Chapter 524: The Advice of the Taigong, the Guidance to Nuwa!!!

In the midst of chaos.

Outside a world, Su Tian, who was about to leave, was stopped by someone.

“I don’t know, what else is going on with Jiang Taigong?”

The person who stopped Su Yang was none other than Jiang Ziya.

“Ah, actually, there is nothing to do, but I think there is something I need to tell you.”

Jiang Ziya looked at Su Tian’s appearance, looked at the junior, and said with a bit of happiness and relief.

Hearing this, Su Xiao looked at Jiang Taigong with some surprise, he did not have any communication with Jiang Taigong.

What he knew was also the story of the gods, as well as the events in history, if these were these, Jiang Taigong would have something to say to him, which made him very curious.

“You should know something by now, but now I need to tell you that things have changed and don’t follow the rules of the past!”

Jiang Ziya didn’t say anything, but vaguely mentioned it.

Su Xiao was stunned, and what he said made him a little cloudy.

“Okay, what can be said has been said, next, it’s time for you to act!”

Jiang Ziya slightly handed, indicating that he was fine.

Therefore, Su Xiao left this place with some Zhao’er monks scratching their heads.

“What the hell is Jiang Taigong trying to remind me! It’s true, Senior Brother Bai He didn’t act like this! ”

“Forget it, the chaotic matter has almost been dealt with.”

“Now it’s time to see if those people have started.”

I don’t know my age in the chaos, but Su Yang calculated the time he spent and estimated the time period, and felt that before leaving, he should go to see the Nuwa Realm.

Nuwa Boundary.

With the passage of time, the big Luo who had originally scattered became united.

With Di Jun, Taiyi, Hao Tian, the Heavenly Dao Alliance formed by the trio, the Honghuang Alliance led by Pangu, many Da Luo, and the Kunlun Alliance of the Western Queen Mother.

Among them, Pangu has mastered the power of three myths, so he has created three series, all of which are used to study the power of mythology, and on the basis of the power of mythology, deduce his own mythological methods.

It is based on the general environment of the Nuwa world today.

It is the gods of the heavens who are busy opening up new worlds.

to verify, or condense your own mythical power.

The original world was tacitly used as their own base camp and tried their best to hide it.

There are even many worlds that have moved away from their original positions to prevent others from hitting the attention of their own world.

All these cuts, all of which did not pull, appeared in Nuwa’s eyes.

Seeing this scene, Nuwa did not have the idea of meddling, after all, they did not do anything out of the ordinary.

Although the plan that was originally intended to be jointly beneficial has now lost its effect with their departure.

But for what Nuwa values now, those are no longer meaningful.

Except, of course, not everything is meaningless.

In Nuwa’s eyes, and even in the eyes of other Da Luo, there is always a world that they cannot ignore.

That is the reincarnation world evolved from the Hou Earth.

But I know that in other people who can’t get the power of mythology, there are six realms.

And these six realms then became the conditions given by Nuwa in exchange for the true spirit.

Under the mentality of trying, I didn’t want to create a completely different reincarnation world.

And the six realms escaped into the void of the reincarnation world, directly becoming part of reincarnation, in other words, the Honghuang Alliance, which seems to only control the power of the three myths, actually holds the power of the nine myths taken out by Nuwa.

This is also the reason why Pangu has enough confidence in the back.

“I don’t know what method Hou Tu Daoyou used to train the power of mythology to be submissive” Nuwa withdrew her gaze from the heavens, her eyes turned to the world she created.

Now the world is accelerating under the avenue of time under her control.

In the hands of Hou Tu, he fled to 100,000 true spirits, and began the deduction of the world, and now it is calculated that millions of years have passed in the world.

But the progress of the relative world made her a little helpless.

At the same time, reincarnation directly absorbed the complete power of mythology and mythology, while her world was only integrated with a little mythical power.

“Or do you want to ask?”

This thought flashed through Nuwa’s heart, but then it was left behind.

Not to mention whether it is suitable or not, just because she has invested nearly three thousand parts of the mythical power in the world she created, she will not tell others.

She has absolute trust in her strength, but the problem is that some things really can’t be understood.

It’s good to be taken away, but it has been remembered by others, that is, after thinking about it very well, just when Nuwa couldn’t find the reason for the matter, suddenly sounded what the ancestor god did at that time.

“By the way, when the ancestor god smelted the four mythical powers, it seemed that it also cost many worlds…”

Just when Nuwa carefully recalled.

Suddenly a voice appeared in my head.

“You’re doing this, it’s too urgent!”

As the voice sounded, a figure appeared not far from Nuwa.

“Ancestral God!”

Nuwa turned her head, and when she saw this person, she hurriedly saluted Nuwa.

“The power of mythology could have been smelted through the world, didn’t the Queen Mother of the West tell you?”

Su Xiao waved his hand slightly, but the figure stepped through the void and came to the world created by Nuwa, and asked with some doubts.

“This, Nuwa hasn’t been to see her sister for a while. So I didn’t know about it. ”

Nuwa was slightly stunned, and Bi Gong replied respectfully.

“I just want you to comprehend alone, not against you to see.” You personally work behind closed doors and will take a lot of detours. ”

When Su Xiao heard this, he shook his head slightly, and it seemed that it was not unreasonable for the Snail Emperor to cast the power of mythology.

Some things, if they are not, even if there is a causal relationship, but in cultivation, different is different.

But this is also good, with this situation, in the future, in the face of the three-dimensional projection that has not yet been transformed, I will not know what attitude to use.

Whether to call Master, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, or direct Taoist friends.

Thinking of this, Su Tian’s eyes couldn’t help but look at the place in time and space where the qi of Taiqing, Shangqing, and Yuqing was located.

Seeing that it has not changed, it is reassuring.

“Nuwa understands.”

Su Xiao pointed out, so that Nuwa, who originally had this idea, immediately determined, and took the time to inquire more about the plan in the future.

But thinking of going to someone else to ask, isn’t it best for the ancestor god!

So Nuwa said to Su Tian: “Ancestral God, you said that my method is wrong, I don’t know if Ancestral God can guide Nuwa.” ”

“Since it is the world, look at their worlds and the worlds they have created!”

Su Yang did not hide his secrets, on the contrary, this was his purpose.

When Nuwa heard this, when she heard it, she immediately knew what Su Yang meant.

Then I thought of the difference in the Houtu world, and suddenly realized.

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