Chapter 506: Nuwa’s Calculation, Killing Chickens and Deterring Monkeys!!

“Incomparably powerful!”

“It’s obsessive!”

Takagigami’s face froze, and then he felt the changes in his body, especially the feeling brought about by the surging power.

and the indescribable abilities of the power of mythology.

Takagijin couldn’t help laughing, his face was only excited and obsessed!

The momentum exploded suddenly.

The immense momentum began to spread out with Takagi God as the center.

The powerful momentum made everyone’s hearts involuntarily, and then found that a force directly pressed down the surroundings.

Time and space condense, making everyone unable to move.

“I am the king!!!”

The powerful power fills Takagi God with absolute confidence.

At this moment, his eyes showed only greed and tyranny.

“And you are my queen!”

A stride appeared directly in front of Nuwa, wanting to reach out and touch Nuwa’s cheek.


A stream of light came from Nuwa’s body, and her body suddenly appeared.

Confinement is broken.


An ear slapped Takagi in the face.

Suddenly on his face, a red handprint was made,

“Really, what kind of mythical power, what kind of master!”

“The former master was greedy and ignored the environment, and the current owner is already like this.”

“If you think you have the power of mythology, you will be able to stand above you divine and rank with me.”

“What a joke!”

“He also vainly tried to take himself as the king, and take me as the queen, and he really didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.”

The cold voice made Gao Mushen, who was originally blinded by a sudden slap, immediately react, and extreme anger suddenly rushed from his heart.

His eyes looked at Nuwa viciously.

“You dare to hit me!!”

At this moment, he completely took Nuwa’s words as the wind in his ears and completely ignored them.

The female entertainment eyes looked at the self-righteous guy in front of her indifferently.

“A small character who achieves Da Luo with the help of a small path, has the power of mythology, and thinks he is invincible, which is really ugly.”

Saying that, Nuwa slapped Takagi God in the face again.

Just let the two slap prints face each other.

“Bastard, I want you to die.”

It’s a pity that the slap did not awaken the god of Takagi, but stimulated the violence in his heart, under the impression of the power of mythology.

Immediately launched an attack on the queen.

One blow emitted the law of Chiyang blood gang, and with the power of mythology, it hit Nuwa fiercely.

Seeing that the momentum was like the coercion of heaven and earth, with a blow of boundless power, Nuwa only snorted coldly!

The flowing light on the body flows, a force of creation, directly transforming the power of destruction.

With a wave of Nuwa’s sleeve.

Bombard Takagi God.

The power of mythology collapsed, turning into a mythical breath and scattering in all directions.

Under the bombardment, Takagi God was like a kite that had dropped the line, falling directly down.

“This time I will teach you a lesson, dare to bother again in the future, blame me for not thinking of being a member of the same Honghuang.”

The streamer flickered and gradually disappeared.

The mythical breath, under the smelting of Nuwa, was re-transformed into a mythical power.

Time and space have been restored.

But at the same time, the entire Nuwa world fell silent.

This time and space confinement is not as before, imprisoning everything, but only imprisoning their space and the time of this world.

Their own mana and consciousness were not imprisoned.

It was because they took the scene between Takagi God and Nuwa to heart.

In addition to a new understanding of the power of mythology, I also have a clear understanding of Takagi God.

Of course, thanks to the desire of the gods of Takagi, they clearly know that it is a powerful mythical power with a strong negative ability.

Stimulate the desire in the heart, and even affect the judgment of the mind.

Of course, the main reason why they were really surprised and silent was that in the face of Nuwa, who was a hundred times more powerful than a thousand times more powerful, she just waved her hand slightly, and directly defeated him, and even directly scattered the power of mythology.

Even afterwards, the ability to re-condense the power of mythology.

“Guys, do you understand what I’m saying?”

Nuwa’s eyes swept over, and when she saw that they were all interested, she spoke up.

“What Nuwa Daoist said, Poor Dao has understood that this mythical power seems to be able to be used directly, but in fact, if you want to really master it, you need me to wait for the heart.”

“As Daoist friends said, the better the fit, the greater the help, there is a myth counter-engulfing, look more, this mythical power is because of the original owner, making them difficult to tame.”

A man dressed in linen walked out, caught Nuwa’s words, and said his opinion…

“Yes, there is this difficulty, but compared to the power of mythology, the future of Daoists is the most important. I received nine parts of the mythical power from the ancestral gods, and they are different in nature, and the power they have, I don’t know very well. Put it here now. As for how to tame Sichuan clothes, I don’t know how to do it! ”

Nuwa said and took out the power of nine myths and pushed them into the void.

Nine parts is the largest amount that Nuwa can come up with, and no matter how much Nuwa can take, she is a little worried about the impact on the borderless.

And this is not given away in vain.

After what happened just now, Nuwa was a little worried.

The Buddhist disciple who seems to have a good face may have bad ideas.

Although with the presence of the ancestor god, you can keep peace for a while, but the problem is this protection, and I don’t know if it can last for a long time.

Therefore, in order to prepare for possible dangers in the future, Nuwa decided to take out the power of nine myths so that they also have the strength to fight.

As for whether it will surpass her, come to a scene of a finch’s nest.

She wasn’t worried at all.

I heard that Nuwa has nine mythical powers in her hands,… The crowd was taken aback.

Especially when they saw the female doll directly launch the power of mythology, everyone was excited, but even so, they did not rush up like the last time, but tested one by one.

Even be prepared in case it gets out of control.

They don’t want to be the second person to be defeated by Nuwa.

Seeing that everyone was so orderly, Nuwa flew away from the place.

Head towards where the Queen Mother of the West is.

“Sister Nuwa, I haven’t seen her for a long time, I don’t want to meet again, but I actually brought such a big surprise to my sister.”

Looking at the flying Nuwa, Queen Mother Xi withdrew the shock in her heart, and then said with joy from her heart.

“I also ask my sister for forgiveness, Nuwa has indeed had a lot of things recently, and I only came to see my sister now” Nuwa smiled with a few people on her face, walked to the Queen Mother of the West, and took the Queen Mother of the West and said.

“The two of us sisters, we still need to say this, but I don’t know if my sister can point out my sister, is there a suitable sister for the power of mythology there?”

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