Chapter 525 The Laws of Harmony, Multi-Eyed Venerable!!!

“It turns out that the reincarnation world has different world laws.”

“Ancestral God, do you mean that if they fuse, they will be able to melt more mythical power?”

Nuwa thought of this, like a lost ship, with the guidance of the lighthouse, she instantly knew her direction.


Su Xiao nodded and said with a smile: “One person is short, everyone is long, maybe they will bring you trouble, but the same can make you grow faster!” ”

“Nuwa thanked the ancestor god!”

“This is for you, if there is anything important, you can contact me through it!”

Su Yang said and stretched out his right hand, and with a hand, a battle halberd appeared in his hand.

“This thing is my battle halberd, and the grade is not high,… That is, the treasure of chaos, of course, this is the chaos before, and now it has the name of chaos. ”

Looking at the battle that slowly flew over, Nuwa asked a little confused: “Ancestral God, you gave the supreme treasure to Nuwa, then how will you fight in the future?” ”

“Haha, when you reach my realm, you understand that the so-called supreme treasure is actually just the life of power.”

The voice stopped abruptly.

Su Yang suddenly turned his head and looked somewhere in the Nuwa Realm.

Because just now he suddenly felt a feeling of being spied on.

“Ancestral God, is something going on?”

Nuwa looked at Su Yang with some doubts.

“It’s okay, and you remember, anyone who is afraid of coming in from Chaos can directly take action without mercy as long as they violate the rules agreed before.”

After speaking, Su Yang’s figure left the Nuwa realm.

Come to the outside of the Nuwa boundary and look at the traces outside the barrier of the Nuwa boundary.

The eyes of the hybrid yuan suddenly opened, time regressed in the eyes, and the spatial position was reversed.


Su Xiao’s brows furrowed slightly, and then mobilized the power of mythology.

The light of the mixed yuan, the three thousand avenues appeared.

The divine soul in the body quietly opened its eyes.

See the whole world at a glance, and even the roots of this chaos.

It is also clear who is spying on him.

“Dingguang Buddha…”

“It really makes sense!”

“However, I hope you can behave well!”

Knowing who the so-called Su Yang was, he did not do anything to prevent it, on the contrary, his eyes were extremely dull.

After taking a look at the world of Nuwa and the world of mythology.

The figure slowly dissipated…

After Su Yang disappeared, I don’t know how long it took.

Several figures also appeared here.

They are none other than Buddhist disciples.

“How, did he see it?”

A man with a red beard and a swirling Buddha’s head on his head asked the big-eared monk with a bare head and nine ring scars.

“Don’t worry, he’ll see it.”

The monk who was questioned looked kind, showing a little smile and a look of strategy.

“That’s good, there is the guy with Dingguang in front, as long as we are fast, not to mention those who think that the authentic Buddha of the Buddha Sect is the Dao Gate will not treat us badly.”

A Shani wearing a horn costume showed a bit of excitement on his face.

“It’s still the multi-eyed venerable who has magical powers, and can see that the person will leave this chaos, otherwise there will be no plan for us.”

The one who spoke Hu was a short monk in a deep flower dress, but with a somewhat ugly face.

“That is, they don’t know that in the turn of opening up the world, the multi-eyed venerable is the strongest, the so-called manifestation of the true monarch Erlang God, where is the eye of heaven, where is compared to the heavenly eye of the multi-eyed venerable!”

The red-bearded monk spoke, and while speaking, he looked at a monk with a crack on his forehead.

“It’s just… Where else is there to hear about Zhong…”

“Okay, let’s all leave, it’s easy to be found out when you leave here,” Venerable Duomo said in a voice to stop.

The few people who were still talking closed their mouths when they heard this.


Then with a respectful salute, they all left the place.

The Terran station is located in the center of the eastern continent of the continent of Musa.

A real human being is centered on the temple and scattered in all directions.

It is arranged with one hall, three saints, five realms, eight domains, and one hundred and eight cities.

The scattered living places of the affiliated groups are in the outer city of seventy-two cities out of one hundred and eight cities.

Among them, the day city is one of the thirty-six inner cities, and the day city is to the north, less than 10,000 miles away.

It is where the subordinate race elves are located.

No one knows why the elves, as a long-lived race, would take the initiative to be a vassal of the human race.

They only knew that someone had come forward to ensure the independence of the elven race.

That was one of the seventy-two cities outside the city where they could live freely, Linghai City.

Of course, the elves are not a special case, because there are several other races that also have the same treatment.

For example, the Guangling family, they have light wings that make people envious, and they can freely travel the sky when they are eighteen years old.

For example, the Titans, who have powerful bodies, are one of the few big men who can directly reveal the power of the Kingdom of God and throw the ball as a ball.

Another example is the dancers and so on.

At this moment, the elf patriarch Nydia was holding an urgent report from his subordinates at this moment.

“The world of chaos has appeared again…”

On the delicate face, his brows frowned slightly, and his eyes showed a little doubt.

After a moment of silence, put the report on the desk.

Only then slowly raised his head, looked at the flying elf Spencer in front of him, and said: “Got it, you go and tell those people first, so that they don’t have to wait any longer.” ”

“Yes, Queen!”

Spencer’s dancing transparent wings, with a slight salute, flew over, rolled up the letter, and flew away from the place with his arms.

“Alas, still did not catch up.”

Nydia sighed slightly.

After more than a hundred years of insight, she is no longer the Mengxin who just left the Land of Light.

Especially the fifty years that have experienced the hardest difficulties of the Terrans.

Fighting, not just with other races, but also within the Terrans, certainly really made her grow.

Or those shopping malls, in terms of power, if they don’t have strong enough strength, they will die if they can’t do it.

Of course, this pit death is not really death, but to make it impossible to control a city as it is now, even if it has a great say in the entire human race.

“I don’t know when that guy Su Xiao will come back, didn’t the goddess say a hundred years, this is almost the next hundred years!”

Nydia complained a little, and she suddenly felt that the goddess spoke a little unreliable.

“Forget it, it’s already like this. Only one step at a time. ”

“It’s Brewster’s little guy, it’s also unsettling.”

Father too, when he came on behalf of the tribe, he brought the tribesmen, so why bring him here.

Nydia thought about her troubles, and suddenly an idea flashed…

His face stiffened slightly.

“It won’t be a thought.”

Thinking of this, my face couldn’t help but turn red.

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