Chapter 402: Refining the Heavenly Heart Purple Leaf Grass and Heading to the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix_!!!

Under the pressure of layers of power, almost instantly, the four-winged heavenly snake fell on the spot, and it could not die anymore.

Seeing Su Yang walking down, the Bull Demon King on the side was panting, and he felt like he had the rest of his life.

At the moment just now, if it wasn’t for the other party’s timely action, I was afraid that he would really be eaten away by the other party’s bloodline, and the thought of it couldn’t help but make his back chill.

Looking at the figure of the other party, a pair of bull’s eyes clearly extinguished, and then slowly fell silent, not rolling how the other party at least saved his life, although the timing of the other party’s shot was a little slower, but he also knew that after all, the two sides did not have any so-called trust between each other, but only because of simple interests will get together, the other party can completely wait until he and the four-winged heavenly snake are both defeated, then not only can you get the Tianxin purple orchid grass, but even get the bloodline of the two divine beast relics After all, refining the bloodline of the divine beast, There are also some permits that can extract the inheritance and cultivation methods of various divine beasts from them.

Watching Su Yang enter it and take the Tianxin Purple Orchid Grass, the Bull Demon King on the side couldn’t help but turn his mind, twisted his injured body, and hurriedly walked to the four-winged Heavenly Snake wreckage on the side, and then began to chew the other party’s flesh and blood.

Absorbing the other party’s bloodline is of infinite benefit to him, and it can also further increase the degree of bloodline awakening.

Of course, in his opinion, even if he swallows all the bloodlines of the four-winged heavenly snake, I am afraid that he will not be able to confront Su Tian, this human being is a bit too strong, obviously he has not even reached the realm of true gods, but this combat power is so terrifying.

As a divine beast relic, he couldn’t fight against one of them, but one could imagine how anti-heavenly the other party’s qualifications were.

No way!

Old cow I have to do something!

He also knows that the relationship between the two is a simple transfer of interests, and at this moment, the other party has already obtained the treasure medicine he wants, which means that he is useless, so what if the other party slaps himself to death!?

My old cow is dashing and happy all his life, and even Mrs. Niu has not yet arrived!

Old cow, I haven’t passed on an heir, so how can I face the father and mother who have never met…


I have to be worthy of myself!

Value… Value!

At this moment, the Bull Demon King suddenly remembered that the other party seemed to have asked about the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix, such a place he happened to have been to before, who may not be able to lead the way.

No way! Just leading the way may not show value!

This human temperament is cruel and mediocre, but it is not like a good person!

Thinking of this, a pair of bull’s eyes turned round, as if making up his mind.

Looking into the distance, he gradually became solemn, and continued to absorb the residual bloodline power.

At this time, Su Yang had already obtained it, and the Tianxin Violet Orchid Grass, worthy of being called the existence of the healing holy medicine, just touched it, and felt a warm feeling flowing in.

When it is directly refined, it is used to recover injuries.

Such a scene is extremely direct, without any actual combat barriers, and the Bull Demon King in the distance, looking at the other party’s figure, once again appeared hesitant in his eyes.

If he sneaked up on such a time, the other party would definitely be seriously injured.

But if he really wants to sneak attack, the other party has also helped him after all, how can such a move be his Bull Demon King’s style!?

Old Niu has a dignified and upright life, how heroic and dashing?!

Of course, he would never admit that he was doing so.

After all, the scene of the other party bombarding the four-winged heavenly snake with a punch before was too shocking, if this punch fell on his body, this bag of old bones would definitely fall apart…

After thinking about it repeatedly, there was no action, he could only stay aside, it seemed to be stunned by such a scene, all under Su Tian’s eyes, his action was naturally an illusion, although his hand was injured, but it did not hurt the root, nor was it a serious injury, it could only be a short time without being able to communicate with Honghuang Daluo.

Except for the somewhat obscure operation of the divine power, there is no other effect.

And this kind of influence can only be shown in the fight between the top powerhouses, as for this goods, there is no need to care about it at that time.

If the other party is safe and guarded to himself, he will naturally not do anything to the other party, and even plans to send the other party a creation.

After all, the Erqing preaching, the ideas of various Taoists are endless, and the way of yin and yang gossip is also extraordinary, so you always need to think about it.

Of course, if the other party dares to attack, the other party will naturally be left with death.

Although he was a little interested in this cow, he couldn’t help but eat the beast.

Tianxin Violet Orchid Grass gradually integrated into the body, only to feel a rich stream of heat flowing continuously in the lower abdomen, seeping into the flesh and blood of Zhou Li’s bones.

How clearly Su Yang could feel that his momentum was constantly recovering, and the trauma was healed in an instant!

The spiritual power spread out instantly, and thousands of dust were clearly visible, and in his eyes, it was as huge as a star, and it was extremely clear.

Even he could feel the flow of heaven and earth qi, even the cosmic veins could be clearly heard.

Such a clear perception seems to enter the other world!

Su Xiao walked slowly, even if he shielded his five senses, he could still take everything from the outside world into his mind, as if he had a pair of eyes in vain, which could gain insight into everything in the world!

At this moment, the Bull Demon King on the side smiled when he saw Su Xiaodang coming over.

“Brother, you’re going to the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix, right?”

Hearing this, Su Xiao frowned slightly, how is this goods the same as the old duck in Chunlou…


Although some of them were like this, they still recognized it, after all, they had revealed their whereabouts since the beginning, and it was not surprising that the other party knew where they went.

“Are you in trouble?”

Su Yang looked at each other, his eyes light.

“Haha, it’s like this, old cow I have been there, where is there a supreme opportunity, I see you majestic, sanctimonious, well-dressed, you must be interested, when the time comes, how about I seven you three?”

The other party said very thief eyebrows, Su Yang is full of black lines, good fellow, you idiom use, nine leaky fish are better than you.

“I’m seven and you three.”

Su Yang said slowly, hearing that the other party was not satisfied in the slightest, but was extremely calm, and seemed to have planned to do so for a long time.

Su Xiao didn’t care either, this cow was a little too slippery, and Su Xiao didn’t care about the supreme opportunity he said, in his opinion, the most important thing at the moment was to go to the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix first.

However, it is a pity that the previous space wormhole can directly reach the interior of the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix, and at this moment, the space wormhole is broken, and they can only cross the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix, which is naturally extremely dangerous.

Since the other party has been to the Sea of Heavenly Wind, it is better to bring it and try, maybe there are other ways to reach the central area.

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