Chapter 534: Orfina, Xu Nan, Extraordinary Intervention!!

Xiaoqing, who was exercising the strength of his arm, raised his head a little unexpectedly, and looked at the source of the sound placed in the corner.


Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, and then her face became serious.

It was the communication device that contacted Su Qingyun.

I didn’t expect it to ring out today.

You know, in the past, if he wanted to contact, he couldn’t connect somewhat, but now he took the initiative to contact him.

This has not happened in a hundred years.

Xiaoqing got up and walked over, picking up the communication device.

After looking around, I chose a more comfortable place to sit down.

Image? Not at all.

After a series of sounds sounded.

An old man appeared in front of Xiaoqing.

“Xue Changjin, why are you contacting me?”

Looking at the avatar cast by the communication magic device, Xiaoqing asked with some doubts that he knew that Su Qingyun would not easily give things given by others to outsiders.

And now that the communication device is handed over to Xue Changjin, it seems that something has happened.

“Young lady, it’s not convenient now, she has something for me to convey to you.”

In the picture, Xue Changjin said with a serious face.

“What’s the matter?”

Xiaoqing frowned slightly when she heard this, and said impatiently.

“Chaos World appears, come to Daylight City quickly!”

Xue Changjin’s words have not yet been said.

Xiaoqing stood up abruptly.

He is not Ji Yuanxin who knows nothing, as a true god, especially because of the identity of Su Xiao’s younger brother, he knows a lot of gossip.

Especially when it comes to the Chaos World, he understands what that means.

After all, as the only two people close to Su Tian, he naturally became the only candidate for others to study Su Yang and the Chaos World.

Su Qingyun they need to estimate, after all, Su Yang is leaving, not dead.

If you do too much about Su Qingyun’s affairs, maybe when the time comes, it will not be a matter of being killed gradually.

It is even very likely that the clan will be exterminated.

This is not some alarmist, unfounded behavior, but it is true.

Because Su Yang on that day, with his own strength, directly attracted the attention of the three major forces and even the invincible.

Even fought with them.

That vast power, even if those people think back now, still feel palpitations.

They remembered very clearly that at that time, Su Yang was just in the realm of true gods, the realm of true gods, and he was able to fight with the invincible people of the world.

And there are still back and forth.

Just their group of little arms and legs, go to find Su Tian’s trouble, isn’t that the birthday star eating the foundation cream to find death?

“Are you sure the Chaos World has appeared!”

After standing up, Xiaoqing then became a little suspicious.

This is not to blame him, because the importance of the chaotic world, that is known to everyone at the top, but now, he has no news.

Suddenly, Xiaoqing suddenly thought of the place where Su Qingyun lived.

Then his face changed, his eyes stared at Xue Changjin and asked seriously, “In your academy?” ”

Xue Changjin nodded.

At this moment, Xiaoqing instantly understood the cause and effect, and also knew why she wanted Xue Changjin to contact her.

“Okay, I’ll come here, but…”

Xiaoqing did not hesitate and directly agreed to come down.

But in the back, his voice turned serious and said: “Xue Changjin, don’t tell me that your strength has not recovered yet!” ”

Now that you understand it, you need to understand the specific situation, especially now as the strength of the academy.

Xue Changjin was silent.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing naturally understood, but because of this, he began to worry in his heart.

“Everything is stable, wait for me to come!”

Forbidden Land of Trials.

In the secret realm of trials.


The sound of thunder suddenly broke out in a daze.

Under the thunder, illuminate the whole world.

Strange, evil, not like, but strangely shaped monsters, densely packed and overwhelming, rushing towards the woman in the quagmire.

Golden hair, Ah Na’s multi-faceted body, and a trace of thunder divine power shining around her.

The divine power flew and turned into a thunder dragon to defend this only safe place left.

This thunder dragon is a little strange, or this thunder dragon is no longer a separate thunder dragon, but a kind of appearance between the western dragon and the eastern dragon.

There is an increasingly hideous dragon head, and in addition to the dragon claws that go out on all fours, there is also a pair of meat wings.

Like a feathered dragon, like a dragon, it seems to be nothing.

“Damn, how long will this offensive last!”

The slightly heroic voice showed a bit of anxiety.

Looking closely at the monster defeated by the thunder dragon, condensing again not far away, Ao Ifie, who was originally determined, showed a look of disgust on his face.

Then he complained and said, “I shouldn’t have listened to that person’s advice and come to this place to open the pass!” ”

Having said that, the movement in her hand did not stop.

One after another, the divine power merged into the surrounding thunder dragons, received the blessing of divine power, restored its original mighty momentum, and once again defeated the monster.

Although the monster is powerful and disgusting in appearance, this cannot hit her heart, especially the world inside her body.

At the moment, she is vigorously developing magic, so that her divine power is constantly improving.

Be able to accelerate your own improvement and achieve your goals.

So she wasn’t as angry as she really said.

Only by looking at the contents of the small bottle around her from time to time is what she cares about the most.

What she wants is not this, but because it is related to her purpose.

Time passes slowly, and the original quagmire has bottomed out.

The blood-colored sky gradually faded.

The entire secret realm, the strange power it possessed, began to slowly fade.

Looking at this scene, Aoife exhaled deeply and eased his tense mind.

Came to the vial, reached out to hold it, looked at the annihilation afterglow accumulated inside, and nodded with satisfaction.

The figure left the place with a move.

Come to a courtyard.

Shimmer flashes.

Just after she appeared, it took less than a few breaths.

The magic array that was originally teleported to the Trial Secret Realm lit up again.

Then a man in a black samurai suit staggered out.

“Xu Nan, have you got the things?”

Seeing this samurai man, Ao Yi did not politely ask directly.

“You lied to me! How can that ghost place have ghosts or powers! ”

When Xu Nan heard this, his originally somewhat pale face showed a little flush, and his eyes looked at Aofei with fire.

“So you just don’t get something.”

Seeing him like this, Ao Yi said with a flash of disdain on his face.

“How can I get it, I really think that with Susa blessing, I can control the power of death!”

Xu Nan shouted with an ugly face.

It seems that in order to increase persuasion, he also directly exploded his ability.

“If you want the power of the ghost domain, go get it yourself!”

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