Chapter 403: Qi and Blood Sacrifice, Bronze Ancient Ship!!

After a few thoughts, Su Xiao decided to go to the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix together.

Millions of miles are far from being said to be far for both sides.

However, in three days, the two sides had reached the shore of the Sea of Heavenly Phoenix.

The Sea of Heavenly Phoenix, the extreme eastern part of the universe, is said to be even connected to the boundary of the universe, which has existed since ancient times, and the whole heaven and earth have turned into ice blue, and the sea is turbulent.

Ordinary creatures are simply beyond reach, and the Bull Demon King on the side, his eyes are as big as a copper tomb, a pair of ox hooves, tapping the surface of the lake.

However, in the next moment, an extreme icy force instantly penetrated into all around his body, and endless cold energy poured up, and layers of glaciers began to be produced on his body with the naked eye.

Freeze the soul!

The other party hurriedly withdrew, but even so, the other party was trembling all over, Zhou’s hair stood upright like ice ballast, and the cow’s nose was panting, as if he had worn a layer of ice film.

“Good, good… Cold! ”

The other party is majestic and runs the bloodline in the body, which dissolves this icy qi, but even so, it is still a bit of a calamity.

“This sea water is getting colder and colder, when I came here I didn’t have such a scene, I heard that Su Tian’s eyes were solemn and abnormal, one step out is to come to the sea, his legs step into the sea, the bone-chilling chill is contained up, and the layers of frost are frozen.”

Su Tian’s eyes did not change, and his body continued to sink, but after a while, he sank to the bottom of the sea, and this scene surprised the Bull Demon King on the side.

Su Yang kept sinking until after sinking three thousand meters, he only felt that his whole body was cold to the bone, endless cold air shuttled between the meridians, and his limbs were gradually losing consciousness.

Seeing this, Su Yang also knew that this was his limit, and immediately erupted with divine power around him!

The figure gathered into the air, emerging from the sea, the divine power operated, and the icy aura above the body gradually faded.

Looking at the endless sea again, it is already a jealous abnormality.

This sea of phoenixes is really terrifying, not only contains endless chill inside, but even imprisons the surrounding space, once trapped in it, even the space will be frozen.

Once five thousand meters deep, even Su Yang was afraid that it would be difficult to escape.

Su Yang fell to the surface of the sea, his eyes looked like the surface of the sea, if there is nothing to control, there is basically no possibility to cross this sea of heavenly phoenixes!

The Bull Demon King on the side also had a solemn face, and randomly seemed to think of something, that is, he looked at Su Xiao and spoke up.

“That’s right! I know how to survive this sea of phoenixes! ”

The other party was extremely excited, and when he looked at Su Tian: “This sea of heavenly phoenixes, I have obtained inheritance in the bloodline, if I want to spend the time I need to sacrifice the supreme god with the power of qi and blood, and summon the qi and blood divine ship, then I will spend it safely.” ”

“Sacrifice with the power of qi and blood?”

Hearing this, Su Xiao was slightly stunned, and his eyes looked at the Bull Demon King, but he did not expect that the other party’s bloodline still contained this kind of information.

However, he did not doubt the other party’s intelligence, after all, the other party did not dare to curse him at this time.

Random Su Tian’s hands held the sky, and for a moment, the heaven and earth buzzed endlessly, as if there were earth-shattering waves contained in them, and the whole heaven and earth were slightly shaken!

For a while, the Bull Demon King on one side couldn’t help but change his complexion slightly, and a terrifying qi and blood that shocked him rose into the air.

Between heaven and earth, Su Yang stood up, the power of qi and blood around his body was stimulated, only listening to two hideous roars, and the next moment, a supreme yang to strong qi suddenly swirled!


“Aung Aung Aung!!”

Looking at it from a distance, behind Su Tian, I saw qi and blood filling the sky, two pure and fierce things, tearing up the sky, the dragon roaring at the top of the bend, the blood image roaring in the sky, and the divine power shook the universe!

Under such a terrifying prosperous world, there seems to be a rolling and stirring out!

Almost half of the sky is stained with qi and blood, like the remnants of the sunset!

Such a terrifying qi and blood power shocked the Bull Demon King in the distance, and he couldn’t believe the scene in front of him, and the two breaths mixed in such qi and blood power made him extremely embarrassed!

At this moment, two figures appeared not far away, one figure was as black as ink, with a strange mask, looking hideous!

“It’s Valhalla!”

Su Tian’s eyes were solemn, and he was not surprised by the arrival of the other party, but he seemed to only see a ghost face, if so, I am afraid that the blood shadow is still healing.

At this moment, in the distance, in the abyss of the huge sea, a bronze ancient ship slowly sailed along the bloody weather, like a majestic mountain, which made people feel small!

“Bronze ancient ship?!”

The Bull Demon King on the side looked extremely shocked, obviously not expecting that this kind of divine ship was actually of this kind!

In his inheritance memory, all the divine ships obtained by the qi and blood sacrifices were divided into three categories, silver divine ships, golden divine ships, and bronze ancient ships at this moment.

The first two contain great opportunities, are sacred ships, and even have many inheritances in them!

But only the bronze ancient ship is the most weird, in his memory inheritance, at the beginning, there were no gold and silver two kinds of sacred ships, only bronze ancient ships, and this ship is also called the ship of the dead.

It can be said that it wanders through endless years, and the weirdness of the infection is innumerable!

And the ghost face behind him rushed straight forward and shook the heavens and the earth, and the pitch-black spear in his hand pierced through the layers of void and directly attacked!

Su Tian’s face was solemn, inspiring the crying blood battle armor, and the broken star halberd appeared in his palm.

The dragon elephant phantom behind him roared angrily, and instantly rushed up!

The two forces collided fiercely, causing the void to tear, and Su Tian’s figure retreated hundreds of feet, just hitting the blow, it felt like the qi and blood around his body were tumbling!

The Bull Demon King in the distance had already trembled with his hooves in fear of this momentum.

“Six… Six turns of true god! ”

His face was extremely shocked, he didn’t expect that human beings would have such a powerful pursuer, and for a while, he couldn’t help but look pale, in vain my old cow is wise and wise, Zhou Fu is merry, but he has never fallen here today!

“You get on the boat first!”

Su Xiaodang was in front of the other party, and his aura entered the abyss like the sea, frantically winding above the void.

Hearing this, the Bull Demon King on the side couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, the other party actually Ken Palace?

Obviously, it was a little unexpected to him, but after a little thought, he gritted his teeth and rushed to the bronze ancient ship, although there were many crises in the bronze ancient ship, but compared to the profound six-turn true god, it could only be so!

And with his strength, even if he stays here, it will not be of much use, but it will add some trouble.

Seeing the other party on the boat, Su Yang held the sky with both hands, and in a flash, the heavens and the earth roared, and the law was suppressed by the heavens and the earth!

“God and Demon Heaven Shake Strike, first style!”

With an angry roar, Fa Tian Xiang struck angrily, shaking the sky, and the layers of space were wiped out under a punch!


Seeing this scene, the ghost face on one side snorted coldly, and the aura around his body rushed up

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