Chapter 538: The Origin of the Divine Source, Blood Crystal, and Blood Fruit!!!

“Today’s matter, I will say to your mentor. As for how to punish you, it is up to your mentor to decide! ”

“Now, immediately, get out of here immediately!”

Xiaoqing’s eyes swept the two.

For the handling of the two, in fact, Xiaoqing has other ways, but after all, he is a student of the academy.

If you handle it privately, it is not the behavior of the academy.

Once the news leaks, it has some impact.

And at this point, he can’t take risks.

Even now, this college is not very important to my sister-in-law, but she still lives here.

And I don’t want to think about the name of the academy either.

Qingnian Day College.

The two were a little surprised, the two of them had actually done a good job, and they were arrested and went to the teaching office, but they didn’t expect it, so they let the two of them go.

Seeing that the two were stunned, and did not leave in a hurry because of their words, Xiaoqing’s face sank, and she said: “Why are you unhappy?” ”

“No, no, no, junior doesn’t mean this, I’ll just go!”

Xu Nan hurriedly said.

Immediately, he walked outside.

Completely forget the purpose of the promised ghost or power.

Offina saluted Xiaoqing before leaving the place.

Looking at the two of them, an urgent, stable figure, left the place.

Xiaoqing’s eyes showed a hint of contemplation.

Then he muttered: “If you don’t feel wrong, that power, it’s really like…”

Day, although it is one of the thirty-six cities in the inner city, is actually not a city.

The name of the city is actually somewhat abrupt.

Because the origin of the day castle is founded on the basis of Qingnian Day Academy.

As for the issue of student resources, it was also some people living nearby at that time, but because of Su Qingyun’s relationship and vassal races.

This slowly created the city of day, but even now, the college occupies half or even two-thirds of the entire city.

And it has been expanded many times in a hundred years.

The population base of the entire day city is tens of millions.

In addition to the abundance of resources, there is also this different place.

That is that this day city does not exclude other races.

I don’t know if it’s because of Su Tian, or Su Qingyun’s relationship with the people living here, they all treat race, and there is no conflict compared to other places, Day City, can be said to be the most relaxed.

As for why for this.

In any other city, any person who asks will give an answer.

“What, ask this order.”

“It’s not where there is the help of the academy, and almost most of the whole security is handled by the college students.”

That’s the answer other cities are give.

College system and city rules.

The two merge.

After the college students deal with some things, the city enforcers will let the strong people who deduce the god system, as well as some strong people of the destiny system, check it.

After confirming that it is correct, it will be recorded.

And this record follows the future file, so after that, the people of the academy will also check it.

Sneaky and slippery, some people with bad intentions and even ulterior motives, will be honest.

But now…

Xiaoqing walked out of the small courtyard and walked towards the passage.

After seven turns and eight turns, he came to the quiet courtyard.

“Thirty years!”

Xiaoqing sighed slightly, and then looked at the door.

The door opened slowly.

There was movement from inside.

It was a chaotic and uncontrolled breath that gushed out and reached the door.

With a faint blue light flashing, it disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing’s eyes, which had softened, flashed surprise.

Immediately walked in.

Stepping into the light curtain, it is like walking into another time and space, and the birds not far away, chirping, slightly breeze, bringing the fragrance of flowers and the smell of soil.

In front of a small attic made of solid wood, two silhouettes enter the eyes.

Xiaoqing walked over and shouted, “Sister-in-law, this is the girl you mentioned to me!” ”

Xiaoqing’s grinning voice sounded very suddenly.

Let Ji Yuanxin, who was originally concentrating, was suddenly taken aback.

The accumulated power suddenly scattered in all directions, turning into energy and flying in all directions.



Strong energy, habitual to create small holes above the ground.

But less than a foot in front of the closest person, the gas disappeared and disappeared on the wood, and there was no residue.

“Good one, Xiaoqing, it’s not early or late, but I disturbed her when I was cultivating in vain, let’s say how to compensate!”

Su Qingyun looked at Xiaoqing, who was getting stronger, and a dissatisfied look appeared on her face.


Xiaoqing was stunned, looked at the girl whose breath was not smooth now because her cultivation was low, and immediately understood that this was to give benefits to her disciples.

Thinking about this, his face suddenly showed an embarrassed look, and he quickly looked at his private space and took out a few things.

He apologized and said, “It’s me who is wrong, I shouldn’t have come over at this time.” Master and nephew cultivation is important, cultivation is important. ”

“Come, Shi Zhi, this is a small meeting gift for Uncle Shi, you can accept it well!”

“The origin of God?”

“Blood Essence Stone?”

“Nourishing liquid???”

Ji Yuanxin, who was originally a little angry, couldn’t help but widen her eyes when she saw what Xiaoqing handed over, and she couldn’t believe that they could say their respective names one by one.

These three things, but you can’t buy things outside, especially for her, a person who is already frugal in life.

These things are extremely expensive.

“Don’t be stunned, take it, if you don’t accept it, then you’re still angry, don’t give Uncle Shi my face!”

Xiaoqing looked at Ji Yuanxin, who was stunned, knowing that the girl knew the preciousness of things, so she couldn’t help but say slyly.

“Just these little things, you can get your hands on them! Why didn’t your wet blood fruit come out? ”

Su Qingyun also saw three things, her face was a little angry, and said sarcastically, “Are you sending Hanako?” ”

Being said like this, Xiaoqing’s face showed a little embarrassment, and laughed haha, from the space to go, a fruit emitting gusts of qi waves appeared in his hand and spread out with the qi waves, a drop of fine liquid appeared around the fruit.

Blood Fruit!!!

As the name suggests, he exudes a dark color, will condense special water droplets, and eating it can temper the body.

And don’t look at the fruit, in fact, he can’t eat it himself, but a law condenses fixed words to appear and things.

As long as this thing does not disappear, this water droplet will continue to be produced.

That is to say, as long as you get one, you will get a treasure that continuously tempers the body.

Most importantly, this thing is also a long-term treasure that increases the world’s heritage.

Ji Yuanxin, who was reminded by Su Qingyun like this, couldn’t help but look at the object in Xiaoqing’s hand at this moment.

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