Chapter 533 Arrangement, Behind Ji Yuanxin!!!

“Now you understand, why do I want you to make conditions?”

Looking at Ji Yuanxin’s appearance, Su Qingyun asked again.


Hearing this, Ji Yuanxin frowned, recalling what she said before.

She had to admit that if she wanted to let the chaotic world fully open and become her own divine kingdom.

There’s a lot missing here.

And with her understanding of the chaotic world, it is difficult to do it.

“This master, can you let me think about it.”

Ji Yuanxin pulled Su Qingyun and said a little coquettishly.

Su Qingyun looked contemplative and made an embarrassed look.

Looking at the bitter melon on Ji Yuanxin’s face, she smiled and said, “But, yes.” But you need to do one thing well! ”

“You say, you say!”

As soon as she heard Su Qingyun’s promise, Ji Yuanxin said happily.

“Don’t regret it?”

Su Qingyun confirmed.

Ji Yuanxin nodded solemnly, indicating that she would not.

“That is, you can’t leave here in the future, at least not for a short time!”

Su Qingyun said solemnly.

This behavior is actually not due to Su Qingyun’s selfishness, but the importance of today’s chaotic world.

For more than a hundred years.

The entire human race, for many reasons, passive or active, allows the human race to continue the Divine Kingdom cultivation system.

He even tried to appear a Tianjiao like Su Tian.

I want to do it.

For more than a hundred years, there have been countless worlds born by the entire human race, but the chaotic world has quietly disappeared.

In contrast, in the original world, the recorded information, the probability of appearing once in decades, seems to be gone.

You know, after settling down in this world, the top level of the Terran race is pushing the policy of multiple births.

But under the great increase in the number of people, when the senior year of high school awakened one after another, the results obtained were already more and more unsatisfactory.

Even in order to find out why, many families of the Terran began to study and even explore Su Tian’s affairs.

This is also her appearance in front of everyone less and farther.

And now, the chaotic world appeared, and helplessness dropped a huge nuclear bomb on the world that had just calmed down.

The shock it brings, even she can’t estimate.

For herself, and for her apprentice, who was not long but very clear, she had to do so.

“Why. I know! ”

Ji Yuanxin was a little puzzled and wanted to ask, but seeing Su Qingyun’s serious expression, she agreed.

Seeing that Ji Yuanxin agreed, Su Qingyun stretched out her hand, cut her hair, and said, “You don’t know what your appearance thinks.” ”

“For your safety,… And for the safety of your family, I can only wronged you! ”

Being in a cage, whoever it is, is unacceptable.

Because it means losing freedom and losing life.

But for a better future and a better tomorrow, there is nothing to suffer now.

Ji Yuanxin was a little stunned when she heard this, although she didn’t understand Su Qingyun’s words, she knew that she was protecting herself.

The original little unhappiness disappeared at the moment.

“Can that family also be brought here, I am worried that they will be rumored by some people and have problems!”

Su Qingyun did not know the specific situation of Ji Yuanxin’s family.

Just as she locked herself in the forbidden place of trials, she also shut out the information outside.

She did not know the situation of the students.

Every time, she needed the vice principal to tell her about the specific situation, and she knew something.

For decades, she could not know much, only a few hundred.

“I only have grandpa and grandma at home. They’re already very old and easily influenced by some people, so I want them to come over! ”

“Of course, grandpa and grandma, they won’t bother us, I just think that in this way, I can also practice with peace of mind.”

Ji Yuanxin looked at Su Qingyun, who did not respond, thinking that she was unwilling, so she quickly explained.

“Grandpa, grandma?”

Su Qingyun frowned slightly, looking a little worried, afraid of Ji Yuanxin’s appearance, and temporarily put aside her doubts.

Said to Ji Yuanxin: “This is naturally possible, besides, you also said, they are very old, they should take care of them!” ”

“Well, thank you Master!”

Listening to the reply, Ji Yuanxin became happy.

Night Rewards.

The sky is dotted with stars, making the whole night exude tranquility.

There was no longer Ji Yuanxin in the small courtyard at this moment, leaving only Su Qingyun who was looking at the starry sky with her jade hand holding her chin.

Under the pico starlight.

A figure came out of the darkness.

“Young lady!”

An old man in a white robe pushed the door and walked in, respectfully saluting and shouting.

“Is it clear to find out?”

Su Qingyun sat up straight, looked at the person and asked.

When the old man heard this, his face gradually became ashamed, and he shook his head slightly.

“Heh, even you can’t find out the forces behind those two, it seems that this matter is not simple to pull!”

Su Qingyun couldn’t help but sneer when she heard this, and then her expression was serious

“I also ask the young lady for forgiveness, every time we find out about a member of the council, the clue will be broken,” the old man said, with a serious expression.

When Su Qingyun heard this, her brows frowned slightly, and she asked, “What’s the problem?” ”

“It seems that a true God who learns prophecy and deduction is meddling.”

The old man said and fell silent.

“The real god shot, it seems that it is really not small!”

Su Qingyun’s eyes flashed.

The momentum on his body suddenly exploded, enveloping the entire courtyard.

It was like substance, but it was so, but the momentum did not enter the house at all, let alone flow out of the small courtyard a little.

“Call Xiaoqing over, maybe soon, we will have a good fight!”

The deep voice echoed.

There are many differences in the world, but there are some things that cannot be changed no matter how much the world changes.

For example, the belligerent Xiaoqing.

At this moment, he is practicing in the family cultivation room.

The divine power of the whole body flowed, like a raging lion, training his body and driving Xiaoqing was different from other cultivators, and he was different from other true gods to accumulate laws.

Because of his bloodline, he became a pure refining cultivator.

Fortunately, because of his identity, the place where his family lives is an extremely resource-rich area.

The resources produced are sufficient.

Otherwise, with the consumption required for cultivation, it is enough to make people collapse.

Of course, eating resources like this, the speed of cultivation is extremely fast.

So much so that the strength was originally only a true god, and after more than a hundred years of cultivation, it was rare to cultivate to a realm that others could hardly imagine.

The true god five turns called.

This speed is far beyond the Kong Ming family.


The sound of an urn sounded.

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