Chapter 519: Ye Tianxuan Si Terran, the World Base!!

“Boy, don’t try to use power now,”

“Although you are extremely suitable for strength, your current body is completely inadequate.”

When the blood-colored little dragon saw Ren Tuo like this, he didn’t know what this kid had done, and couldn’t help but say with a siren.


The power is strung in the body, and the meridians destroy the passing pain, stimulating Ren Tuo’s nerves.

He didn’t yell out loud, just clenched his teeth.

Looking at Ren Tuo, who was straight ahead, but did not make a sound, the blood-colored dragon’s red eyes flashed a trace of appreciation.

At least in terms of willpower, it is relatively satisfying.

Of course, this is only to the lowest standard in its heart.

The blood-colored dragon knows its power attributes.

When he was by the side of the former owner, he received his influence to some extent, so that its power was somewhat influencing the heart.

This is just a small trouble for a strong man at the True God level who has condensed his life character, but for Ren Tuo, who only has the third order in front of him, it is enough to change his life.

Seeing that his body was about to collapse, the blood-colored dragon was not willing to let him die.

The owner’s words, it is very convinced.

So an illusory dragon shadow flew out and merged into Ren Tuo’s body.

The strength of Ren Tuo, who was shrunk to the ground, seemed to have dominated, and after a few weeks of running in his body, he calmed down.

“Well, next, you follow him” Ye Tianxuan looked at Ren Tuo, who had settled down, and had no intention of staying further, so he said.

“Master, are you going to abandon me?”

When the blood-colored little dragon heard this, his expression couldn’t help but change, and his figure flashed, and then he left the place and appeared in Ye Tianxuan’s body.

And centered on him, began to whirl, and coquettishly said.

Ye Tianxuan reached out and touched the head of the blood-colored little dragon.

The delicate dragon head and well-behaved appearance make people’s hearts warm.

But he had decided.

“It’s been so long, I want to go back and take a look.”

Where to go back?

For this, who has been living by his side, how does the blood-colored little dragon not know.

“Master, I don’t want to leave you.”

Hearing this, the blood-colored little dragon looked shocked, and his face showed reluctance.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxuan smiled and said, “Hongling, when you first made a move against this world, you couldn’t bear it!” ”

“Well, now I’ll leave this world to you,”

“I hope the world can be the way you want it to be!”

The blood-colored little dragon was even more disrespectful, and said with a very aggrieved expression: “However, I left the master, what do I want you to do in the future?” ”

Ye Tianxuan stretched out his hand and nodded Xiaolong’s forehead, and said without being angry: “I don’t know you yet?” ”

“I’m leaving, it’s more at your disposal.”

“But you can’t pull down this practice.”

With that, he took something straight out of his arms.

It was a shimmering bead.

“This psychic orb has the laws I burned inside,”

“If you want to transfer, or if you plan to pass it on to others, it’s up to you!”

The blood-colored little dragon was broken in thought, smiled heavily, looked at the little bead in front of him, and his eyes showed longing.

The practice of law is the direction in which he is now a deified beast and majors in.

A law engraved by a true god can leave it with tens of thousands of years of penance.

Seeing the appearance of the little dragon, Ye Tianxuan smiled dumbly, and then said: “This thing, you can also make it and become your weapon.” ”

When Xiaolong heard this, his eyes shone even more.

Some flattering spun around.

Ye Tianxuan’s hand flicked slightly.

The little dragon couldn’t wait to swallow it.

“The next world depends on you, after all, it is our base camp in the future.”

“By the way, pay attention to the little evil, don’t let it consume the world origin too much.”

“Let him out to stimulate the world, not destroy.”

Before leaving, Ye Tianxuan said instructively.

“Got it, master, I’ll look at the little evil.”

Feeling the breath of the world that belonged to Ye Tianxuan alone, and gradually leaving the world, the blood-colored little dragon hurriedly assured and said.

Static time and space begin to flow.

Ren Tuo, who had become strong, slowly got up, but never saw the young man who suddenly appeared, and some only, the lost appearance of the blood-colored little dragon.

Seeing it as if dragging something, it flew slowly.

Ren Tuo hesitated a little and didn’t know whether to ask.


The blood-colored mouth suddenly closed.

Strong bite force, making a snapping sound.

The imaginary sense of touch did not appear, and the fierce mountain couldn’t help but be a little puzzled.

I looked at my own hands.

But it’s the hair of one hand.

There are no heads.

Astonished, unbelievable.

But I don’t want to be at this time, a bloody breath, accompanied by a sweet smell, poured into the nasal cavity.

Shan Zong couldn’t help but sniff and turned in the direction where the smell wafted from.

A blood-colored little dragon and Ren Tuo, covered in blood, appeared not far from him.

With a strong sense of smell, he smelled the smell of his disgust from the smell.


Driven by instinct, malice boiling, self-possession of a strong mind.

Raised to the sky and roared.

The body stomped suddenly!

The figure instantly appeared less than thirty centimeters in front of Ren Tuo.

A raging gray-red mist streaked through the space.

turned into sharp claws and rushed straight to Ren Tuo.

Time begins to slow down.

The extremely sharp claws with an unrivaled momentum slowly filled up at this moment.

The power is boiling.

Ren Tuo’s eyes emitted a slight red light.

Although evil, it is very pure.

Looking at the sharp claws that were close at hand in front of him, he subconsciously faded behind him.

Time is gathered to recover.

The attack fell short.

Looking at Ren Tuo, who suddenly appeared not far away.

The mountain couldn’t help but shrink.

Ren Tuo, who avoided the attack, also looked at himself with some surprise.

He clearly remembered that he was just a small step back, but now the distance between him and the mountain was three meters away.

He had never encountered this before.

Could it be that this is the power given by that little dragon?

Is this the power he has now?

Surprised, shocked, and even looked at the blood-colored little dragon in disbelief.

Compared to Shanzhu, he was more curious about what kind of existence the little dragon was and why it gave him power.

And which youth is who.

After the shock, there was a lot of doubt.

But where would Xiaolong care about him at this time.

At this moment, it only looked at Ren Tuo’s reaction, and saw that it did not become reckless because of the sudden force, and then penetrated into the void.


The angry roar reappeared.

Sharp claws appeared in front of him again.

Ren Tuo’s brows furrowed slightly, his figure moved, and the person appeared in the distance again.

“Bastard! Actually tease me! ”

Accompanied by the sound of anger, the evil runes on Shan Zong’s body squirmed frantically.

An evil aura began to boil.

Gray-red mist, condensed.

The original human body gradually grew hair.

Blood-red hair, emitting gusts of likeness.

At the same time as a creaking, creaking sound sounded, the body structure changed.

Ugly, disgusting, with foul-smelling blood-colored tumors.

Woohoo’s body affected.

Pale and transparent shadows appeared in the sky.

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