Chapter 508: The Price of Peeping Secrets_Alternative Usage of Mythical Power!!

But now, upgrades are not only reflected in life weight, but also in other places.

Unexpected discoveries, as well as common sense as they are known, clash, and an invisible repression fills the heart.

“Are we wrong, or are they already incomparably sublimated because of chaos?”

“In the end, there is a distinction between superiors and subordinates in the avenue, and whether all the roads follow a certain standard the most!”

The collision of reason and common sense made Su Yang flood with various thoughts.

Inexplicable thoughts come to mind, and uncontrollable thoughts come to mind

“No, no, it shouldn’t, or the extreme of life, the extreme of death, they are actually extremes themselves, as for the so-called cathode yang, anode yin out, in fact, they themselves are chaotic results of the result.”

“And how can pure yin and yang exist, or nothing, how to give birth to something, there is only one explanation, that is, there is only something, and there is nothing.”

“What about yourself, no, no, it won’t be…”

The mind is chaotic, and under the mixed yuan light wheel, all explanations are delusional.

The furnace emerged, and the thoughts of the Dao Dao suddenly flowed into the sea, and finally turned into dust.

Su Tian, who came back to his senses, looked at the chaos in front of him in horror.

“What the hell is going on!”

The previous scene was in his mind, and he couldn’t believe what he had done before.

They are actually self-doubting and denying themselves.

Is chaos really so terrible?

Su Tian, who had lingering palpitations, withdrew the chaotic light chaos and stopped absorbing.

Sure enough, after not swallowing the chaotic qi, Su Yang’s heart was at ease.

“Could it be because my strength is not enough?”

For his intuition, Su Yang still believes very much, maybe it is really because of his strength.

I didn’t see that those mythological projections were all flocking to chaos, and there was no scruple of self-denial.

“Could it be because of the mythical concept?”

As a mythical real person, Su Xiao knew that the most essential difference between celestial immortals and real people was the concept of mythology.

The concept of a past life is well understood, that is, to leave a name in mythology, and to reveal its own concept in mythology.

But here, the concept of mythology is more of a force beyond common sense, responding to the heavens and all worlds, transcending the extremes of all worlds, and sublimating in another realm.

And this realm, he is not very clear, only knows that through the long river of concepts, out of the world’s heavens and worlds, heavens and earth, to the source of mythology, to the mythical concept.

How to do it, but step by step.

Master Brother Xuandu, the waidan given is a way to enter the source of mythology.

But in the same way, in the information left by the supreme, it also gives the feasible results of his own cultivation method.

He has the method of cultivation, but this road will be extremely long.

“Forget it, take one step at a time!”

Thinking of this, Su Yang put aside his thoughts, and his divine light flickered.

Hybrid binocular open.

See where Nuwa Realm is.

The figure moved and left the place.

In chaos, there is no distance, because in space it is already close to nothingness.

But at the same time, there is distance, and as long as he has the idea of space, he needs to step out of the distance in their hearts.

As the original master of the chaotic layer, although he had the idea of space, he did not have this idea at the same time.

There is a real privilege.

It is to be able to ignore the oppression of chaos and the empty environment and return directly to the Nuwa realm.

In the Nuwa world, the power of the nine myths is still staying in place, although it has been tested by many people, but there is still no taste of the Takagi God at that time.

At most, it is to grab, and there is no choice to absorb.

They were not carried away by greed, but carefully recalled Nuwa’s every word and every action.

“They are extremely powerful and very greedy.”

Looking back on this sentence, they understand that greed may be one of the criteria for choosing the power of myth in front of them.

So Da Luo, who went to the temptation, was somewhat prepared and did not be too disappointed.

Although the mind of a person who can preach Honghuang Daluo may be a little high, he still knows his own cognition and what kind of character he has very well.

Although this is based on some ordinary circumstances, now with Nuwa’s invisible oppression, anyone has returned to their senses.

I did not get carried away by the power of mythology and exposed my true nature.

And now they are all self-aware people, as well as some big Luo who want to prove that they have no second heart.

For example, the sixteen Da Luo under the Queen Mother of the West, the ministers behind Di Jun, as well as those cultivators of the Terran race, and some Da Luo with a better nature.

For the thoughts of their group, the Queen Mother of the West also guessed a little, but she didn’t feel wrong.

What they did was also a reminder to several people not to forget them.

As a few people at the top of the field, even if they did not obtain the power of mythology for the first time, they would definitely be much stronger than them in the future.

It is good to take a dip under the big tree, so instead of expecting that you will be stronger in the future, surpassing a few of them, it is impossible to be delusional, it is better to show your mentality so that you will not be liquidated in the future.

“The ancestor god is back.”

Just as the Queen Mother of the West and Nuwa watched the temptations of everyone below.

A subtle spatial change was fed back in Nuwa’s heart, and she knew who it was as soon as her mind moved, so she transmitted the sound to the Queen Mother of the West.

“God the Father is back? Where? ”

When the Queen Mother of the West heard this, her originally worried heart suddenly became excited, and she hurriedly asked in a voice.

“Sister, come with me” Nuwa said with a wave of her hand, waiting for the place where the Queen Mother of the West left.

This scene was immediately noticed by other people who paid attention to Nuwa.

Mind concurrently, open and look around.

However, the time and space of the Nuwa world are almost infinite, and even if they are difficult to detect where Nuwa appeared.

“Nuwa, meet the ancestor god.”

“Queen Mother of the West, meet God the Father.”

Su Yang had just entered less than a few breaths when he heard the voices of the two.

I also saw two people coming out of the void.

A little surprised to look at the Queen Mother of the West who came with her.

Then the divine thoughts dispersed, surveyed the changes in the entire time and space, saw what the group of people were doing at the moment, and also understood the purpose of the Queen Mother of the West.

“Nuwa, you are really willing!”

Su Xiao was not surprised by the appearance of the power of mythology, after all, it was Nuwa, and she was also Nuwa who was given the power of creation by the Snail Emperor!

Being able to collect those mythical qi and condense the power of mythology was not a difficult thing for her.

On the contrary, Nuwa actually took out the power of the nine myths so generously and directly to let others try to fuse, which surprised him.

“Ancestral God, to put it mildly, Nuwa just got these mythical powers by chance, so there is no problem of reluctance.”

Nuwa replied with a little smile on her face.

“Your mind is really…”

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