Chapter 504 The angry roar is only an impotent counterattack!!!

Time and space were suddenly quiet, and no one could answer Di Jun’s words.

But they all looked at Nuwa.

Because in their memory, they have seen Nuwa reveal her unique power.

“Nuwa, who are they?”

Being named by others, Nuwa was a little unhappy in her heart, but she thought that it was also for the sake of the Great Luo Hong Desolate World, and she pressed it down.

“I don’t know, but looking at the appearance of the ancestor god, I should know, but it’s a pity that the ancestor god didn’t say.”

It wasn’t intentional, because she wasn’t quite sure who those people were.

Just through their conversations, I know the names of some people and guess their general strength.

“Don’t know?”

Di Jun’s face froze and anger welled up again, and his eyes showed disbelief.

Nuwa has that mysterious power, and like those people, how can it be impossible to know.

Saying this now seems perfunctory to him.

“If you don’t believe it, you can go to the ancestor god, presumably the ancestor god will tell you!”

Nuwa saw the change in Dijun’s expression in her eyes, and when it reached their realm, as long as they showed their thoughts, they could see more.

Only thoughts hidden in the heart can not be detected by others.

And at this moment, Di Jun completely forgot this, or because of the touch brought by those people, too shocking and too strange, instructing him to not be able to fully control his heart, naturally showing his inner thoughts, in the face of Di Jun’s such a look, Nuwa naturally said unceremoniously that it was no longer the world of Honghuang Daluo at this moment, it was her Nuwa realm.

“Very good, Nuwa, don’t think that you have the support of this ancestral god, you can be unscrupulous, you are not in that power, come!” Let me see what you really do! ”

Di Jun, who was stunned by Nuwa, felt that the audience’s vision was focused on himself, and couldn’t help but be angry, wanting to be a male and female.

“And slowly, Dijun Daoyou!”

Seeing that things were not developing correctly, Queen Mother Xi hurriedly spoke out to block it.

“Queen Mother Xi, you get out of the way, I must teach a good lesson today, this junior!”

Di Jun saw that he suddenly appeared not far in front of him, blocking the direction in which he was going, and persuaded.

“Sister, you get out of the way, Dijun is not a flood wasteland now, you have the blessing of the world, but don’t forget that I have the entire borderless blessing!”

“Really want to fight, don’t say I bully you then!”

Nuwa saw Dijun like this, and she was also very angry in her heart, and she was already saying it in a good voice, but she actually lost her temper.

Do you really think that you only have the power of mythology to mobilize?

That’s underestimating yourself.

“Nuwa sister, sister, don’t be angry, don’t be angry!”

At this moment, Zhurong, who didn’t know which tendon was wrong, came to Nuwa from the world he was in, crossed the space, and persuaded.

Looking at the other Da Luo, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It’s really strange that there are so many things every day.

A tenacious ancestral witch also has a time to persuade people.

“I don’t have a brother like you,” Nuwa retorted directly when she saw the smile on Zhu’s face.

Zhu Rong’s face froze, and then he turned his head with some confusion to look at the world where the Wu Clan was located.

Pangu, who could see in the distance, couldn’t help but pat his head.

Just signal Di Jiang to go.

“Nuwa Daoyou, you misunderstood, my brother just said that he was close and didn’t really have the plan you thought!”

Di Jiang appeared in front of Nuwa to explain.

Then he said his intentions: “That’s right, you also saw what happened to us before, so everyone is a little worried, and when this situation occurs in the future, I don’t know how to face it.” ”

“It’s, it’s just, it’s just, it’s not really intentional,” Zhu Rong quickly apologized.

But God the Father called him to practice human feelings, but he did not forget it.

Nuwa carefully looked at Di Jiang’s appearance, and Di Jun, who was just angry but did not make a move, and then looked at the others, seeing their expressions, she could see that they all had this idea.

After thinking about it in her shoes, she also understood that when facing that group, she was indeed very powerless and had no power to resist.

No wonder Di Jun, even if he knows that he may not be able to beat himself in the mythical state, he wants to fight.

Because only after the battle can we truly understand and truly appreciate the power of those people.

Thinking of this, Nuwa couldn’t help but look at everyone with pity.

It seemed to feel a hint of pity in Nuwa’s gaze on herself.

Di Jun’s face became more and more ugly, but there was no previous atmosphere.

In the end, it is not enough strength and opportunity for yourself.

I can’t blame others.

Being able to cultivate the realm of the beginning, will Di Jun’s heart be very poor?


The reason why these things came out is because the things they are facing are too strange.

It has completely exceeded his expectations.

It can be understood that in the entire Daluo Hong Wilderness, there are tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of living beings, but there are only two people who can have more of that power.

It’s the ancestral god and Nuwa.

The others, even Pangu, and even the demon gods who could drive chaos bodies, did not have this power.

In this way, this probability must be extremely rare, even if there are countless people in the outside world, he absolutely believes that this number is not much.

Even if there is a battle in the face.

But as a result, thousands of people appeared in front of him, and they had just taken shape and had a power that they did not have, even when they were observing.

In just a little time, so many people appeared.

The impact of this scene on them, how can people who have not experienced the difference in it, and even the reason, understand.

This is also one of the reasons why Dijun is angry.

Even the Queen Mother of the West, the reason for stopping it.

“Everyone, you also feel the power possessed by the ancestral god’s body, know some of the essence of this power, and think that this is the strength of the power!”

“Actually, it’s completely wrong to think so.”

“What we know is nothing more than the capabilities that come with these forces.”

“With the people who use them, they not only freeze time, imprison space, tighten your consciousness, and even the power that you are proud of. All in an instant with them. ”

“This may be the reason why Dijun Daoyou, so he is angry!”

Saying this, Nuwa glanced at Dijun again.


Hearing Nuwa’s words, Di Jun showed a cold face and snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Because this sentence is not to ridicule him, but to explain for him why he did this.

Nuwa didn’t care, the Lord was strict, she understood this.

Instead, he continued: “In our eyes, in fact, in their eyes, it is hundreds, thousands of years, or even millions of years! ”

“In the face of such a magnificent force, we have no ability to resist, we have no intention of resisting, only to be slaughtered.”

“And they’re extremely powerful and greedy.”

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