Chapter 502: The Greed of the Buddhist Sect Each Harbors a Ghost Birth!!!

Their strength is naturally not comparable to that of the true Dharma Buddha, so it was clear when they left the body and came here.

This time the leader is the descending dragon.

Instead of Buddha, but now Buddha wants to intervene and leave the dragon alone.

“What should we do?” the monk, who was reprimanded by Guangliang, couldn’t help but ask.

Of course, because he was scolded, he did not dare to speak directly, but transmitted a voice to ask some bodhisattvas and arhats present.

“What else can I do, this group of people from the Shangzong have not taken us seriously!”

“At that time, it is not for us to take the lead.”

“That is, there is an empty Buddha seat, but there is no Buddha’s cultivation, or the Buddha of our Smecta country has cultivation, and this Buddha seat is really a waste for them!”

“Baga, what do you mean?”

“Naturally take it, don’t tell me you don’t mean it.”

“I can’t say anything, but we think about them and for the cause of Buddhism.”

Suddenly a consciousness broke into this small circle.

“A bunch of idiots, you are so unscrupulous, you are not afraid that they will notice?”

Dozens of Buddhist people looked at the place where the master of consciousness was.

“What do you mean by Heartless Evil?”

A bodhisattva looked at the origin of the mana that spoke, and found that it was just an ordinary arhat, and asked very angrily.

“There is nothing interesting about being unintentional, it is to remind you to recognize the reality.”

“You use spiritual communication so wantonly, and you don’t care about the situation around you.”

“You either have bodhisattvas or arhats, how come there is no sense of proportion.”

This monk, unlike other monks, has obvious Buddha nature emerging, but the whole person seems a little strange, looking at the faces of everyone who was said by himself, he did not continue to question,

“Of course, you don’t have to worry, the poor monks won’t tell them, they just want each to do their own thing.”

Having said that, but the unintentional and evil behavior directly makes them unable to put their hearts at ease.

“After all, if no one else is sent from above, isn’t it just to give you a chance?”

As soon as these words fell, the Buddhist people from other regions suddenly choked in their hearts, and then their blood flooded with enthusiasm.

Yes, why, I don’t see other Buddhas, but some Buddhas who are not very strong.

Moreover, it is not someone else or the Dragon Descending Venerable who is the leader, this is to realize that as long as they pave the way, they can directly replace it, and there is no need to worry at all.

Wuxin looked at everyone whose faces were flushed with excitement, and sneered slightly in his heart: “It’s really a group of barbarians!” ”

“Junior Brother, you are really interested.”

A voice came from next to his ear, and Wuxinxi’s face was calm.

As he said, how could such unbridled spiritual conversation go unnoticed by others.

He was not surprised that he was discovered.

He only glanced at the person who was transmitting the voice and replied, “Senior brother, this is not the case. ”

“Haha, I’m just curious and want to see how the Buddhist people in other areas are.”

“However, looking at it today, I have indeed seen a lot.”

“Hey, they’re about to finish discussing, junior brother is worried.”

Hearing this, Wuxin also looked at the place where the Buddha was.

Worried about what?

Unintentional evil naturally knows who it refers to.

But that’s not important, what matters is how they can use their current strengths to grow further.

In the chaotic gap, there is nothing to feel.

If you want to go further, it is very difficult.

Only by redeeming military merit can you cast a projection and enter other worlds to increase your heritage.

And now there is such a shallow chaos, naturally to make good use of it.

Of course, if the Buddhist sect can occupy this place, it will naturally do a good job.

But he doesn’t have much hope for it.

“I have discussed with you Buddhas, I need some helpers next, are you willing to join in?”

The other side.

The white crane, who occupied the world of chaos of the four forces, suddenly had a thought.

His eyes looked at the other people.

“I wonder what your junior brothers have planned?”

Qingniu, Niu, Zhao Gongming, Wudang, and Jin Guang heard the transmission, all of them separated a trace of immortal knowledge from the world.

As the only few Da Luo projections present, the world they occupy is the world that occupies the power of other myths.

“Senior Brother Bai He, the origin of the world is a little chaotic, it seems that it can only be better sorted out with the help of external forces!”

Our Lady of Wudang speaks of her approach to the world

“Well, I also think that the three forces are intertwined, coupled with our strength, there are too many changes” Hearing the words of others, Zhao Gongming also responded in agreement.

“Then what kind of external force do you use!”

Jin Guang was a little curious.

“Isn’t it just to tackle tough problems?”

Qingniu and Niu both said in confusion.

“I really thought of a piece!”

Su Yangzi Mansion knows the sea.

Dao Dao spiritual light emitted, and the three thousand avenue light wheel had disappeared without a trace.

A black hybrid light wheel appeared behind Su Tian’s divine soul.

Three Thousand Avenues flow slowly in it.

At this moment, the power of creation, moral qi, primordial power and other supreme forces have disappeared.

Even the system has disappeared at this moment, and the foundation created by the foundation of the system has completely turned into the power of his own cultivation at this moment.

There are no more troubles.

The law is circulating, condensing one orb after another, shining in the mixed yuan light wheel, and rotating with a unique rhythm.

When you pull into the field of vision, you will find that there are some orbs, but a dream-like world.

Witches, humans, demons, spirits, angels, elves and other races live in it.

And at a very fast speed towards the future, the light shines and gradually subsides.

The sea of color has become dull at this moment.

Su Xiao opened his eyes, the light of the mixed yuan in the mountains flashed, and the black pupils were as bright as the galaxy.


Feel the changes in the whole body, as well as the connection that was originally underworld, as if the essence of convergence appeared in front of you.

Although most of the line in front of you has been cut off.

But the line that poked into the middle of nowhere still radiated.

“What about the causal line!”


Su Yang collected his mind and converged the natural mixed yuan eye.

Then look at the whole space.

Especially then, there is basically no place to change again.

Then he looked at Nuwa, who had been guarding him for a long time

“Nuwa, what doubts do you have?”

Su Xiao was a little curious, why didn’t Nuwa go to see those people at this moment.

Nuwa does have a lot of doubts to ask at the moment, but she knows that this is not the time to ask the end, and she asks.

“Ancestral God, Nuwa does have doubts.”

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