Chapter 511 Binding the Three Three Bodies, Mixed Yuan Waidanja Gods!!!

“This is…”

Su Xiao was startled, and then his face showed horror.

For a while, he thought that an unknown existence had broken into his world line and wanted to disadvantage him.

But at this moment, the man slowly turned his head.

Su Tian’s consciousness paused instantly.

And the gate of time and space, which was originally set in chaos, seems to have power.

Directly pounced!

Su Yang disappeared.

When he came to his senses, he found that he had arrived in the Nuwa realm.

Su Tian’s face changed several times, from initial shock, to disbelief, to excitement, to excitement, to finally calm.

Because it was in that short eye to eye.

Then he knew who the man was.

That’s right, it is his future preaching Heavenly Immortal.

Also know what he’s doing.

Bind the past, the future and the present, and prepare for the pseudo-three, the true three, and the self-three.

How not he was shocked by this discovery, how not to be excited.

But then slowly calmed his heart.

Because this is in the future.

Just as he does not meddle in the future, he will not participate in his affairs in the future.

If you want to succeed and achieve something, you need to continue to walk by yourself, only in this way can you have a future.

“Ancestor God, what else can I order?”

Nuwa, who was standing on the side, looked at Su Tian, whose expression changed, but was silent, looked stable before she opened her mouth to ask.

Su Tian, who was recalled by Nuwa, opened his mouth and said: “There is nothing, it is still the previous sentence, this world table is handed over to you.” ”

“By the way, if anyone comes over in the future, you should be careful.”

Looking at the natural smile on her face as she spoke, Nuwa knew that Su Yang was in an extremely good mood at the moment.

“Nuwa knows!”

Su Xiaocai nodded and slowly left the Nuwa realm.

Watching Su Yang leave, Nuwa took a deep breath, and then her face showed excitement.

Don’t look at her expression has not changed much, her heart has actually been turbulent here, not only has a vision of the ability of the ancestor god, but also about her future, as well as the power she controls, and even the method of cultivation.

It’s all about the excitement of the heart.

“Although there is no mythical method, I have a secret method to kick the door, and with this, plus the power of those myths.”

“I will become a true mythical monk!”

Nuwa whispered, and then the figure disappeared into this space.

Quiet, silent, slightly rippling.

Su Yang slowly appeared in this space.

Looking at Nuwa’s departing figure silently.

“If I don’t pass it on to you, that’s my loss!”

As soon as the words fell, an invisible force spread out at an unimaginable speed emanating from Su Tian’s body.

One after another, one after another, far exceeding the number of three thousand, just this silent, blending into the shallow layers of this world.

Knowing the Dharma, and following the Dharma, to achieve this Dharma, is through the higher level of practice that he has comprehended since his previous practice.

Nuwa can change, and he can get the essence of the law change.

That is, the so-called knowing what it is, knowing why it is.

Of course, this is not enough.

After doing this, Su Yang left the Nuwa Realm.

And this time it was really leaving the Nuwa world.

Came to the chaos.

A world outside the barrier outside.

However, this time he did not perform in time.

Because as soon as he came to the outside of the barrier, he was noticed by others.

“Daoist, don’t come harmless, I thought it would take a while for Daoist to come.”

This person was wearing a gray Taoist robe, his face was thin, and he seemed to know that Su Yang was coming, so when he saw Su Yang revealing his figure, he stepped forward to greet and said.

Seeing this person like this, Su Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked a little surprised.

“Senior seems to know what he is here for?”

“Haha, Daoist friends laugh, the breath on your body, don’t you know what it represents?”

The gray-robed man smiled, laughed, saw the doubts on Su Tian’s face, and then had some doubts.

“The breath of junior?”

“Please also inform the seniors.”

Su Xiao really didn’t understand much, because this really confused him.

Hearing this, this person withdrew his smile and looked at Su Yang with a twinkle in his eyes, making sure that Su Yang was not lying.

A little annoyed said: “Senior brother is also true, why don’t you explain the situation to you.” ”

“Don’t call me senior, senior, in fact, I should call you senior brother, call me Yulin, as an outer disciple, the name of this senior, I am afraid that others will know, I admit it in private, maybe something troublesome will happen.”

Su Yang was a little stunned…


My own generation is so…

It seems to be so.

“Please also ask Daoist friends for guidance.”

The name of the junior disciple, Su Xiao did not dare, and the rest were good to say that none of the second generation disciples who could become the second generation disciples of the Dao Sect were easy to get along with.

“Okay, I’ll tell you, I hope Master Brother won’t blame.”

Having said that, Yulin did not have a look of fear on his face, and seemed to expect the master brother to find trouble with him.

“Your different breath.”

“Only a cultivator who has experienced immeasurable calamity knows the horror of his future.”

“It was also on that occasion that the cultivators, including me, knew a word waidan.”

“A heaven-defying method that can melt anything, whether it is an object, or a living being, the world, or even the qi of chaos, to form an elixir.”

“Maybe you don’t understand that.”

Yulin looked at the doubts in Su Tian’s eyes, knowing his thoughts, it was also right, as long as the cultivators could do a little, but this was completely different from what they imagined.

So he stretched out his finger and pointed to the world next to him, and said with an example: “Just say, you say the world that has been opened.”

“Your world, in terms of Waidan, is actually a kind of elixir.”

“A completely different elixir, but with the same effect.”

“A pill that can continue and even grow.”

“Do you understand what you said?”

Yulin stared at Su Tian’s face, trying to see the change in Su Tian’s expression from his face.

“Waidan… world…”

At this moment, Su Xiao remembered a systematic setting about the myth of cultivation in his previous life.

Neidan, Waidan…

He thought thoughtfully.

Looking at the inadvertent changes on Su Tian’s face, the man smiled.

A person’s heart can be hidden, but the act of not hiding, or the deliberate expression, says a lot of things.

Su Tian’s appearance, although a bit of deliberate behavior, but for him, it was enough.

“Of course, the really powerful place, Waidan, can refine the enemy and become our nourishment, do you understand?”

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Su Tian’s eyebrows jumped.

Then he nodded deeply.

“In the same way, Wai Dan can also help us correct our own shortcomings and even correct our foundation for enlightenment, you know this.”

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