Chapter 513: The White Crane Indicates the Cause of Chaos, and the Chaotic World is Peaceful!!!

On the other side, Su Yang came to an extremely special world.

but did not see the person they were looking for.

“Senior brother?”

Su Xiao called out.

No response.

“Senior brother.”

Su Yang called again.

“Little junior brother, what’s the matter with me?”

The sound echoes in this world barrier.

An illusory figure appeared in the void.

“Su Tian, meet Senior Brother.”

“Junior Brother, I am a little confused and want Senior Brother.”

Su Xiao saluted and said his origin.

“Oh, in that case, come in.”

As soon as the words fell, a door appeared in front of Su Tian.

But the phantom has disappeared.

Su Xiao did not hesitate, and directly strode forward and directly entered the gate.

Under the movement of the stars, Su Yang came to the blue space.

At this moment, a Taoist boy dressed in white was sitting cross-legged not far away, overlooking below.

Su Yang followed the direction, only white clouds.

Random eyes flash.

See specific things below.

It was a huge continent.

Judging from the power it revealed, it was precisely the world he had intercepted and placed in the world when the flood was at its most chaotic.

He remembers several races.

Especially the Lingxi family, who performed extremely well.

No, now it should be said that it is, Spirit Weeping God Clan.

“What’s the doubt?”

The child’s voice echoed in the air, pulling back Su Tian’s mind.

Su Xiao withdrew his gaze and thoughts and looked at the source of the sound.

What I saw was indeed the calm eyes of the white crane boy.

Stepping forward, he gave a big salute with both hands and said: “Junior brother, a few doubts, and ask senior brother to guide me.”

“Junior brother is polite, in the future, you and I will be Daoist disciples, if there is anything to say directly, these red tape, or don’t do it.”

“I don’t like it, and Master Brother doesn’t like it even more.”

Bai He’s voice had become flat, and it seemed that few things in the world could attract too much attention from him.

Maybe when you remove the Three Thousand Avenue Light Wheel, and Waidan.

“Yes, senior ~ brother.”

“May I ask Senior Brother, what is the Mixed Yuan Waidan?”

Su Yang directly said what he wanted to know most at present.

“Mixed Yuan Waidan?”

Bai He’s eyes glanced at Su Yang calmly.

“Three thousand avenues, Wai Dan Famen, this mixed yuan Wai Dan should be known from other people.”

“It’s really a group of high-minded guys”, Bai He instantly guessed the course of the matter, and even could guess who it was, but it didn’t matter.

“Please also ask Senior Brother to inform.”

Su Xiao was not surprised, if it was others, especially some of the more famous mythological people, he was a little surprised.

But the white crane, but the mythical Da Luo, is not a character derived from the mythical mark like the Honghuang World, but a projection of the mythical Da Luo, even if the cultivation is not high at the moment.

But Su Yang can have 100% more pillows, and if he really wants to fight, he will only be hung up.

Mythical Da Luo is not, those people.

Even to be honest, when facing Daoji, Su Yang was not too sure.

But who told him that there was a backer behind him.

“It’s okay to tell you about the mixed yuan waidan, according to the conditions you have now, the mixed yuan waidan, sooner or later will become your sugar pill” said Bai He thought of those worlds outside, as well as the continent below.

The brow couldn’t help but move slightly.

He had already guessed the path taken by this disciple of the Human Sect.

Suddenly, because of the Wai Dan method passed down by Grand Master Xuandu, there was a trace of doubt, and at this moment it was gone.

Hearing this, Su Yang became even more puzzled, can the Chaos Outer Pill be made into a sugar pill?

It reminded him of Han’s actions.

“Mixed Yuan Waidan, you need to use the power of the three thousand avenues, with the supreme method ‘Waidan’ to make and refine a one, which can be Waidan.”

“A world that can reach, and even ascend, to perfection,”

“The three thousand avenues in the hybrid light wheel you have.”

“The foundation of his own cultivation of the inner pill method.”

“Need for a flawed chaotic qi,”

“This is the condition for refining the mixed yuan waidan.”

Bai He stretched out his fingers and asked for the mixing of the training elements one by one.

“And for you, you have all this” Su Xiao listened and suddenly realized.

That’s right, according to the current conditions, whether it is the creation of the world, its own hybrid light wheel, or the chaotic qi with flaws, it has been satisfied.

As for the Inner Dan Method, this is simple and simple, because in the Inner Dan Method, there is relevant information about the Inner Dan Method, which can be reversed.

“What is missing is experience.”

Su Tian’s appearance, Bai He saw it in his eyes, but his expression did not change at all, but continued to speak, pointing out what Su Yang needed now.

“The world is created above, and creation is not as simple as you think.”

“And with your current strength and realm, it is far from enough to see in Waidan.”

“Settle your heritage well.”

“Mixed Yuan Waidan, you can start small” ·

“When the time comes, it’s your time.”

Su Xiaoyi salute: “Thank you Senior Brother for your guidance.” ”

“Junior brother has another doubt, and I also ask senior brother for guidance.”

“Say” Bai He looked indifferent.

“Why did you still bring the Buddha Gate with you when you came this time?”

Bai He’s eyes fixed on Su Yang for a while, and then slowly closed: “The reason for this matter is too early for you.” ”

Once again rejected, Su Xiao had more doubts in his heart, and when he wanted to ask the reason, he was seen by the master brother and directly rejected.

And now Senior Brother Bai He has the same answer.

“Understood, Senior Brother!”

“By the way, Senior Brother, are you interested in helping me manage Chaos” Since he couldn’t get an answer, Su Xiao didn’t dwell on this question, but requested.

“Stop it all on me, it’s really yours” Bai He’s indifferent face showed a bit of dissatisfaction.

“No, those who can work more!”

Su Yang said with a smile.

“Okay, I know that you are afraid that you will not be able to suppress that group of people, after all, that group of people have been practicing for a long time, and only you are more than a hundred years.”

“You don’t actually have to, except for a few who will make trouble for you, the rest will not take action against you just seeing that you have the face of the Waidan Sect.”

“And those who make trouble are also a group of guys who don’t know the general trend, and when the time comes, you want to clean up, just clean up.”

For Su Tian’s thoughts, Bai He didn’t know how he was, so he also named Su Yang for the sake of An Su Tian’s heart.

With Bai He’s reply, Su Xiao felt at ease.

Yes, he did have concerns about chaos and stability.

Although the chaotic world is extremely important to him, it is not all of him, and he still has people to worry about.

And now that a hundred years have passed, he wants to go back and take a look.

So when he leaves, he needs to make sure that he mixes well.

As for saying this to Hakutsuru, there is actually a sense of temptation.

Who is the white crane, who is the owner of the green ox, and the ox, in fact, don’t look at the difference between the Daomen and the Buddhist Gate before.

In fact, the Daomen itself also has several departments.

And the attitude of the white crane is the attitude of the group of people.

So he had to.

The good thing is to get a good answer forever.

“Thank you, Senior Brother Baihe!”

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