Chapter 512 Outer Dan Lucky Secret Dao Foundation, Was It Intentional or Unintentional?!!

Hearing this, Su Xiao’s eyes couldn’t help but widen, and he looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

Although the previous words surprised Su Yang, but when you think about it, it is still reasonable, but the information of this sentence, even Su Yang, the inheritor of the outer pill, did not expect.

“Haha, how is it, now I understand why our group of people know the method of waidan.”

Seeing Su Tian’s reaction, Yulin Scales smiled, and his tone seemed to be very satisfied.

Being laughed at like this, Su Yang became a little embarrassed, and it felt that the other party was saying that he was not very good.

However, his mind turned, recalled all the words, and thought to himself: “Daoist, what does this have to do with me?” ”

“No matter what, smelting all things to make a refining elixir, or using the world to refine the outer pill, these seem to have little effect on you.”

“And correct the Taoist’s own defects, and even the foundation of enlightenment,”

“I can’t do it either.”

“Although in terms of my current strength, you Daoists are inferior to me, but Daoists, your own realm is not something I can correct.”

While Su Xiao said, he also had some doubts in his heart.

Don’t want the other party, the smile on his face became more and more, and said with a smile: “You are right, whether it is the pill or ourselves, it is true.” ”

“But there is one thing, in this chaos, only you can do it.”

Su Xiao looked curious: “What is that?” ”

“Mixed Yuan Waidan.”

Saying this, a serious expression appeared on Yu Lin’s face, and then explained: “Three Thousand Avenues, this itself is close to chaos, plus you have the Outer Dan Method. ”

“Mixed Yuan Waidan, you can definitely do it.”

Another unexpected thing appeared in front of Su Tian.

Su Xiao looked at each other with unblinking eyes, as if he wanted to hear the specific content.

“The Mixed Yuan Outer Pill, speaking of which is also the World Outer Pill, is an auxiliary pill that can help cultivation possessed by inner disciples” Yu Lin did not pretend to be inscrutable, and said it very bluntly.

But while speaking, his face couldn’t help but show a bit of envy, Su Xiao saw this, it didn’t seem to be a pretentious gesture, it was true.

“Although some of what I said is not in line with my own identity, after all, as an outer door, what we have has has exceeded many, many sects.”

“Mixed Yuan Waidan, I don’t really know exactly how, but there is one thing I really need.”

“Also invite Daoist friends, fulfillment.”

Yu Lin said and bowed to Su Tian.

“Daoist, I don’t know how to do this, how to help you.”

Seeing this, Su Xiao wanted to reach out and help him up.

But as soon as he touched it, he saw a spiritual light emerge, directly resisting Su Tian’s behavior.

The power of mythology really wrapped Yulin resolutely.

“Please also ask Daoists to see that they are also Daoist disciples.”

Some pleading voices came from Yulin’s mouth.

At this moment, Su stopped moving day and night.

His eyes looked straight at the man in front of him.

He was examining, thinking, and even wondering if he should try to help him.

But the identity is not very certain, and the cultivators, especially to the point where they want to show something, can no longer be on the surface.

Only benefits, or what are the benefits, can be worth the shot.

And according to the information he said, the mixed yuan waidan is indeed something, but as he said, he does not know much.

Whether this is true or false, it is not necessarily.

“Was it intentional?”

Su Xiao said secretly in his heart.

If you recall that the content is somewhat contradictory, perhaps this is why he wanted to be ambiguous.

Not absolutely, not one-sidedly.

“I can promise, but there is one thing I need to be sure of.”

Su Yang finally thought about it and agreed.

“If Daoist has anything to say, just say it, don’t consider my feelings.”

Don’t consider that this is not the case with the behavior just now.

Or is it that only by meeting their needs can we achieve no bottom line?

“No, what I want to confirm is, can Daoist friends be willing to wait?”

Yes, if you don’t know much, or don’t know much, Suzhou chooses to drag it out.

Now that there are so many people in the chaos, it is not his character to make reckless decisions just by listening to one side of the story.

If he understands what he is thinking in front of him, he can decide what to do.

Besides, in the chaos, there are a few.

Inner disciples, who are they?

In the myths of a past life, he knew it.

But here I don’t know very well.

However, Su Xiao thought, if the inner disciples knew, then Senior Brother Bai He must know, and even know more.

Hearing Su Tian’s words, Yu Lin was not surprised, although he did not say some things clearly, even what he wanted, he did not explain.

But he was not worried or afraid.

As long as anyone who comes back from that gap knows about him.

And compared to hopelessness, waiting, he is perfectly acceptable.

“Yes, I can wait, as long as Daoist friends don’t forget today’s promise, I am willing to wait until Daoists arrive” Yulin’s attitude was extremely sincere, and even a smile couldn’t help but appear on his face.

“In that case, please wait on the side for a while, I still have some things to do.”

Saying that, Su Tian’s body glowed with Dao spiritual light, and one law after another appeared around.

Seeing this, Yulin’s expression moved, and he stood aside very consciously.

At this moment, the light of the avenue emerged, directly through the chaos, and quickly intersected in the void to quickly intersect a huge network of laws.

At the time of completion, it falls into the barrier in an instant.

“This barrier, I also ask Daoist friends to take care of it for me.”

Watching the barrier merge with the web of laws and disappear into the void, Su Yang turned his head to Yulin and said.

“Daoist, don’t worry, even if you don’t say it, I will guard the barrier.”

Yulin replied.

At this point, Yulin did not hesitate.

Su Xiao nodded slightly, and then left the place.

In the chaos, Su Yang turned around and glanced at the world where Yulin was, and looked at the barrier that did not change,

“Let’s see how this barrier changes in the future.”

“If the change is beyond the bottom line of his own estimate, then what is promised to him, the same is true.”

Su Xiao said to himself, and then his eyes looked far away, his mixed eyes opened, and his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Setting up a barrier was his test for Yulin.

Especially when he knows the effect of this barrier, that is the beginning.

In the world, Yulin’s smile disappeared, looking at the three thousand avenues contained in the barrier, he couldn’t help frowning.

“This little guy has a lot of hearts and eyes.”

“Forget it, with the Chaos Outer Pill, these are nothing, and it is better to hurry up and recover your strength for now.”

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