Chapter 517: Nuwa Creation Wants to Refine Mythical Power, and True Spirit Improves the Foundation of Manifestation Dao!!!

On the other side, in the Nuwa boundary.

Nuwa came to a time-space node and began her creation move.

One by one, under the strength of Da Luo’s peak, began to create the world she wanted.

Yes, that’s right, it’s the world, not heaven and earth.

Nuwa is very self-aware, she clearly knows that if she wants to create a heaven and earth, the energy and law attainment required are difficult to do with her current power of not using mythology.

In the past, Pangu ruled the power of the three thousand avenues, opening up the heavens and the earth and finally falling.

The whole body turned into a flood of desolate heaven and earth, and it was only then that you are now sacred.

And she, although she seems to have enough strength, but she majors in creation, and there are many deficiencies in other laws.

Creating the world is her best choice.

It’s also the most controllable way.

The laws of the Tao emerged.

Editing World Avenue.

Thanks to watching the destruction of the ancestor gods.

She has a clear understanding of the nature of the world.

The five elements, the four elephants, yin and yang, reincarnation, time, space, death, life, destruction, and many laws of order are put into it.

Mix, stir, and even compress and crush.

“It’s now!”

Looking at the rudiments of the avenue forcibly condensed by the law, Nuwa suddenly burst out.

The avenue of creation on the body appeared, with the infinite power of creation, frantically pouring into it.

The Avenue of Power rules three thousand.

The same creation can evolve the rule of three thousand.

The rudiments of the avenue that emerge from confusion, stirring, compression and crushing, are prompted by the power of creation.

Crazy changes.

The law of heaven, the law of the earth, the law of dimension, the law of planes, the law of magnetism, and many laws are derived.

Start editing the law layer yourself.

Layer after layer.

Until the ninth layer, when the world can withstand the limit, the avenue of time and space suddenly appeared, directly wrapping the law and the avenue in the core of the law.

Keep them isolated.

At the same time, at this moment, the law begins to turn far away.

Under the law of time and space, everything began to be generated, covering all all time and space expanding, and everything collapsed inward.

Finally blended.

Nuwa’s hand movements did not stop, but put in a wisp of spiritual light at the right time.

The world has appeared.

Nuwa held the world in front of her with both hands, her eyes were shining, and the world that looked the size of a basketball outside had actually begun to nurture all spirits, and even with the passage of time, some intelligent creatures began to appear.

“I hope not to pay, my expectation.”

Speaking of the world, slowly press on the space-time node not far away.

It is not enough to have a world, even if intelligent life has begun to be nurtured in it.

But just waiting is really not enough.

“It’s time to go to the reincarnation world and find some true spirits!”

After saying that, Nuwa left this place.

Beyond the world of chaos.

A world of unknown names.

At this time, the greatest disaster since the birth of the world is happening.

The originally brilliant blue sky has risen at this moment, emitting a strange light.

Blood red sun.

The whole world is like a veil.

It’s not a feeling.

But it is.

On the ground, thin rivers are flowing, the smell of iron is reverberating, and scarlet blood stains are scattered everywhere.

Low hisses, furious roars, sobs and screams, echoing in all directions.

Ren Tuo tightly covered the rusty iron sword in his hand, resisted the pain caused by the poisonous gas erosion of the wound on his leg, and stared straight at the not far away, the figure that emitted gray mist and had a hideous wolf head.

“And to do a fearless struggle,”

“Ren Tuo, now times have changed,”

“That rotten system, the meaning of survival is completely useless.”

“How long are you going to hold out.”

Under the head of the clean wolf, it is not the body of a wolf, but a strong body.

On the body, there are some faint patterns carved on it, and he is the source of those gray mist.

“Shanzhu, don’t persuade me that the end of today is either you die or die!”

Ren Tuo’s eyes were full of murderous intent, and then he suddenly stepped on the air above his legs, and his body exploded.

The rusty iron sword in his hand emitted a cyan light.

In the entire scarlet gray space, there was a strange look.

The cyan light flowed, and the vicious werewolf below, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his sharp claws suddenly waved towards the sky.

The cyan sword appeared, and the three scratches of the claws turned into edges.

Boom, collide.

The cyan light erupted again.

The sharp edge, cutting through the skin and cutting off the hair, could not stop his murderous heart.


A burst of drink emanated from Ren Tuo’s mouth, and the power of his whole body frantically poured into the rusty iron sword in his hand.

At this moment, the iron sword is like a fairy sword dropped from the immortal world, and the artifact left by the gods, emitting dazzling light.


Crazy roar, burst.

The werewolf named Shan Zong, in the face of such a powerful blow, was indeed majestically different, and a dark red aura erupted from his body.

Like blood, like a curse, like a demon, like an indescribable thing.

Suddenly, it condensed and turned into a pillar of light.

Straight ahead.

Lightsabers collide with raging forces.


The roaring sound, which turned into an inaudible hiss, frantically poured into Ren Tuo’s ears and brain.


This is his roar, and it is also his miserable scream.

Look at the moment he can’t hear it anymore.

Only the roar of heaven and earth reverberates.

This is his only voice.


The pillar of light breaks through the lightsaber.

And his body, like a sack, was thrown into the distance.


The mountain wolf’s head made a disdainful sound.

But the runes burned on his body seemed to have life, squirming wildly and spreading them.

Blood was flowing, and small wounds appeared on the body.

However, he completely ignored it, and even every step left bloody footprints.

Looking at Tianjiao, who was in the same door in the past, the appearance of bleeding from the seven holes at this moment, and even the scars all over his body, Shan Zhang’s originally indifferent heart was a little beating.

“Ah, this feeling, it’s really nostalgic.”

“This is what happened to you, one by one, forcing me and harming me!”

After nostalgia, there is incomparable hatred.

Happy said.

“Ahem. Cough! ”

The blood was spit out, and Ren Tuo only felt the severe pain all over his body, staring straight at the blood he coughed up.

Inside, he saw fragments of his own internal organs.

“Is it over?”

“It’s okay, father, mother, Xiaowen, we will see each other again soon.”

Only words, but no sound, only open mouths, but not all of them.

Even if his enemies had come to his side, he didn’t feel the slightest.

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