Chapter 518: The Chaotic World Has Its Own Origin, and the Blood-colored Little Dragon Appears!!!

When the mountain heard this, he flashed madness, strode to Ren Tuo’s side, and the fierce wolf kicked after kicked, and the tyranny broke out.

“Xiaowen, this is mine, it’s mine!”


“It’s all because of you, because of you!”



The pleasure of kneading wantonly, the resentment that has not been dispersed for a long time is rising, and the quiet malice makes Shan Zong lose his mind.

The wolf’s nature began to stretch, and he stretched out his claws, grabbed Ren Tuo’s head, and looked into his eyes fiercely.

“You become my part!”

Under Ren Tuo’s eyes, he opened his mouth of blood.

Sharp fangs, rotten stench, gushed out.

Ren Tuo looked at the mountain vertical with such a look, and his eyes showed a smile.

The throat damaged by tyranny made a hoarse voice: “Sure enough, the monster is still a monster!” ”

I slowly closed my eyes.

Waiting for death to come.


The unexpected pain did not appear.

Instead, a voice like a little baby sounded.

“Master, it’s true, that mountain is so bad, it actually has to give him the power to sound from far to near, and finally stop beside him.”

I should have died, the voice was the one who picked me up.

This thought flashed through his heart, and Ren Tuo opened his eyes.

Severe pain poured into my heart again.

His eyes couldn’t help but faint.

Quiet, quiet like never before.

It seems that because of this quiet environment, his pain has disappeared.

The hideous blood basin mouth is right in front of you.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Only fixed werewolves.

“Boy, count you lucky!”

The voice sounded again, and an afterimage crossed the line.

A strange blood-colored creature appeared in front of him.

It seems that because of his appearance, Ren Tuo saw the space he was in and rippled.

Ren Tuo couldn’t help but ask: “Who are you?” ”

“It doesn’t matter who I am, now I just want to ask, are you willing to accept my power?”

The blood-colored dragon looked at the human in front of him, followed the master’s order, and explained his intentions.


“I’m all like this, what’s the use of empty power?”

Looking at the blood-colored mouth, feeling the claws on the top of his head, and the completely damaged body, he couldn’t think of any strength that could help him more.

Not to mention that he was also tired, and he didn’t want to continue to breathe.

His enemies have become the demons he fears, and he has practiced hard for three years, but what he has obtained is not to hurt others and others.

Even if the mind is not sober.

“Who said it was useless?”

The blood-colored little dragon was a little upset and immediately retorted.

But at this moment, Ren Tuo had no desire to speak at all.

Instead, he closed his eyes again and waited for death.

“You. Don’t think that when you die, you can see your family and loved ones. ”

“Have you forgotten that she has been defiled by this bad person, eroded by the power of his body, even if she dies, her soul cannot escape his influence!”

Looking at the blood-colored little dragon who looked like this, he came over so loudly, but he was actually ignored, and in a hurry, he directly said what he couldn’t say.

As soon as the words fell, Ren Tuo suddenly opened his eyes.

“You bastard, you are not allowed to insult my wife!”

Speaking with strong willpower, it suddenly exploded, like a spiritual light, rising from the depths of his soul.

But he was suppressed by a cloud of scarlet breath.

“So, angry, I still know how proud the mountain looked at that time…”

Looking at Ren Tuo, who was angry with himself, the blood-colored dragon blinked happily, seemingly satisfied with his words.

“Ah, I’m going to kill you!”

Ren Tuo, who was so angry and suddenly became angry, regardless of his already tattered body, wanted to gather all his strength and kill the demon in front of him.

But at this moment, where can he be the master.

He didn’t know at the moment, the creature in front of him, crushing him, only needed one thought.

Look at the anger, slowly condensing the power.

The blood-colored little dragon laughed happily in his heart.

The surface sarcasm also said: “Yes, that’s it, only anger can stimulate your potential!” ”

Ren Tuo, who completely ignored the state of his whole body, looked at the blood-colored dragon with a sarcastic look, and became more and more crazy and disregarded everything.

“Only then will you know what despair is!”

Then the voice fell.

Space gathers.

Time, space, stopped.

Even the energy condensed stopped in the air at this moment.

A kind of unprecedented powerlessness and fear suddenly poured into my mind from the bottom of my heart.

The blood-colored little dragon in front of him appeared in his eyes at this moment, indeed a behemoth that runs through the heavens and the earth and entrenches itself in the whole world.

Even on the blood-colored scale armor, there is a small city.

“You… You…”

The soul left the body and slowly headed towards the sky.

“Cut, I was actually scared to death!”

“I said master, this is really the introduction you need, why is such an unbearable sound sounding in the sky.”

The flying soul suddenly froze, and then a sudden pulling force appeared, directly pulling the soul and returning to the soul.


His vision turned, and when he saw the blood-colored dragon in front of him, Ren Tuo couldn’t help but scream.

“Just you are naughty, let Satan come next time.”

This is a voice that sounds youthful.

With the arrival of the sound, he also saw the owner of the voice.

This is an extremely handsome man.

He was wearing clothes he hadn’t seen before, and he was smiling.

“Who the hell are you?”

At this moment, Ren Tuo was extremely afraid, but he also understood that even if he wanted to die, he couldn’t die.

“Who am I, I am the one who came to give you a new life and save your hometown” Ye Tianxuan, looking at Ren Tuo in front of him, said with a chuckle.

Then he said to the blood-colored little dragon: “This is the introduction, but not my introduction, but your introduction, you don’t want to be tortured by that force!” ”

The blood-colored little dragon was stunned, and then glanced at Ren Tuo, his eyes were bright, staring straight at Ren Tuo.

The vision passes through the human body, the soul, to the true spirit, and where the destiny lies.

The extreme look on the little face changed from shock, shock, to ugliness, and finally smiled awkwardly: “Master, you really are, why didn’t you say it earlier!” ”

“I’ll save him, I’ll save him.”

Saying that, the red light on the blood-colored little dragon flickered, and a virtual shadow flew out and rushed directly into Ren Tuo’s body.

The red light and the blue light changed several degrees, and then a purple light appeared on Ren Tuo’s body.

The body was recovered, and the blood stain gradually sanitize.

A dragon pattern appeared on his skin.

“This” feels the changes in the body, as well as the physical strength of the god’s body, which seems to have infinite power.

While Ren Tuo was shocked, he couldn’t help but subconsciously mobilize his excitement.


The body that just recovered, where can it withstand it, the powerful force, just mobilized, can’t help but spew out a mouthful of blood.

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