Chapter 516: Emperor Jun Lian Heng, Queen Mother Together!!!

Just as the three of them were discussing.

The Queen Mother of the West has returned to the place where the holy gathering of the Taoists is.

Just appeared.

He was noticed by Pangea and other divine beings.

However, they did not rush to ask why, because there are three other people who have not returned yet.

As for why they were so sure, it was indeed because they found out that Nuwa was not present.

What Nuwa can participate in is not simple.

Over time, more and more divine beings have experienced the power of mythology.

It also finally appeared in a situation like Takagi God.

Just when you are alert, wanting to directly suppress things once things are wrong, the sacred mind is firm, withstands the impact of the power of mythology, and does not get out of control.

Only the bursts of streamers appeared, making everyone really sweat.

Know to completely calm down.

One after another, until after the leader of the outgoing forces, all the divine has already been contacted.

Look at the six remaining mythical powers.

At this time, Dijun, Taiyi, and Haotian all returned to their original places.

Looking at the power of the six myths below, he glanced at the people behind him, did not say a word, directly waved his hand, and left with everyone.

The departure of the three forces made everyone in Pangu stunned, and then they looked at the Queen Mother of the West.

Feeling everyone’s gaze, the Queen Mother of the West waved her hand, transmitted the sound to everyone behind her, and then flew towards the sky alone.

The leaders of Pangu and other forces, seeing this, also gave an order and followed.

Time and space shift, Pangu and others came to a space with the Queen Mother of Who.

Seeing that everyone had already arrived, the Queen Mother of the West directly cast a spell to shield Lan Yu.

“This time, let you come over, I really want to remind you.”

“Now that Dijun, Taiyi, and Haotian have all obtained the mythical method, they may soon have the idea of your world.”

The Queen Mother of the West directly told the truth straight to the point, so that everyone was alert

“Queen Mother, you also got the mythical method?”

An extremely handsome looking man like the rising sun asked.

“Yes, I have obtained the Mythical Sect with them, but I am not going to participate in their affairs, what you need to do now is not to give your world to him in the near future, in the face of their demands, or when befriending, remember the world that was brought back from the flood barren sky.” This is the bottom line! ”

Everyone was a little puzzled by the words of the Queen Mother of the West.

Pangu couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be that the world is different from the world we created?” ”

“That is, we didn’t create it, why we came here, it’s different.”

The leaders also couldn’t help but say curiously.

“That’s right, our original flooded world is the sublimated heaven and earth, and the world we create naturally has different places, and I can’t tell you in detail about these differences.”

“All you need to know is that it is unique and relevant to your preaching.”

The leaders couldn’t help but be surprised, and then became even more confused.

“You are worried that they will rob our world in the future, thereby cutting off our way.”

A leader asked.

“It’s not worry, but certainty, because it’s about whether they can go more smoothly,” the Queen Mother of the West said categorically.

Everyone’s faces changed drastically, and then they were indeed gloomy, and even Pangu showed a fierce face.

At that time, Queen Mother Xi spoke again: “If you really can’t resist, you can ask Nuwa, she may be able to help.” ”

Dijun, Haotian, Taiyi, they have their own plans, and even cooperate with each other.

To say that the Queen Mother of the West does not, it is false.

However, some things, when separating people, have actually determined their own position.

Just like her.

She can be independent and bound by the other three, mainly for two more reasons.

One is Nuwa behind her.

Don’t look at the monk’s face, look at the Buddha’s face.

With Nuwa present, they are not willing to take the two people at once, especially Nuwa, who controls the power of mythology.

Second, compared to others, the strength of the Queen Mother of the West and the essence of her ability have made her invincible.

There are two aspects.

The Queen Mother of the West naturally would not be optimistic about Di Jun, Hao Tian, Taiyi and the forces behind them.

She was optimistic about Pangu and others.

Pangu does not say, it is to create a flooded world, let him create the world, the potential is extremely high.

Moreover, compared to the unity of the three forces, it is easier for people from other forces to take advantage of it.

This is also what she said as soon as she came, the mythical method, and the importance of the world.

Restricting those forces and being able to be used by her, she was naturally willing to do it.

Hearing the words of the Queen Mother of the West, Pangu did not refute, and from the current point of view, Nuwa is definitely the strongest.

The power that Takagi-jin erupted at that time, he was bound like everyone else.

But as a result, the Takagi God only held back a few times, and the power of mythology collapsed, and it was re-condensed again.

But relying on others is not what he Pangu called, so he said: “Is there no other way but to be vigilant?” ”

“For now, this is the only way, but Daoists can try it and go to Father God…”

“Or ask Nuwa if she can do anything?”

The Queen Mother of the West did not understand Pangu’s plan, but she would not hand over the mythical method because she was not sure of the ancestral god’s plan.

Pangu is his most important, if he hands over the mythical method, it will not affect the arrangement of the ancestor god.

The people on the side saw that Pangu could not get the mythical method, and they also had no idea of asking for the method.

After all, asking for the law is an extremely sensitive act, and it often has to be accompanied by a lot of human feelings.

So he turned to the matter of pointing: “That Daoist, can you guide us after you have successfully cultivated, so that we can also take less detours.” ”

This was the purpose of the Queen Mother of the West, and when she saw that someone had taken over, she responded: “This is good to say, when the time comes, you can come to me at any time if you need Daoists.” ”

“Farewell, guys.”

After saying that, the Queen Mother of the West left this space and returned below her.

Leave with the crowd.

Pangu and the others took the Queen Mother of the West out of the mouth and also talked.

None of the people present were fools, they naturally knew that Queen Mother Xi had other purposes, and seeing that her behavior was not in danger of their respective interests, they did not stab it.

“Fellow Daoists, how much credibility do you think there is in this?”

At this time, Tenyu came out and asked.

It is not bad to say that he is the leader of the force, but this force is also two or three big and small cats.

In particular, Takagi God is also the second in command of the forces he created.

Now that such a thing happened, he was a little frightened, and he didn’t see that there was actually such a second or fifth boy.

“I think there’s at least eight points of credibility.”

This is another chief.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, this person opened his mouth and said: “Queen Mother Xi, although she is a little overbearing, everything she does is reasonable. ”

“Now that you can come and tell us, but the other three people leave directly, you can fully know that the Queen Mother of the West and those people are not the same group!”

I didn’t want someone to come out at this moment and objected: “I don’t think.” ”

“Everyone is a great magician, this comes first and comes first, and it is not something that cannot be done intentionally.”

“Besides, they all have mythical methods now, and what abilities they have, we don’t know.”

“If they set up the situation and do it deliberately, wouldn’t it…”

Everyone was stunned, and then their faces were pensive.

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