Chapter 522: The Same Terrans, the Same Awakening!!!

The blood dragon compromised.

When Ren Tuo heard this, he really said with disdain: “Resurrection? I don’t believe you can be resurrected. ”

Resurrected, he didn’t believe that the blood-colored dragon could do more.

Yes, the law of resurrection is circulating throughout the continent.

The method of resurrection is based on the condition that the soul is intact.

But his father, mother, and wife are indeed scattered, how can they be resurrected.

So in the face of the blood-colored little dragon’s words, he really couldn’t believe it.

“That’s a soul flying!!!”

Hearing Ren Tuo’s question, the blood-colored little dragon showed disdain and said: “The soul is scattered, it is indeed impossible to be resurrected, but what if it can travel through time and space?” ”

These words made Ren Tuo couldn’t help but be shocked, and the action of condensing energy also stopped.

Some hesitated, but also a little afraid and expectant, asked: “You, can you do it?” ”

The blood-colored little dragon nodded slightly, but then shook his head and said: “I can do it, but it’s a pity that I can’t grab people in the hands of the Heavenly Dao.” ”

Xiaolong’s words made Ren Tuo stunned, and a wave of anger of being bullied welled up in his heart, but at this moment.

Xiaolong said again: “But master, but can do it!” ”

This allowed Ren Tuo not to act of extinction again because of anger.

Instead, he firmly grasped it and hurriedly said, “Well, I can promise you that the world will return to normal.” ”

“One word!”

“One word!”

“Well, though, in order to be in today’s situation again, I have decided to seal your power! Would you like to? ”

“I promise you!”

In the heavens and the earth where the Terrans live.

After more than 100 years of recuperation.

Today’s Terrans have restored their former calm from the previous battlefield.

Although most of the resources were abandoned, the resources were scarce and could not be recovered in a short time.

But the development of the Terrans has continued.

Day City.

The graduation assessment for the new year’s senior year has begun again.

Qingnian Day Middle School.

The head teacher, standing on the podium in the square, shouted loudly: “The assessment begins!” ”

With the help of the senior high school students, with the help of the class teacher’s awarding divine source.

They opened their respective kingdoms of God.

A phantom of the void world emerged, with an ethereal aura and flowers and plants.

Above the sky, thick clouds of chlorine spread out.

“Wow! The world of Li XX in the third class of high school is actually a world full of immortal energy, which will definitely be able to create the Kingdom of God. ”

“What’s here, look over there.”

With the sound sounding.

A world phantom emitting white light emerged, an orange halo floated, and golden fruit bearing fruit on a large tree.

As the halo danced, elves emitted radiance appeared.

“This is, to create the best world of the Kingdom of Light God, the Garden of Light Eden!”

Different worlds appeared in the square.

Let students of other ages who were still in class couldn’t help but poke their heads out of the classroom to watch.

Even some students, disgusted with not being clear enough, took out a telescope to see.

Twitter discussions do not listen.

And at the same time, the teacher in the classroom.

But instead of stopping them, he followed them and looked at the children in the playground below.

No, a boy in the first and third class of high school held a pair of binoculars and looked at the difference one by one.

“Wow, that world, not bad.”

“That world, it’s not bad.”

“And this, this!”

“I said, Brewster, show me the telescope.”

A blonde woman beside her, looking at the man’s appearance, sometimes surprised, sometimes amazed, couldn’t help but reach out and grab the telescope.

“Don’t make trouble, Ginny!”

“I’m still watching.”

“Wait a minute…”

Brewster, hurriedly opened the woman’s hand and slammed her body.

Suddenly snatched by Ginny’s girl.

There was no look at all enough for Brewster at this moment, let alone notice the pupils that suddenly contracted.

“Mixed… Chaos… World!!!! ”

Because of disbelief, as well as excitement and nervousness, he spoke a little heavily

“I see the Chaos World!!!”

The sudden explosion made everyone who was originally looking east and west startled.

Then it was like it exploded.



“Show me!”

“Chaos World, I buy Karma.”

“The world’s No. 1 chaotic world!!”

“This is the strongest world of our Terrans!”

The buzzing sound made the teacher who had just been a little out of his mind can’t help frowning.

I didn’t hear anything for a while.

Instead, he scolded a little angrily: “Quiet!” ”

“Just look at the graduation assessment of the seniors and see what you have become!”

With a deterrent voice, everyone who originally exploded the pot couldn’t help but tremble.

But then, it boiled over again.

The teacher was a little puzzled, this group of guys, hearing their own scolding on weekdays, didn’t even dare to fart, what is going on today.

Could it be that something happened?

With a bit of skepticism, I walked and took a look.

At the same time knock on students’ ideas.

What happened.

“Unexpectedly, we could actually see the birth of the Chaos World…”

As soon as I walked in, I heard such a sentence.

“Crouch! Chaos world, someone gave birth to the chaos world, let me see. ”

Moldy time, where is the teacher’s temperament, the identity of the teacher, directly turned into helplessness, pulled the students out one by one.

“Teacher, don’t squeeze it.”

Squeezed in, looked at it from afar, couldn’t see clearly…

Seeing that someone had a telescope next to him, he grabbed it and looked at the middle of the square.

“Sleeper, sleeper, sleeper!!!”

“It’s really a chaotic world!”

The same scene also appeared in other teachers, compared to some of the behavior of brain-dead fans, most teachers are indeed much more rational.

For example, directly bless the divine power and directly break through the wall.

For example, directly use magic and fly out.

For example, the void flashed directly, and instantly left the place, even if because of the strength willing, can only move a few meters away, they want to rush to the square.


The entire Qingnian Day Academy was boiling.

One by one, teachers appeared in the square.

Looking at it like a peerless treasure, a girl who had just awakened the chaotic world, a charity-looking white-haired old man, with a smile on his face, said heavily: “Xiaowa, what’s your name?” ”

A girl who is excited to awaken the chaotic world.

Suddenly looking at the old man who was about to get close to his face, he couldn’t help but jump.

Then I looked at it, but I found that it was not when, and many teachers appeared around me.

And they all looked at themselves with the same gaze, which made her heart can’t help but jump.

Fortunately, the white-haired old man seemed to see the girl’s embarrassment, so he deliberately pretended to be profound and said: “This classmate, what’s your name!” ”

The girl who heard this slowed down, looked at the high-ranking person in front of her, and looked very serious, and suddenly remembered the person hanging on the wall of the famous teacher.

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