Chapter 535: Brainless Xu Nan? The Myth of Gifts!!!

Hearing this, Offina frowned slightly, her blue pupils stared at the person in front of her ruthlessly.

Be quiet.

An invisible sense of oppression filled this small courtyard.

After half a ring, Orfina looked away and walked outside.

When Xu Nan saw Offina leaving, he looked panicked and hurriedly stopped: “Wait!” ”

But Offina would stop at his shout, and still walk out methodically.

“Baga! You stop me! ”

Xu Nan roared angrily, and the divine power on his body began to vibrate.

A momentum erupted from the body, and the momentum turned into coercion, enveloping Orfina.

The walking figure suddenly stopped, Offina slowly turned her head, and a divine light flashed through her blue pupils.

The powerful momentum directly broke through the coercion of Xunan, and crushed towards Xunan with absolute crushing.

The air suddenly condensed.

The debris in the corner slowly rose.

The powerful coercion turned into a power like substance, pressing Xu Nan deadly.

Under the coercion, Xu Nan’s pupils suddenly shrank, and his original anger turned into horror.

But that’s the end of it?

No, as Orfina slowly turned around.

Strong coercion, once again raised.

Let Xu Nan not move at all.

His body was slight, his skin was tingling, his bones were protesting.

Suddenly, a coercion crossed his limit.


His knees suddenly fell to his knees.

The powerful force pressed him to bend this body.

Lying on the ground is like a humble gesture made in the face of the master.

“A Creator God who has just started learning to overwhelm people with force?”

“The juniors of this class are really unbearable!!!”

As soon as the voice was unbearable, the powerful momentum rose again, and the stronger the pressure, the more powerful it was, instantly causing Xu Nan’s whole person to throw himself on the ground.

“This is the world of the strong, not your place where you spend all your time drinking, drunk and dreaming of death!”

“There are thousands of them here that can kill you!”

Offina’s eyes disappeared, and her indifferent expression was like looking at an ant, making people have no doubt that in the next moment she would directly crush the person in front of her.

Lying on the ground, Xu Nan, whose whole body could not move, couldn’t help but widen his eyes when he heard the words, and his heart, which was originally strong and fearful of the other party, was filled with strong resistance.

In the face of insults, no, it should be in the face of such humiliation, his arrogance is aroused.

Chiyan’s divine light circulated in his body, and with the blessing of divine power, Xunan’s body began to resist hard.

Offina saw Xu Nan’s fingers moving and the figure slowly trying to support it, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

“Actually resisting?”

As soon as the thought came to mind, the divine power in the body began to flow.

Strong coercion, another promotion.

Xu Nan, who had originally stood up slightly, suddenly snapped and stuck to the ground.

“Ahhh!! Damn bastard! ”

Xu Nan’s eyes contracted rapidly, and under the stimulation of pride and anger, his eyes began to turn red.

Thinking that he had not received such humiliation since he was detected at birth as having the gift of the Lord God.

Angry and corrupt, he no longer had any scruples.

With his roar, the power contained in his body began to change A wisp of mythical power began to appear, quietly leaning out.

Breaking through Orfina’s momentum like a bamboo, and looking at the shackles of Xu Nan’s body slowly rising, like a true god Xu Nan, Orfina couldn’t help but panic, and hurriedly scolded and said: “You are crazy, you actually dare to use this power!” ”

The powerful power made the insulted Xu Nan suddenly obsessed.

He could feel more that the power had greatly transformed himself, and even the divine kingdom in his body seemed to have completely different changes.

That change has brought endless benefits.

So for a while, he was a little obsessed, and even in the face of Orfina’s questioning, he couldn’t help but laugh coldly: “Crazy? Ahaha… Ahahaha…”

Holding his forehead, he laughed loudly in the sky a little crazy, and for a long time, he said indifferently: “What is the Creator God?” What about the so-called true God? In the face of this force, they are nothing, even bed bugs are much stronger than them!! ”

Offina’s eyes shrank, she never expected that the heart of the person in front of her was so unbearable.

Xu Nan said and stared at Offina with both eyes, especially when he saw Na Yana’s colorful body and that beautiful face, his eyes flashed with ill will, and he said coldly: “Genesis, the world? They are just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, and you dare to compare them with me!!! ”

The look is unconcealed.

Ill-intentioned thoughts, thoughts, are unmistakable.

“It’s really ignorant!”

A hint of mockery flashed in Offina’s eyes,… I thought so in my heart, but my face was indeed extremely serious.

But she knew the cause of this power, and she had similar power.

Although the performance is somewhat different, the essence is similar.

And this stupid guy doesn’t look around at what is around.

Actually use this power here.

“Now you know you’re afraid? The momentum just now, the appearance of being high up just now, why is it gone? ”

Xu Nan changed his previous decay at this moment, and as if he had received some compensation in his words, the whole person looked high.

“Don’t blame me for reminding you, this is a forbidden place in the academy.”

“The one who lives, but whose wife!”

Offina’s spirit was tense, her eyes stared straight at Xu Nan, and if something was wrong, it would directly stimulate the power in her body.

Only when we know the power of that myth can we understand the danger at this moment.

“Huh? A woman with only a skin, how much do we want! ”

Xu Nan looked disdainful when he heard this, although it was without going through the brain, it did give him a bold idea.

When he came to the Terran and studied, his elders reminded him that it was the matter of Prince Nei and Su Xiao that he was most in harmony.

So much so that he, who was already a little irrational, suddenly thought of a way to kill.

When Orfina heard this, she looked at Xu Nan in surprise, he never expected that the guy in front of him would have such an idea of looking for death.

The words are correct, but as long as the gods who have reason or understand the emotions of the human race know that Su Qingyun cannot die, this is the bottom line.

The second is how to approach and how to get help from him, or get some benefit, and that’s what they’re for.

Looking at Offina’s surprised look, Xu Nan thought that he was shocked by what he had done, but he did not take action against the one and reached out to the flow of mythical power in his body.

Press your hands into the void.

A huge coercion directly pressed Opina.

The sudden coercion made Offina’s body stagger, and the huge coercion made her face slightly bigger.

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