Chapter 503 Mythical cultivation is not easy, and the power of mythology is not easy!!

“However, these can be asked later, Ancestral God!”

“Now Nuwa just wants to ask, how to practice!”

Su Xiao was a little surprised by Nuwa’s words, it seems that the myths of Linfan did give her a lot of doubts, as for the meaning of the last sentence, he naturally knows why.

After all, as the Great Luo Hong Wilderness, only she controlled the power of mythology, and she was just like her in the face of a large group of people who suddenly appeared.

And it looks like there are also practice methods.

This is the biggest attraction and the most impatient for her.

However, this method of practice…

Su Xiao recalled that a hundred years ago, the Snail Emperor’s warning.

I didn’t know how to answer for a while.

For him, teaching the Dharma and Nuwa, he is not exclusive.

On the contrary, with her, the goal of his own practice reference has become one more person, and it is also a supreme projection, and if he grows up, it will undoubtedly help him greatly.

“Nuwa, your fate is not with me, you need to experience the power in your body, it should be able to give you the answer!”

In the end, Su Yang still followed the will of the Emperor of Snails, after all, when practicing the art of outer pills, he could clearly feel the supreme power.

Now turn around and dig a hole for Nuwa, for him, it can’t be done.

Nuwa’s face moved slightly, and then calmly accepted Su Tian’s statement.

“There are only other questions, see what time there is, and then talk to you in detail!”

After Su Xiao finished speaking, he stepped towards the void.

Countless figures appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

“Everyone, if you have chosen the world, then come with me!”

Feeling that Su Tian’s breath changed again, the Buddhist people who were originally a little impatient to move instantly choked in their hearts.

“What’s going on, this breath is not quite right!”

As either Heavenly Immortals or Taiyi, they obviously felt the completely different power contained in their breath.

“It won’t be, the back hand left by the Archmage!”

Some Tianxian couldn’t help but guess in their hearts and said.

“This power…”

“I thought that the senior brother saw the supreme face, plus the fact of the Daomen, so he recognized his status as a Daomen junior brother. I never expected that I would give all the outer pills down! ”

Looking at Su Tian, who disappeared from view again, and the Void Gate that appeared, Chi Sperm couldn’t help muttering, telling the surprise and shock in his heart.

In the Daomen, as a recognized Daomen master brother Xuandu, who does not know the master brother’s method of preaching.

But when I know, I understand what magical power this method has.


“Unexpectedly, my red sperm also has such an opportunity!”

Surprised and shocked, Chi Sperm became very excited and hurriedly used mana to wrap the world.

“It’s really heavy!”

Feeling the weight of the world, the red sperm’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise, and he was a little impulsive to see the origin contained inside.

But thinking of Su Tian, he still resisted the impulse and directly held the world, thinking of the Void Gate and walking.

There are also those members of the second generation, but they are much more silent compared to the junior brother who has a lot of words.

How clearly they could discern the origin of this sudden extra change, and at the same time understand what it meant.

So hearing Su Tian’s words, they just replied.

“There is Senior Brother Lao.”

Then he also held the world in his hand and entered the Void Gate.

And his people, the third generation of disciples who also know but are not very clear, as well as some mythical people who have been famous for a long time, are also thankful.

He followed Su Yang out of this space in the same way.

As the crowd departed.

The whole space became quiet, and Nuwa frowned when she looked at the breath born from the influence of the power of mythology.

Suddenly, a figure appeared again, but it was Su Yang who went and returned.

“Nuwa, I’ll take them into Chaos, and those will be handed over to you!”

Saying that, Su Yang pointed to the breath born of the power of mythology (mana), and those who had been tightened.

“You will manage them later!”

“Obey the orders of the ancestor god!”

Nuwa saluted respectfully and responded.

“As for those people, just keep an eye on them.”

After speaking, Su Yang used his divine sense to confirm whether there was still a mythical projection in the space, and after confirming it, he slowly disappeared.

After Nuwa saw that Su Xiao really left the Nuwa realm, she looked at those mythical forces.

Then he reached out and collected the breath.

But I didn’t want to, and directly condensed in my hand, a wisp of power.

Counting corresponds to these three thousand.

And no more, no less, the power condensed by the breath is just one unit.

Nuwa was a little surprised, I don’t know if they did it deliberately, or if this is the power of mythology itself.

But after thinking about it, in the end, I didn’t pay attention to it, but focused on other people.

In the space where the mythical power intervened, the original flow rate was also restored at this moment.

Originally fastened one by one, the power of Honghuang came back at this moment.

As the creator of this space, the power she has is also back in her hands at this moment.

“It’s a bunch of,… Unimaginable existence. ”

Thinking of this, Nuwa couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

At the same time, with the help of power, she also saw the few people that Su Xiao said.

The visions on the nodes that were originally rushing seemed to disappear for a while.

There are only three constantly churning clear qi, and still constantly swallowing chaotic qi.

It seems that the next time it will appear, and it seems that the next time, it will disappear.

In the mystery, but also between cause and effect, Nuwa couldn’t help but be shocked and curious, because she felt a somewhat strange but somewhat familiar feeling.

“What the hell happened?”

A low, but angry voice sounded.

Interrupted Nuwa’s curiosity.

When he turned his head, he understood Di Jun, and his face was full of anger!

At this moment, not only him, but also the other Da Luo on the side had extremely angry faces on their faces, and their faces were difficult to see.

Nuwa’s eyes moved slightly, a creation power emerged, looking at the long river of time, she saw the scene of their loss of mind in an instant.

It turned out that at the moment she appeared, a power emanated from all those people.

Even she could clearly feel the throbbing of those people.

It seems to be a little out of control.

Then when they revealed their power, the whole world was completely still, never recorded again.

As for the sacred appearance of the ancestor god, he really did not have any impression at all

“Maybe only a cultivator with this similar power can ignore the impact they bring?”

Nuwa secretly speculated about Daocai.

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