Chapter 521: The Destiny of Heaven Returns to Control All Spirits!!!

A buzzing sound suddenly appeared.

Flame, ice, blood, red, green, blue light and many barriers are directly opened.

Blocking the impact of the rotten demon carrion also slightly weakened the suddenly powerful coercion.




The demons dodged the attack caused by the explosion of the erosion demon.

But the black dragon who was helped by the iron rope did not have this good luck.

In the face of the bombardment of the erosion demon, he died instantly, and his body was like glass ceramics, scattered in all directions.

The heart stopped beating, and the little evil had a gloomy face.

Looking at the erosion demon who wanted to return to its original state, his pupils suddenly lit up.


The wriggling carrion suddenly opened its small mouth full of sharp teeth and screamed.

Countless small screams sounded.


The voice stopped abruptly.

Black flames emerged.

Under the terrified eyes of the demons, there was a nourishing sound of the flames burning.

The erosion demon disappeared.

Only a source that emitted a turbid aura was left, which slowly fell into the hands of the ancestor demon.

“What the hell is going on!”

The little evil’s intimidating eyes looked at the succubus not far away.

“Ah, the Great Progenitor!”

“That’s right, not long ago, some strange phenomena appeared in hell, the mainland.”

The red pillar of light soared into the sky, linking heaven and earth.

Declare one’s own existence.

The dragon flies.

Then enter the blood-colored light column.

Turned into a blood crystal dragon, falling straight to the far point of the pillar of light.


Powerful energy shakes away, ugly monsters.

It also disintegrated some powerful souls.

Blood crystal dragon into the body.

At this moment, the destiny has come.

In the midst of the light.

The Heavenly Dao also moved for it.

The shackles of the serial soul, broken.

The originally twisted, painful, fearful face returned to calm for a long time.

Little Zero slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the phantom of the blood crystal dragon under the wheel of light and the swirling figure.

The corners of her mouth slowly curled up.


A clear shout.

Awaken the mind that turns into the meaning of the dragon because of anger.

The dark golden pupils changed slightly.

Looking at the person in front of him, a strong consciousness rose.


The blood color faded again, and the star fragments that belonged to the soul were slowly rising, wafting in the distance.


With a cordial call, two illusory figures appeared in his eyes.

“Father, mother!”

A low roar, a call.

Canglonghua Ren Tuo’s body began to tremble.

“Child, you are good and do not disgrace us humans.”

The thick voice, even if there was some crying, but the middle-aged man who appeared still pretended to be calm and preaching.

“Child, we’re leaving, our hometown, our future, just get rid of you!”

The middle-aged woman, looking at her child with her eyes wide, wanted to reach out to hold it, but seeing her gradually dispersed hands, the urge had to be forcibly suppressed, even if she knew that perhaps this would be her last and only chance to hug him.

“No, father, mother.”


Ren Tuo’s body also trembled.

Even the original dragonized features began to recede.

“Child, do not resist that force.”

“Your mother and I will be fine, you can rest assured to do your thing.”

“Let’s go!”

Speaking of the star fragments that originally rose slowly, it seemed to consciously rise, and the speed of shattering began to accelerate.

They don’t want to, and they don’t want to, to be a burden to their children, and they don’t want their children to stop because of them.

Just as it was then, and it’s the same now.

The lovesickness and affection of love made Xiaowen fly towards Ren Tuo regardless of the collapse of her soul.

But when she flew to Ren Tuo’s distance of less than a meter, a force appeared to resist her approach.

On one side is the world like a furnace, and on the other side is the sea of life.

Looking at Ren Tuo, whose eyes gradually recovered, Xiaowen’s eyes were confused, wanting to imprint the beloved man in her only soul, and wanting to take his appearance and fly away.


“Thank you for freeing me and my parents from suffering!”

“I hope that my husband, a hero of the world, can uphold justice, save the people and between fire and water, but me.”


“Now… Would love to stay with you, even if…”

The figure is gone, and the voice has fallen.

The world is empty.

There is no life, and it seems to be everywhere.

Dark Gold’s eyes shed tears, but there was no human emotion anymore.


Magnificent power, once again erupted…

Ren Tuo, flying in the sky.

Overlooking the earth, mountains, rivers.

The world is circulating, and at this moment, whether it is the power of evil, the spirit of purity, or other forces, they are rushing to his place at this moment.

With ‘his’ right hand raised.


A sword sound sounded.

A huge and violent sword shadow emerged.

Energy frantically poured into it, turning into substance.

The buzzing sound is constantly ringing.

It was a huge force, and because of the difference, the spatial vibration caused by the running-in, the sound set off.

At this moment, the red sun lost its light, and the whole world dimmed.

Only this sword.

Only this sword has become the only light source in this continent.

“Let’s all go to the funeral!”

The giant sword fell.

Time and space retreat.

On the ground, seeing this scene, the Terran powerhouse suddenly shrank his eyes, showed fear, and turned to everyone behind him.

“Go underground!”

“Escape, one sword down, we all have to die!”

“Bastard, I’m not afraid of monsters coming, I’m still afraid of death!”

“Stop him quickly,”

“For the people, for hope.”

And the monsters, who were greedy for life and afraid of death, could only throw themselves to the ground and shiver.

Resistance, in the face of the powerful, especially such a powerful force, can not resist


A pop sounded.

Space is broken.

A small dragon flew out of the void.

Looking at Ren Tuo in front of him.

The huge coercion directly imprisoned Ren Tuo, and the blood-colored light flashed, erasing the giant sword.

The consequences of the destruction of the lifted earth.

Looking at Ren Tuo, who was possessed by Heaven’s Destiny, the blood-colored little dragon said with a somewhat serious expression: “What are you doing?” ”

Ren Tuo looked at the blood-colored little dragon, and there was only mockery in his indifferent eyes.

“What do I do, am I not doing what you want to do?”

“Destroy the world, you can do it, I can’t do it?”

The original dancing body of the blood-colored little dragon stiffened slightly, and then looked at Ren Tuo with some indifference: “Are you sure you want to destroy the world?” ”

Ren Tuo looked silent, stretched out his hand, and the power on the earth condensed again.

A giant sword reappeared.

“I can promise you that if I can make the world normal again, I can let my master resurrect your lover and family!”

The blood dragon compromised.

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