Chapter 536 Returning the Body with the Way of the Other, Green Bull Phantom!!

I saw her, the divine light shining, the divine power of the whole body frantically flowed to resist the coercion, and her angry eyes were staring at Xu Nan.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered.

Instantly understood, it seems that Xu Nan, who is not good with his heart, and even a little crazy, has already been prepared.

The power of mythology has been used.

But the problem is the power of mythology, and it did not leave this teleportation courtyard because of this.

It’s just entrenched here.

The most obvious thing touched by the power of mythology is the ability to control time and space.

As long as it is triggered, all the surrounding areas it radiates are controlled.

Once controlled, the place and the surrounding environment will have a completely different speed of time.

Within the control area, it is either slowed down or accelerated, and it will definitely not be the same as the outside.

But now the scene outside, especially the bird flying behind Xu Nan and the white cloud like a horse, has not changed significantly.

What does this mean, it shows that what this person in front of him is doing is to confuse.

It is to give back to others in the other way.

He wanted to deal with himself in the same way.

If it really comes to the time when he can’t resist, he suddenly bursts out of the power of mythology, and he will fall into his trap.

“It’s really good calculation!”

Orfina gritted her teeth, resisting the coercion and looking at Xu Nan in the sky with hatred.

Knowing the power, naturally knowing the pressure on the body, is not the whole of the power of mythology.

Otherwise, with her fifth-order strength, how could she resist coercion inspired by the power of mythology, even if there was the power of mythology in her body, it would not be able to change her weak strength.

And the reason for doing this is because it is just an appetizer.

High in the sky, Xu Nan looked at Offina like this, and his heart was happy.

But he also understood that Orfina, who also had the power of mythology, was not afraid that he would suddenly kill her.

She will never take the initiative to stimulate the power in her body, and she will only endure.

But that’s what he needs to do.

The momentum increased again, and the strong pressure made Offina kneel on the ground.

Seeing Xu Nan’s eyes glowing, he wanted her to taste the time when she was humiliated.

A cold snort exploded!


“I really didn’t expect that as soon as I came, I encountered such a scene.”

With the sound, a figure walked in from the door of the small courtyard.

The tendon flesh of this person’s body, and the resolute face, showed a fierce light.

It is Xiaoqing who is rushing to catch up.

I saw the huge True God power on Xiaoqing’s body suddenly erupt, directly isolating the power of the two places.

Stretch your legs and step into the time and space that Su Nan has controlled.


Time and space thundered.

The burst of oppression made Xiaoqing frown slightly, looking at Offina who was kneeling on the ground, and Xu Nan in the air.

He said in a low voice: “Why do you want me to invite you down?” ”

The sound exploded like thunder, and the momentum broke through the air like a rainbow.


“True God!!!”

Xu Nan’s face was sudden, and the color was hard to look at, looking at Orfina, who gritted her teeth and insisted below, and the stranger who showed his momentum not far away.

For a while, it was difficult to ride a tiger, whether to continue, or to admit to stop.

If you continue, you won’t even have the opportunity to explain, and even the purpose of Qingnian Day Academy will be a complete failure.

It can be recognized that he is a little unwilling, and even a little resentful that this person does not come sooner or later, and when he is about to succeed.

This is really a dog, and the future will be sad.

These thoughts flashed through the mind.

Watching Offina become more and more unwilling.

Orfina below, Orfina, who gritted her teeth, raised her head with difficulty, looked at Xu Nan, who was silent, and a hint of mockery couldn’t help hanging at the corner of her mouth.

Unexpectedly, someone actually broke your calculation.

Offina’s heart was free, and even because of her mood, she felt that it was nothing for her to accept this grievance.

She was very curious about how Xu Nan, who only had the strength of a first-order creation god, once she withdrew the power of mythology, would explain to the person who suddenly appeared.

Those who can come here are either university professors or people who have a relationship with the owner of this place.

In this way, this mythical power will appear in front of everyone’s eyes.

So now, no matter what, Xunan will face a huge problem.

Xiaoqing looked at the two who did not move, her brows furrowed, and the fierce light in her eyes was even more than the power of the true god in her body slightly waved.

A phantom of a blue bull slowly appeared behind him.

The slowness is not because of the constraints of space, but because I want to warn the two.

If he doesn’t respond, he really makes a move.

Originally, according to his personality, in fact, he could make a move, and some words were meaningless.

But the problem is that this is Su Qingyun’s hole card, how can he make a sabotage…

See the green bull illusion.

Xu Nan, who was originally hesitant, and even Offina, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn’t help but shrink her pupils.


A whisper appeared from within his heart.

Xu Nan slowly withdrew the power of mythology, and in an instant, the mythical aura that originally filled the small courtyard suddenly dissipated.

It’s like nothing happened.

As the power of mythology calmed down, Xunan fell to the ground and looked at Offina and Xiaoqing not far away with an expressionless face!

Orfina, who got up from her body, did not have the heart to find trouble with Lie Nanxunan at this moment, but she set her eyes on Xiaoqing’s body.

“First order, fifth order?”

At this moment, the strength of Xu Nan and Offina is undoubted.

This heart, which originally surprised Xiaoqing, instantly became alert.

“Who are you?”

A cold voice came from Xiaoqing’s mouth.

Xiaoqing stared at the reaction of the two.

“Qingnian Day Academy, big life, Xunan. Met seniors. ”

“Qingnian Day Academy, graduate, Offina. Met seniors. ”

When Xiaoqing heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole person became indifferent, and said coldly: “It’s really worthy of us, and you can actually let such a proud figure learn from us!” ”

He then asked, “For this purpose?” ”

In an instant, the atmosphere became serious.

After a few breaths, Xu Nan, who had already understood what was hidden, spoke: “Senior, I just came to study, and there is no purpose, the scene that the seniors saw before was actually sealed by the elders of the students…”

As he spoke, Su Nan closed his mouth.

I saw Xiaoqing staring at Xu Nan with eyes the size of copper bells.

First, you continue, if I believe, I am a pig’s face.

Speaking of the power sealed by the elders, looking at the operation you just had, you knew that this was absolutely impossible.

Not their own strength, how can it be possible to command such as the control of the arm.

If there really is, isn’t it saying that you are lonely?

But really, the entire human race, who can compare with him in terms of insight, are those old immortal guys.

And these guys, he knows.

It’s all remnants of that battle.

Just by their ability, how to do it to this point.

“What about you, what excuse is it?”

Saying that, Xiaoqing looked at Offina

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