Chapter 507 Verifying the Mystery of Mythology, the Secret of Shallow Chaos!!

The Queen Mother of the West is also not pretentious, and directly and frankly says her thoughts.

“Sister, it was created by the ancestor god, compared to the power of mythology required, it is unusual, why not wait for the ancestor god to return, you will ask again.”

When the female entertainment said, she also blinked, and there was something else in her eyes.

When the Queen Mother of the West heard this, her eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and then when she saw Nuwa’s appearance, the Queen Mother of the West, who was already like a sister, instantly understood what she meant.

The smile on his face couldn’t help but get a little brighter.

“In that case, then I will wait for the Father to return.”

After speaking, the Queen Mother of the West ordered the Da Luo behind her.

“You all go and give it a try.”

“Yes!” ×16。

The Da Luo standing behind them saluted the Queen Mother of the West one after another, and then flew down.

“Your Majesty.”

Di Jun, the Da Luo behind Taiyi and the others, saw that the people of the Queen Mother of the West were passing, so they couldn’t help but shout.

“Why didn’t the Queen Mother of the West go?”

At this moment, the thought flashed through the mighty minds of the emperors, “Go too.” ”

In the midst of chaos.

Boundless chaos, flowing wantonly.

Look down from the extreme height of chaos.

You will see bubbles appear in the crystal ball of chaos.

They are far away from each other, and none of them are next to each other.

And in every bubble, there is the same figure.

“This barrier is used to protect you and is the medium you need to enter that space.”

Su Yang looked at the handsome man in front of him who was wearing knotted white clothes and carrying a long sword on his back, and explained.

“Thank you Uncle Junior for your guidance.”

Lu Dongbin said with a slight salute of thanks.

“I would say this to anyone, I can’t say anything, but I am very curious about one more thing.”

For the identity of his junior uncle, Su Xiao did not rule it out, and even directly used the convenience of his identity to say to Lu Dongbin unceremoniously.

Lu Dongbin showed doubts, a little puzzled, and saluted: “Please ask Uncle Shi to say.” ”

“Buddha Guanyin, do you have cause and effect with her?”

Lu Dongbin was stunned when he heard this: “How did Uncle Junior know that I have cause and effect with Guanyin. ”

“Sure enough!”

In fact, for this matter, Su Yang is not very sure that Lu Dongbin, as a Daomen disciple, should be guarded by Daomen seniors.

In the previous life, there was a legend of Lu Dongbin teasing Guanyin, and some people knew that Guanyin Dashi pointed out the TV of Misty, and in general, there was cause and effect.

Moreover, among the myths known in the previous life, there are different theories, saying that Lu Dongbin is the reincarnation of the Eastern Prince, and some say that he is the reincarnation of Huayang Zhenren.

It is not clear who it is.

However, one thing is certain, if it is really the reincarnation of the Eastern Prince, according to the supreme status, how can Guanyin Master have the qualification to guide the supreme reincarnation.

So he teases with Lu Dongbin about the cause and effect of Guanyin.

Hearing Su Tian’s words, Lu Dongbin was stunned, and then asked: “I don’t know, does Uncle Junior know something about Dongbin?” ”

“Nothing, that is, you need to distinguish clearly in the future, I’m gone, you can sort out the world well.”

After speaking, Su Yang left the place.

The same question also appeared on the third generation of Daomen’s disciples, especially the Eight Immortals, because it was related to their attitude towards them in the future.

“I don’t know the covenant between the Daomen and the Buddha Gate, but the behavior of the Buddha Gate is indeed disgusting!”

Hearing the behavior of those Buddhist disciples not long ago, as well as the people behind those Buddhist disciples, Su Yang naturally did not have a good impression.

He could tell perfectly what they were.

Especially the group of people in the island country, compared to the Dingguang Buddha, there are more than that.

That’s right, in a short period of contact, there is not even much intersection.

Su Xiao relied on his own strength over others to see their respective essences clearly.

For example, the Three Buddha Gates, the Island Buddhism Gate, the Sipita Buddha Gate, or some fragmentary Buddhist disciples.

Among the hundreds of people, only a very small number of them were Buddhist disciples who were essentially Shenzhou and even Honghuang.

Even those who died through the sacrifice were some foreign Buddhist disciples.

Therefore, instead of collectively calling the Buddhist Sect, it is better to say the chaotic Buddhist Sect Alliance.

If it weren’t for the fact that they themselves were celestial immortals, Su Yang wanted to directly eliminate them so that when facing them, Su Yang had nothing to say, just said to comb the world, can’t leave the barrier, just leave directly.

They were not given the slightest chance to speak.

“Why do they value the chaos they have created so much?” Looking at the vastness, nothing is seen in the darkness.

Even when he just stepped out of the world, he couldn’t see where the original world was.

“There is something in this chaotic enemy.”

“So much so that the master brother is also in Fanfan, and he also gives himself the Waidan Sect, and there are a few who are inseparable.”

From the previous contact, it can be seen that they know a lot about the existence of those people.

“What the hell is going on, although it’s all a mythical projection, it’s also an attitude.”

Su Xiao was a little unsure for a while, the most likely one, and the power of mythology was already beyond his details, so that it was difficult to ponder.

“Forget it, whether it’s because of other reasons or because of your own chaos, you can only understand it slowly.”

If you can’t be sure, then don’t pay attention, now first understand from what you can do.

Thinking of this, Su Yang slowly closed his eyes and mobilized the strength of his body.

In the chaos, countless law fragments gathered and turned into air currents.

The chaotic light wheel slowly rises, and countless laws and rules are revealed, like thin threads one by one, like three thousand troubled silks, dancing in the chaos with shimmering light, exhaling chaotic qi.

Contained and dancing, in the mixed yuan light wheel, the brilliant galaxy rotates leisurely.

The Origin Qi transformed from the Chaotic Qi that the world swallowed, the originally ethereal world with its power, began to feel like having an entity.

“Qi of Chaos.”

Su Xiao closed his eyes slightly, using his divine sense to check the changes in the mixed yuan light wheel, and some completely different changes were fed back in the divine consciousness.

“Life, life, anger, life… Why they behave a little differently. ”

In the original law, the law of life, and even the vitality and vitality contained in the avenue, can be sorted out from the mixed element light wheel, but they are fundamentally different.

“Could it be that we’ve always been mistaken?”

Su Xiao clearly felt that several avenues were acting in the bodies of living beings, even if they were illusory creatures, but because under the chaotic light wheel, whether they were illusory or real, it was not very certain at this point.

What is unreal and what is real, because in front of the real avenue, the illusory avenue, they can switch at will.

Therefore, Su Xiao was more intellectually oriented and mistaken with himself.

However, common sense, and even in the practice of practitioners, follow this same conclusion, that Bin is angry and angry is only the embodiment of the energy contained in life.

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