Chapter 520: Blood Long Dragon Red Tomb, Little Evil!!! Lord of Demons

Their faces were distorted and glowing with fear.

Boiling evil power, circulating.


A fierce inward shout erupted from ‘their’ mouths.

The fierce soul wailed.

The sound waves overlapped, as if the substance rushed towards Ren Tuo.

The attack is imminent.

The sound waves shake and shock the brain.

It is like a huge iron hammer, hitting sharp steel bars.

Drill like crazy.

Bursts of time and space.

Ren Tuo held his head in his hands, extremely painful.


Completely changed, the mountain vertical that had turned into an ugly monster, stepped back.

Take them and rush to Ren Tuo with evil.

Just a few meters, in an instant.

Opened claws, swarming ghosts.

Evil turns into a tentacle spike of substance.

Under the influence of wailing, Ren Tuo, who was uncontrollable, looked at the group of ghosts who were already close at hand.

His eyes shrank suddenly.

“Little… Small… Wen. ”

Looking at the figure that rushed towards him.

The pain faded in an instant, fear, fear, death, and even that trace of despair dissipated in an instant.

“Don’t think you’ll be able to reunite with them if you die!”

“Xiaowen, who was defiled, even if she died, she couldn’t get rid of his influence!”

The memory emerged, and the words that the blood-colored little dragon had said to him echoed in his ears again.


“I want you to die!!!”


A force suddenly erupted from his body.

It turned into a pillar of light that reached the sky and rose from the ground.

The mighty and mighty turn into pillars of heaven and connect heaven and earth.

The power of blood began to appear.


A dragon roar echoed throughout the sky.

A blue dragon emerged, spiraling and rising.

Cold, angry, murderous pupils, overlooking the earth.

Staring at that ugly monster…

On the mainland, not far away, the monster that was killing and devouring the corpse of the Terran suddenly stopped moving.

Ugly, disgusting fat body, mechanically turning the head.

See a huge ghost in the sky.

Suddenly paralyzed to the ground.

Panic, fear of magnetizing his brain.

Under the will to survive, he suddenly burst out with all his strength and ran towards the distance.

Completely ignoring, he only ate a small half of his food.

The same scene also appeared near the scene of heaven and earth.

As long as you can see this pillar of heavenly light, as well as the figure of the blue dragon, they are all shocked by its deterrence.

The huge will, and even the grand power, made the Terrans who ‘they’ fled and survived at the hands of the monsters by luck also looked at the sky in disbelief.

In the void, the blood-colored little dragon that originally flew to the world law layer suddenly struck.

Danced a few times in place.

The blood-colored eyes emitted a spiritual light, looking into the distance.

“Hey, it’s really…”

He said and slowly shook his head, then ignored it and continued to fly towards his destination.

The dark side of the world.

Before the origin of chaos, the small demons of the past have completely changed their appearance at this moment.

Sharp huge horns, blood-red skin, hideous fangs, black flesh wings, and a tail that burns evil fire.

Huge figure, sitting on the throne of wailing.

As the blue dragon roared, the eyes that had been closed for a long time opened slightly.

“Hongling, have you come out too?”

Deep voice, very calm.

“Congratulations, become my enemy, the opponent of the order.”

“I hope you can, calm, the source of power cast by the master.”

The voice just fell.

The origin of the chaos wheel began to boil.

An extremely evil black dragon poked its head out from the source.

Look at the demon with evil, indifferent, greedy eyes.

“Why, just born, you are hungry?”

The demon who saw this scene was not surprised, but looked at it with more interest and asked with a smile.


As if the black dragon received a provocation, his pupils widened slightly, and he roared and then rushed towards the demon in anger.


With a cold snort, seven iron chains suddenly rushed out of the Demon Throne and directly greeted it.

The black dragon’s eyes froze, and he seemed to feel that the iron chain was not easy to mess with, so he quickly avoided it.

One after another.

The sound of hula sounded continuously.

The black dragon crossed the iron rope and circled behind the demon.

Looking at the figure still sitting on the throne, the evil eyes showed a hint of surprise and opened their mouths.

Turbid, decaying but full of highly toxic dragon breath, suddenly erupted.

The corners of the demon’s mouth lifted.

Dragon’s Breath Package.

The sound of nourishment kept coming out.

Seeing the successful blow, the black dragon roared excitedly.

Fly over randomly.

Blah blah, blah…

The sound of the iron rope sounded, instantly binding the black dragon.


The sudden change made the black dragon, who had originally succeeded, panic.

Crazy struggle.

But the more frantically he struggled, the tighter the iron rope became.

The more places are covered.

“Little one, when I was born, I didn’t jump like you,… You don’t want to see what’s going on around you, just go up…”

A playful voice sounded, and the figure of the demon wrapped in the dragon’s breath once again appeared in the eyes of the black dragon.


Fear, fear, instantly welled up in my heart.

“Oh, and a hard mouth.”

The demon grinned and reached out for a bar.

A black heart appeared in his hand and thumped differently.

The pupils of the black dragon suddenly shrank and shrank to the extreme.


More and more crazy flow drive, struggle.



The dragon scales shattered and the blood was exposed.

A miserable roar echoed in this area.

“Spare your life, spare your life…”

It seems that because of the threat of death, the black dragon, which had just been born not long ago, spat out words.

Painfully pleaded.

“Oh, it’s really a virtue, there is no death, none of you will learn a lesson!”

The black dragon’s pleading appearance, the demon did not care at all, but allowed himself to struggle.

Besides, he didn’t do anything else, the law of seven desires, the power inspired by instinct, and it was because of itself.

Where to use the shot.

As for the Black Dragon Heart in his hand, it was just the idea that he suddenly wanted to taste it, and if he ate it now, it would not work.

“And you guys, don’t accidentally hide there, you can avoid my detection!”

In the dark space, figures emerged.

They have familiar names: Flame Demon, Demon, Demon, Lich, Sickle Demon, Cerberus, Coward, etc.

And at this moment, the figures they just revealed knelt down towards the ancestor demon who sat alone on the throne.

to indicate obedience.

Looking at the original devouring demons, to the demons born last time, these demons from the origin of chaos gathered at this time.

The ancestor demon, the little evil, flashed a trace of anger and ferocity in his eyes.

“What’s the matter!”

The deep voice, accompanied by the powerful momentum that emerged, filled the entire time and space.

The powerful level suppression made all demons only feel that there was a mountain that was difficult to move on their bodies.

The blood veins are suppressed, making their bodies involuntarily slightly nervous, and it is difficult to control themselves.

“Ancestor, something happened in hell!”

The first thing that can’t bear to speak is the succubus.


When the little evil heard this, his slightly open eyes suddenly opened.

The surging power rose again.

Sweep through the demons of time and space.

And the erosion demon, which was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly collapsed and spread out.

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