Chapter 514 The meaning of temptation is clear, where there are many calculations of the Buddhist sect!!

“Why, don’t you lay down the magic formation?”

Just as Su Yang left, Bai He opened his eyes and looked at Su Yang.

“This, Senior Brother, I still don’t need it.”

Su Xiao was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but under Bai He’s calm gaze, he was defeated.

“Junior Brother, this is where to go!”

Saying that, Su Yang opened the void.

Finding that there was no obstruction, he couldn’t help but pause and look at the white crane.

But at this moment, after Bai He had once again set his eyes on the world, where did he care about him.

Seeing this, Su Xiao couldn’t help but smile, he was really too careful.

Immediately, walked in.

That’s right, in addition to asking for advice and temptation, Su Yang has other things.

It is also related to his practice.

It was clear that after a brief contact, or rather from the beginning, Hakutsuru knew about it.

Otherwise, he would not remind the star himself.

Su Yang entered the underworld and looked at the world avenue that emitted the Xuanhuang light of the Dao.

Sacrifice the Hybrid Light Wheel and start editing a rule magic array at the bottom of this world.

This is different from the previous Yulin, his role is more secretive and more powerful.

In addition to the difference in the world itself, there is also the problem of attitude.

This thing is actually placed in front of Senior Brother Bai He, which is a light in the dark night.

But for the creatures in the world, it is an extremely secret law that cannot be used.

After finishing the matter, Su Yang once again returned to the space where Bai He was and saluted.

Su Xiao left the world controlled by Haku He.

He went to the second generation of disciples such as Qingniu and Niu, Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, Wudang, Huanglong Zhenren and so on.

And after visiting these people, he decided, as he had guessed, that they knew what they were going to do.

Also willing to help him.

On the contrary, when Su Yang came to the world occupied by Daoji, things were a little different.

“You can cooperate if you want me, but I hope you can promise me one thing.”

Daoji saw Su Yang and heard Su Yang’s request, so he directly gave a choice

“Daoist, you should know that even if you don’t agree, I have a way, I came here just out of politeness, if you are not willing to cooperate, then there is no way to experience the conversation of more than a dozen senior brothers and sisters, Su Yang is no longer the mentality of some worries before, in the face of Daoji’s proposal, he directly revealed his meaning.”

“Daoist, you don’t have to ask me, even in the future, you will get what you want.”

“But what about later?”

Daoji did not deny it, but the subsequent words did make Su Xiao think.

“Now we have empty mana, and we can’t do some things yet.”

“But if you ask us to reply, especially if you have a heart, how much do you think you will gain?”

That’s right, no one can defend against it, those who have a heart.

Only those who are thieves for a thousand days are protected against thieves for a thousand days.

Their own secret magic array and even magical powers, under the endless research of others, will also be flawed by others’ research, directly ruining their own hard work, that is fatal

“Say the conditions,”

In the face of this threat, Su Xiao had to make a retreat, although he was confident that in the future, he would update the Law Formation.

But the current situation is still steady.

Especially when this is in ruins.

Seeing Su Yang make a retreat, Daoji smiled, and then said his request with a serious face: “I think Daoist, in the future, when I see the face of the poor monk, spare Guangliang’s life!” ”

This made Su Xiao suddenly feel surprised, and thought that he was putting forward some requirements that were beneficial to himself, and even when he made a regression, he thought about taking out the mixed yuan waidan in exchange.

I don’t want to really spare Guangliang’s life.

Daoji saw Su Tian’s doubts and was puzzled, but when he thought of what might happen in the future, he opened his mouth to explain: “Guangliang became enlightened because of me, and now I see that he may be landed in mortal dust, which is a little unbearable. ”

“At the beginning, when the Lingyin Temple was…”

“Hey…, what’s the point of saying this to you!”

“I finally got this opportunity to break free from his shackles and become a true Buddha, but in fact he once again went down the old path.”

“So I also asked the Taoist friends and promised the poor monks.”

Saying that, Daoji bowed directly to Su Xiao and pleaded.

“Guangliang Daoyou, he has his own fate, do you interfere too much in his life by doing this” Su Xiao turned his body, avoided Daoji’s gift, and appeared behind Daoji.

“Moreover, what identity do you have, you should know that even if you die, you will only return to the original body, and how can there be such a big consequence as you said.”

For Daoji’s words, he did not believe.

Perhaps what Daoji said is excusable, but knowing that in the entire chaotic world, people who know each other’s origins feel unconvincing when they hear this.

“But what if you can change the position of the body because of this time,… I don’t know, what should Daoists think? ”

Not wanting to, Daoji said something that shocked him.

“Change the position of the ontology? Daoji, really? ”

This had to make Su Xiao think about it.

Because if it is not operated properly in the future, it is very willing to let some Da Luo, and even some Taiyi immortals, deal with themselves.

No one, not even the gods and Buddhas, can maintain absolute sanity in the face of their fall.

“How can this be false, if you can’t, you can ask Zhao Gongming, and Sanxiao, and even you can ask Archmage Xuandu, they are all clear.”

Daoji looked at the shocked look in Su Tian’s eyes, and he was sure that Su Yang did not know about this matter, but he thought about the group of unrestrained immortals who were only afraid that the road would be cut off, and said.

This is indeed not worth paying attention to, but why Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao will be like this.

“Could it be that they also want to get rid of the shackles of Shinto?”

This thought crossed my mind.

Looking at Daoji’s appearance is not a joke, Su Yang fell silent, and his mind quickly recalled the previous scene.

Especially those who project collapse.

“What a Buddhist sect, your heart is really very good!”

Su Tian’s heart sank, and his face was extremely gloomy.

I didn’t expect to be put in a position by the Buddhist gate.

“Amida Buddha, I also ask for the forgiveness of Taoist friends, this matter is the secret of my Buddhist sect.”

Daoji looked at Su Yang and sighed slightly.

That is, because he knew about this, he was also extremely conflicted at that time.

“What are you saying it for now?”

The corner of Su Tian’s eyes twitched, looking at the Daoji in front of him, his heart and expression were completely devoid of the cynical and compassionate Daoji in his previous life.

Especially when he thinks of this, it may be another calculation, which makes him feel a little chill in his heart.

“For what I just said, I also ask Daoist friends to spare Guangliang’s life in the future” Daoji spoke calmly, his hands clasped together, and he saluted.

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