Chapter 526: Nine Realms, High Heavenly Plain, Elves, Prince Nei!!

Then said with some grievances: “It’s not that I can’t do it, why do I have to use a beautiful male scheme!” ”

“Your Majesty, there is something to report.”

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the main hall.

Nydia’s eyes flashed a trace of panic, her body was immediately ready, and she coughed lightly and said, “What?” ”

A figure walked in from the entrance of the main hall.

Handsome appearance, almost white, silver hair, beautiful eyes, at first glance, it seems to be a beautiful woman.

“Your Majesty!”

The comer knelt down directly on one knee and shouted.

The crisp voice is a solid male voice.

Nydia bowed her head slightly and replied, “Say it, Yahid.” ”

The silver-haired man, aka Yahid, prayed, “The man is back!” ”

Nydia’s eyes suddenly shook, her face was beaming, she left her seat directly, stood up, and asked: “Back, where, can you visit.” ”

The tone was full of joy.

But Yahid did not answer, but raised his head, his face was extremely serious and did not speak.

Seeing her own people actually have such an expression, Nydia, who had just taken a few steps, was originally happy in her heart.

A bad thought appeared in her mind.

“Your Majesty, that means dangerous man, he’s back!”

Yahid said slowly.

Nydia didn’t have a smile on her face, and said angrily: “Do you know who that person is?” ”

“Your Majesty, what the courtier said is Ye Tianxuan, he is back.”

Yahid was a little crying and laughing, and sure enough, in the queen’s heart, she remembered that person, she had said several times, the whole human race needed to pay attention to people.

I just remember a man and a woman.

The man is Su Yang, and the woman is Su Qingyun.

“He’ll come back when he’s back, what’s the big deal.”

Hearing that it was not the person she missed, Nydia’s expression moved slightly, with a look that had nothing to do with herself, and she turned around and prepared to sit back.

But after speaking, he did stop moving.

Turned around again, looked at Yahid’s gaze, and became serious.

“You mean the one who broke away from the Terran and worshipped the Chaos and Twisted Man?”

Nydia was a little grinning, but she didn’t really forget about it.

She just made some arrangements for herself, and although she didn’t react in time, she also knew exactly what this person represented.

“Yes Your Majesty, what should we do, do we inform the Terrans?”

Hearing Nydia’s words, Yahid breathed a slight sigh of relief in his heart, and it seemed that the queen also remembered who Ye Tianxuan was.

Nydia, who had just sat on the throne, showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth: “Notice? Although Ye Tianxuan broke away, it does not mean that he betrayed the human race.”

“Those old guys, but there are many dogs looking forward to his return.”

“Your Majesty, you mean those who?”

Hearing this, Yahid quickly scanned the high-level of the Terran in his mind, and said with a somewhat gloomy expression.

For those people, Yahid knew their character.

Nydia didn’t answer, or didn’t actually pay attention to those people, but in order to gain hard-won stability, she needed to confirm some information, and immediately, she asked: “Do other clans know about his return?” ”

“As things stand, it seems like it’s just us at the moment.”

Saying this, Yahid said with some uncertainty.

It has been more than a hundred years since he came to the Terrans, and what he has seen has indeed exceeded his synthesis for tens of thousands of years.

It has a great impact on both knowledge and cognition, and even in practice.

Of course, the main feeling comes from watching the honest establishment of one after another in just one hundred years, and the speed of their respective development.

That is what makes him, who was originally bearish on everything, deeply feel the strength of the Terrans.

One of the most memorable is Xia Guo.

One temple, three saints, were all created and developed by them.

Of course, because of Su Tian’s Yu Wei, the Xia Kingdom really refreshed his understanding of the Terrans, especially compared with the Terrans, even the Elves, and even the Dwarves in the Nine Realms.

Xia Guo’s ability almost blinded him.

So in the face of Nydia’s inquiry, he hesitated.

“That is to say, the people who can know Ye Tianxuan’s return now almost all know.”

Looking at Yahid’s appearance, Nydia reached out and rubbed her forehead.

What did she let her people run to Daylight City for?

It’s not to make your people, and even your dependents, more aware of their own shortcomings…

Well, now, knowing is knowing, but the arrogance engraved in the bones makes them self-sufficient.

With his natural ability to control, he can indeed do what some of the top forces of the Terran can do.

But that’s eating his own old book.

Innovation that you don’t understand will be eliminated sooner or later in the future.

“Forget it, since it’s already like this,” Nydia said a little tiredly, “then activate the emergency plan!” ”

At the same time, Nydia sighed in her heart: “I myself will be stuffed into the arms of others by the goddess, are you really sure of me?” ”

Nydia’s words, Yahid showed a bit of guilt on his face, and then after a deep bow, he left the main hall.

Looking at the departing figure, the seriousness on Nydia’s face quickly melted, and the whole person became happy.

“Finally coming back, nothing can make you run away now, it’s a big deal… Big deal…”

As she spoke, Nydia’s face turned crimson, and her face became hot.

On the other side, in the plateau city, one of the same seventy-two outer cities.

A delicate, quaint courtyard in a wealthy neighborhood.

A woman sitting cross-legged on a futon, dressed in a white kimono embroidered with peonies, looking down at the grapes below and several men in samurai suits, beautiful and delicate, with a face full of national color, is full of chill at the moment.

“Does the emperor’s will need me to repeat it again!”

The cold voice made several people shudder.

The huge aura, even if there was no coercion, made several people feel as if they were in the depths of the eighteenth layer of hell.

Frightened and afraid, a middle-aged man with his hair tied on his head and bald surroundings said slightly: “Your Royal Highness Prince Nei, breathe anger, we haven’t forgotten our responsibilities, it’s just…”

“It’s just that those people are so bad that they actually tempt us with beautiful colors.”

Another man with rough skin and a short stature said in a panic.

“Your Royal Highness Prince Nei, it’s not that we do things, but that a group of them have special intentions.”

With the voices of the two people in front, the last man with a relatively handsome face and some white skin immediately shirked his responsibility.

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