Chapter 509: The Queen Mother of the West Seeks the Law, Traveling Through the Past is Extraordinary!!!

“It’s okay to let others see the group of people around you, who they are.”

What Nuwa had in mind, Su Xiao may not be very clear, but one thing is certain, Nuwa must have a bad idea.

For this, Su Yang didn’t mind.

And I think it’s not bad to do that.

Although there was the help of mythical projection, it was still not enough after all, and for the sake of perfection, Su Yang still started the original plan.

“I know where you’re coming from, but before that…”

After Su Xiao said Nuwa, he looked at the Queen Mother of the West.

He knew the purpose of the Queen Mother of the West and was willing to give it to her, but a person, or a force, was not his purpose.

So while speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved.

Several figures fell directly from the void.

These people are Di Jun, Taiyi, and Haotian.

“Queen Mother Xi, Nuwa.”

As soon as the three of them stabilized their bodies, they saw Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi, and they were slightly shocked in their hearts.

I thought that Nuwa had moved the authority and asked him to come over.

“What are you looking for us for?”

Di Jun, Tai Yi Haotian saw each other, his heart relaxed, and he asked.

However, instead of answering, they saw the other two looking at them with strange eyes.

“Queen Mother of the West?”

Haotian frowned, a little angry.

“Fellow Daoists, please take a closer look around!”

The Queen Mother of the West said, turning her head to look at the void.

The scene she saw really made her frown, because the place where Su Yang was originally located was empty at the moment.

Seeing this, Nuwa’s heart moved, and a little spiritual light emanated from her eyes, and the power of mythology was quietly activated.

I saw that at this moment, Su Tian’s body exuded divine qi, like a manifestation of the avenue, which made her can’t help but look a little obsessed.

And Nuwa’s change in expression made Queen Mother Xi flash a trace of doubt, but then a guess came to mind.

“Is this going to be dismounted, or is it a test?”

None of the people present were blind, Nuwa had been looking at a place in the void, and they naturally knew where there was a presence that they could not see.

As for what, it’s easy to guess.

Especially following the direction that Nuwa was looking at, after checking, it was not the direction in which the power of the nine myths was located.

And there is only one kind of divine eyes and divine thoughts that can isolate several of them.

That is the Father who controls the power of mythology.

“Dijun (Taiyi) (Haotian), see Father God” The three of them came to Nuwa and bowed forward.

Looking at Nuwa’s appearance, Su Xiao didn’t know that this was because of Nuwa.

After taking a closer look, I did find that Nuwa’s gaze was not on herself, but on the Dao Dao essence emanating from her body.

Worthy of being Nuwa, even then you will be attracted by the avenue.

Yes, in her gaze, men and women are different, only the difference in body structure, as for the strange feeling, for them, it is only a small branch of the avenue.

They don’t have any love and hate, only Taoists, and only Taoists.

And this Taoist couple is not a man and a woman, but a person of passage, a creature who pursues the road together.

The light converged, the avenue was hidden, and Nuwa slowly came to her senses, her face looked slightly touched.

“Thank you for the guidance of the ancestor god!”

Su Xiao was helpless, and then put it aside.

“The main reason for seeing you here this time is to let you understand the difference between the power of mythology.”

“But it seems that my behavior this time has no effect at all,”

“The power of mythology given by Nuwa has given you a direct understanding, and as for its application, this will not be difficult for you.”

“I have a method here, it is a method that can refine the power of mythology, you guys will take a look first!”

Su Yang said and stretched out his hand a little, a little spiritual light flashed, flew out of Su Tian’s fingertips Dijun, Taiyi, Haotian looked at each other, and then all focused on the body of the Queen Mother of the West.

With Nuwa’s identity and relationship, the first to step forward will naturally not be the three of them.

Seemingly understanding what the three of them were thinking, Su Xiao also looked at the Queen Mother of the West.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Queen Mother of the West stepped forward.

Probe it with your divine mind.

A stream of information then appeared in her mind.

Consciousness begins to browse, and the Dharma opens up his own mystery and reveals its own extraordinary.

Di Jun, Taiyi, and Haotian saw that the Queen Mother of the West retreated, and also stepped forward one by one, touching the spiritual light with their divine thoughts.

After the four of them obtained the Dharma in succession.

The aura spot disappears.

Only the four of them were left.

Su Yang and Nuwa had already left and came to another space.

Just when Nuwa was puzzled, Su Xiao said indifferently: “You can now say your doubts!” ”

It turned out that the ancestor god had always remembered the promise.

Nuwa began to ask with a slight salute, she had too much to ask.

He opened his mouth and said, “Ancestor God, where did those people come from? ”

Su Xiao replied indifferently: “Coming from chaos, you can also understand that it is from other worlds, through chaos and came to the world you created. ”

“Why do they all have mythical powers?”

Su Xiao nodded slightly when he heard this, and he could see that Nuwa was alert: “You will know this when you cultivate enough.” ”

So between the two of them asking and answering, Nuwa understood the specific situation.

To sum up, a group of cultivators who live in all possess the power of mythology, because of their cultivation, they began to practice in the world, and they themselves are their battle.

And then they will use the world as a seed, absorb the power of chaos, and improve themselves.

As well as restoring strength.

At the same time, I also understand that there is a great opportunity in chaos.

“Thank you Ancestral God for telling these lucky secrets, Nuwa must keep them in mind and will never be known by others” Nuwa got the specific situation, gave another salute, and said that it would not be passed on.

Looking at such a serious Nuwa, Su Xiao shook her head slightly.

“It’s not necessary, with the current situation, even if others know, it won’t have any effect on them, on the contrary, if you rely on those innate sacred, maybe you still have a lot of gains.”

For these things, Su Yang is actually more inclined to publicize them, of course, he will not take the initiative to say them.

Because fewer people know, you can also avoid some unnecessary distractions.

As for why he told Nuwa, he borrowed her mouth and told the upper echelons first.

Big things always accumulate small things, but at the top, their attitude determines the formal standards later.

Take Nuwa as a point and establish rules.

That’s what he wants.

Su Tian’s words made Nuwa a little puzzled, she didn’t understand what good it was for herself.

“Also ask the ancestor god for guidance.”

Su Xiao didn’t say much, but opened the avenue of time and took Nuwa directly into it.

Time flies, and when the two appeared again, it was more than a hundred years ago.

“And look!”

Su Yang pointed to the illusory figure in the distance.

Nuwa looked at it from a distance, but saw her unexpected figure.

“Ancestral God, that’s…”

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