Chapter 401: Killing Intent of the Underworld Moon, Fist Destruction of the Divine Beast Relic!!!

The Ten Emperors of the Void stayed above the void, and the leader was a strong man with dragon armor all around, and his eyes were like an endless abyss, terrifying.

Behind the other party, there are all lineages of the Void Ten Emperor Clan, but there are also some familiar figures, who were the same people who participated in the battle of the demons at the beginning.

Among them, in the corner of the corner, the dark moon is wrapped in a pitch black robe, the pretty face is frosty, and the aura around the body is cold and abnormal, only revealing the exquisite face, but even so, people still dare not approach.

Under the wide robe, slender jade fingers groped for a ring, and the ring contained an extreme destructive aura.

This was given by the Blood God Venerable, specifically for her to bring to kill Su Tian.

Su Xiao killed the serum yuan in the blood demon clan, and the other party’s life was even said to be taken by the blood emperor and a group of war gods.

And this time, because of her own strength, she reached the ninth order, and under the indoctrination of the Blood God Venerable, she reached the peak of the ninth order, although it will have a great impact on her future cultivation qualification, but she no longer cares.

Even this time to kill Su Yang was specially requested by her, and the use of this ring is to die with the other party when necessary.

After all, Su Tian’s qualifications are already known to everyone, and fighting the three revolutions of true gods with ninth-order strength is so powerful, almost invincible in the same realm!

In addition to this method, it is too fanciful to kill the other party.

Hazuki didn’t know what kind of emotions she had for the serum yuan, maybe she was a little grateful, but if she talked about the depths, it was a little blank, but even so, when she saw Su Yang say that he killed the serum yuan, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Obviously, she has just changed her opinion of the other party.

Thinking of this, a cold chill flashed under her eyes.

She knew that even if she wanted to kill Su Yang with a ring in hand, it would be extremely difficult for her, unless, the moment she saw the other party, she directly blew herself up and then ignited the ring, only then could it be possible to kill the other party!

The barbarous star field was surrounded by cosmic ruins, and the fragmented stars shattered and scattered, forming a huge belt of rubble, spreading for 100,000 li.

This is the territory of the four-winged heavenly snake, and in the central area, a purple orchid leaf shines with a faint luster, containing all kinds of sacred aura.

At the same time, a vicious cow moo, vibrating!

The terrifying sound wave spread, countless rubble was instantly annihilated, and even several planets around it trembled slightly.

In the distance, a huge cyan figure rushed towards it at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its strong four hooves shattered the layers of void, and there was another roar.

“Four-winged earthworm, come out and lead death!”

The roar of the hole pierced out, and the next moment several breaths stopped a fierce giant snake that spread out, and four flesh wings stretched out, exuding supreme power!

“Qingniu, you are looking for death!”

The other party was angry, the other party had to come once in three days, and at this time he was also completely enraged, and the huge body crashed up, and the green bull was naturally unafraid!


The powerful momentum burst out, and all the rubble within a radius of a thousand zhang was wiped out, and the space trembled!

The huge body of the four-winged heavenly snake drove more than the green ox, and the huge body was wrapped up, and the terrifying power tore out, as if it was going to tear the other party’s flesh to pieces!

Such a huge power is a little overwhelming even for the green ox, not to mention that the physical body of this four-winged heavenly snake is already strong, and he is a divine beast relic, and the strength is naturally not to be underestimated!

The two sides are intertwined, smashing planets one by one, and each collision must be a collapse of the sky and tearing apart space.

Finally, the Bull Demon King was ruthless, a heaven-shaking roar, in the void above, a fierce bull head of tens of thousands of feet appeared up, emitting an earth-shattering roar, and the power of the fear cloth was instilled down, directly supporting the flesh of the four-winged heavenly snake to shred!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Bull Demon King got rid of the entanglement of the other party, and a fierce light emanated from the horn, suddenly piercing up, directly stabbing out two hideous blood holes in the opponent’s abdomen, and blood gushed for a while.

The four-winged heavenly snake did not expect that the other party would really dare to fight with him, and even stimulate the power of the bloodline!

“Never die!”

The Bull Demon King was about to rush up again with a roar, but the next moment, a thick tail flung directly and smashed on his face, and for a while, a large piece of cow hair fell off and was drenched in blood!

Although the four-winged sky snake is a snake, it has four limbs, although it is short, it is particularly powerful!

The four-winged heavenly snake suddenly went up, the ferocity was completely released, the blood veins in the body continued to recover, and the scales turned from the original cyan blue to silver-white, looking like a four-winged silver dragon from a distance!

The opponent’s attack became more and more ferocious spiritual power, accompanied by a roar, a fierce head of tens of thousands of zhang, appeared above the void, such a scene instantly made the Bull Demon King’s face change dramatically…

With this kind of breath, it is obvious that the other party has begun to transform, if it is a little later, the bloodline in the other party’s body awakens again, I am afraid that it will be him who will die!

The head of the Jiao tore down, countless forces were worn out, and in a moment, the original divine green bull was already bloody and blurred, even if he accounted for the power of the bloodline, it was difficult to resist, and screamed for a while.

It’s all at this time, why hasn’t the Terran made a move?

He screamed bitterly, his strength was already inferior to the four-winged heavenly snake, and this time he came to the door only because of the blessing of the other party, but unfortunately the other party seemed to have not shown his head until now…

At this time, above the void, Su Xiao looked at each other calmly.

If he makes a move at the beginning, it can only be regarded as mutually beneficial at most, but if he makes a move now, the other party will be a life-saving grace, and the easier it is to make the other party submit.

Of course, the reason why he wants to take the other party for his own use is because the Tai Chi Bagua mark on the other party’s back seems to contain some kind of secret.

In this regard, this green bull is too treacherous, he always needs to sharpen the other party’s nature, otherwise this thing will be like Erha, maybe when to directly help you.

Seeing that the pair was about to be unable to support, Su Yang stepped out one step, and his figure suddenly appeared, and a huge great figure fell from above!

Dharma heaven and earth!

The terrifying momentum permeated, and the four-winged heavenly snake, feeling this surging breath, looked at fear, and immediately wanted to escape, but the next moment a cold chill enveloped him.

I couldn’t move for a while!

I can only see that terrifying fist mark gradually falling, like a round of shining stars!


The opponent’s head exploded instantly, blood splattered everywhere, and the terrifying force caused the heavens and the earth to shatter.

The layers of void were torn apart, and a punch landed on the other party’s broken body, floating up, without any life.

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