Chapter 537: The Strange Afterglow of Death, the Power of Ghosts!!!

Offina’s eyes moved slightly, she stepped forward and said with a slight salute: “Junior, I came for the treasures of the secret realm.” ”

Xiaoqing was silent, her eyes looked straight at Offina, and after watching for a long time, she said: “You are still smart, and you cover your purpose with a small reasonable goal.” ”

Indeed, this obviously has a purpose, and there are many excuses that can make people feel justified for a moment.

But if you think about it, this statement is still untenable.

First of all, he can be targeted by Xu Nan more, and there is no fear, which shows that Orfina herself has mastered some things to turn over.

Whether it is the hole card, or the sealing power as the kid said, this shows that she has no fear.

In the performance of the strength of the Xunan boy, then again, Orfina is completely incapable of saying just because of the treasures in the secret realm.

“Seniors are current, how can juniors lie, I am indeed to obtain secret realm treasures, this is the main purpose of my coming today.”

Orfina said and took out the afterglow she got from the secret realm, signaling that she was not lying.

There is no other purpose either.

This is said cleverly, purposefully, today.

He didn’t lie, but he also didn’t say his greatest purpose.

Especially since she is a graduate.

Although the graduates returned to school, they broke into the secret realm.

This is the channel that Su Qingyun has prepared to obtain resources for those students who do not have much talent, or whose family conditions are not good.

But don’t really say that there are really some things in the secret realm.

Xiaoqing is also very clear about this.

“The treacherous afterglow of death? This thing is indeed rare! ”

“However, do you understand that this thing is intended for those who need it more, not for someone like you who has power and does not want to be exposed!”

Xiaoqing said bluntly.

“In the future, don’t let me see you! Understandable? ”

After saying this, the warning in his tone was very obvious.

Offina quickly flashed her thoughts, thought about it, and said with blue eyes full of firmness: “I also ask for the forgiveness of the seniors, the juniors will not leave this place without the power of ghosts or powers!” ”

“Ghost or Power???”

Xiaoqing was a little stunned, and then turned to look at the silent kid on the side.

“So he’s your target?”

Xiaoqing’s tone asked politely.

After all, compared to Offina, a student who has left school, Xu Nan, is the most dangerous.

And the kid in front of him is even more of that copy.

Xu Nan was glared at by Xiaoqing’s eyes, and his heart couldn’t help but feel a little weak.

Asking Orfina, his eyes looking at himself like this really scared him, there was something wrong, he might have to suffer again.

Especially the man in front of him is still a guy with the illusion of a green bull.

“Junior Brother Xunan, I was indeed called to help me obtain ghosts or powers!”

“At the same time, I may have promised to give a small half of the treacherous afterglow of death, but now that he has not received it, he wants to force him to take the reward that does not belong to him!”

Orfina was very clever in telling the whole story, albeit a little bit of fuel and vinegar, but it was probably the case.

“The power of the ghost, according to the power of the kid just now, it is extremely possible to obtain it!”


Saying that, Xiaoqing grinned with some bad intentions, and with the fierce gaze, the whole person showed a very dangerous aura.

Seeing it, Xu Nan’s heart couldn’t help but bulge.

Hurriedly said: “Senior, it’s not what you think, ghosts or power, not something that can be obtained by strong strength.” ”

“And even if you use the power of the family elders, the power of the ghost or the power will automatically give birth to the responding ghost or because of the user’s power!”

“Senior Sister Offina, what she needs is the power of primordial ghosts, not ordinary ghost power!”

When explaining, Xu Nan was sure of the source of the power in his body, because if he didn’t, his personal impression would be irreparable.

Even though there are many problems now, he must not let go of this fatal problem.

And in doing so, you can also give some extraordinary things to the elders.

Xiaoqing turned her head to look at Offina, and Offina did not deny, but directly nodded and acknowledged.

“The power of the ghost, the ghost lizard that was born, is only the basic realm of deducing the ghost world, and according to your ability, there should be no shortage of this!”

For the Kingdom of God system, in theory, Xiaoqing is not a master, but her understanding of the Kingdom of God is still not low.

The power of ghosts is deduction, or to increase the power of ghosts to their own divine kingdom.

With this, the kingdom of God will embark on a stage of rapid development.

And it is obvious that now the Xunan kid has successfully obtained the power of the ghost or the power, but he has used it directly.

“The Kingdom of God of the seniors and juniors is indeed not lacking in this aspect, but the development of the Kingdom of God has reached a bottleneck.”

“The junior was in the library and saw the introduction of this aspect, so there was this behavior!”

Orfina said why.

Seeing this, Xu Nan also said his purpose, he didn’t want to be passive like this, and said: “Junior, I also learned that with the treacherous afterglow of death, I can turn those strange and strange monsters into a unified template, which is the purpose of this time!” ”

Xiaoqing frowned slightly when she heard this, watching the two people in front of her keep saying some information, and confirmed it again in her heart.

The immediate goal is extremely impure and unpure.

Breaking into the secret realm is indeed what they call, but they invariably cover up their true purpose.

“In that case, then why are you fighting!”

Xiaoqing saw that the roundabout way could not let the two show their horses’ feet, so he did not continue, but asked directly.

In the face of Xiaoqing’s sudden inquiry, both of them couldn’t help but be stunned.

Then they looked at each other meaningfully.

Instantly opened his mouth and said at the same time: “She is humiliating me!” ”

“He wants to get it for nothing!”

When Xiaoqing heard this, her face was gloomy.

He preferred to believe Orfina’s words than Xunan’s words.

With the previous information, Xiaoqing probably understood the personalities of the two.

Orfina is arrogant and very intelligent, and knows what she is doing, so her words have seven points of credibility.

And Xu Nan knew from his previous behavior that he was a second generation who was more dependent on his family’s conditions and was somewhat arrogant.

What is done is extreme.

It is obvious that this incident was caused by Yusunan.

But in this way, it let Xiaoqing know the extraordinary things about the two.


Now it seems that there is nothing to ask, Xiaoqing reported two reporters in his heart, go back and check again, now it has been delayed for so long, it should be over

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