another big world at the other end of the tunnel, and it is very likely that that world is far beyond this universe.

After all, in the entire universe, all the gods and venerables combined, there may not be tens of thousands, but above the plateau, sweeping away at a glance, the strange creatures that reach the gods are almost endless, which is more terrifying.

“Oh yes, there’s one more thing, maybe you’ll care.”

Saying this, Su Qingyun on the side smiled slightly.

“Let’s hear it.”

Su Xiao slowly raised his head and became a little interested, after all, for him, this matter of the Heavenly Void Realm was too far-reaching to have any effect with his strength at this time.

“Then do you know the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix?”

Su Qingyun said softly, “The Sea of Heavenly Phoenix, located in the extreme east of the universe, is a huge world composed of Wang Yang, and it is rumored that on its central island, it contains the sublimation of the god’s life character, once it is comparable to obtaining a divine medicine, there are even various inheritances. ”

“Why do you talk about this?”

Su Xiao asked slowly, he had also heard something about the Sea of Heavenly Wind, but it was said that it was extremely far away, and if you wanted to go, you had to go to the cosmic black hole, and you could enter it through the black hole tunnel.

Just entering the black hole is extremely dangerous, and the slightest mistake will be annihilated.

Because of this, there are very few creatures going anywhere.

Thinking of this, Su Yang looked at the other party, “You want to go?” ”

Su Qingyun nodded gently: “Now that I have reached the ninth level, although it is enough to carry the world, once I break through the true god level, the world in my body will inevitably grow dozens of times, and only by obtaining the Heavenly Phoenix Source Heart can I ensure that I can carry it.” ”

Speaking of this, Su Qingyun couldn’t help but look at Su Tian, and seemed to care about the other party’s words.

Su Xiao pondered for a moment, then looked up and smiled.

“In that case, let’s go together, just so I plan to take a look at how dangerous the so-called Sea of Heavenly Phoenix is.”

Su Yang said slowly, but at this moment, a cold and pleasant voice slowly sounded in his mind…

“Go to the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix and help me find the source of the rules, in exchange for a mobile phone opportunity.”


“Once and a half…”

There is a drama?!

Su Xiao was slightly stunned, obviously the so-called source of rules is very important to the other party, otherwise it is impossible to make concessions, when even he said again.

“The Sea of Heavenly Phoenix is of little use to me, not to mention that I still have to look for the Heavenly Phoenix Source Heart, three times!”

Su Yang is testing the limit in the other party’s heart, after all, the strength of the other party is indeed good, and he can exchange it for more mobile phone opportunities, and he is good to waste it again.

But as soon as these words came out, the other party seemed to fall into silence, and seemed to no longer pay attention to him.

Hearing this, Su Xiao couldn’t help frowning slightly, could it be true that he didn’t plan to ask for it?

This is not good, after all, even if it is a mobile phone meeting, he will earn it.

“Once and a half is once and a half!”

“Once! You said, this is the bottom line! ”

Su Xiao gritted his teeth and said, but the next moment.


The cold voice was pleasant, and it seemed to be mixed with a little smugness.

Hiss… Pitted!

Although he also earned it once, but directly lost half of it, Su Yang suddenly felt as uncomfortable as losing a magic medicine.

And Su Qingyun on the side is also smiling like a flower, like a water hibiscus for a while, absolutely beautiful and flawless.

Forget it, make a small profit.

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