Chapter 540: Changes in Chaos, Facing the Destruction of the Heaven and Earth Powerhouse!!!

It seems to show weakness and even some frustration, but it is just to let the elderly and some lazy middle-aged men use their real skills.

As for why this is so.

It is true that because he actually looks very reluctant, in fact, he only used three points of force.

Some powerful magical powers, and even some skills, are still well hidden.

It was not clear whether heaven and earth would be destroyed, but he now wanted to see the skills of the other two.

When the old man heard the young man’s words, his eyes stared at him for a while, and then he said, “Go on!” ”

Then he turned to the middle-aged man on the side and said, “If you let me find out that you didn’t use your true strength, don’t blame me for giving a prayer!” ”

Saying that, the old man took the lead and rushed into the chaos first.


A heavy voice sounded!

I saw an old man in a white robe, with a long white beard and white eyebrows, opening his legal appearance, revealing an incomparable domineering ~ breath!!!

Chaos trembled slightly.

But what followed was indeed a more ferocious wave.


The heavy bell rang again, and in the middle-aged gaze, the ancient bell, which had not been seen for millions of years, appeared in the hands of the huge law minister.

With every sound, the chaotic qi waves calmed down piece by piece.

“I originally wanted to steal laziness, but it seems that it can’t be done!”

The middle-aged man sighed slightly, showing a rogue and helpless look, as if forced.

I saw him reach out and fish,… A flagpole appeared in his hand, originally a little lazy, but suddenly became fierce.

The whole temperament is like heaven and earth.

The chaos that stirred the surroundings and also shook.

The young man’s eyes were shocked, and the alarm bell in his heart that had not sounded for a long time was great.

His eyes looked at the earth-shaking man in front of him.

Then his throat was a little dry, and he couldn’t help but swallow saliva.

In fact, it was he, who was invincible for hundreds of thousands of years, killed the Heavenly Emperor, extinguished the source of chaos, and even pulled the entire Three Realms to be turbulent, killing frequently, and finally became the supreme person.

I couldn’t help but be shocked.

Even if he is obvious, he feels that the person in front of him is beyond his own.

Even strength, the original weak strength, has become unfathomable at this moment.

At this moment, the young man hesitated, opened his mouth to ask, and didn’t know how to say it for a while.

Ask the other party why they don’t show their true skills and resist the chaotic qi wave?

Or ask why hide yourself?

There were many questions that left him with questions that he didn’t know how to speak.

It is said that they are all supreme, they should also be more topical, see that in fact, because of the supreme, the youth is even proud, thinking that the old man is just an antiquity left behind for sake, and if he really fights, he is definitely not his opponent who kills all the way.

As for the middle-aged man, he looked down on him even more, not to mention the supreme deviation of achievements, and he also looked lazy.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and slowly released the power that had been sealed in his body for a long time.

Moved the action a little.

Banxiang noticed that the young man not far away looked dumbfounded.

Then the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but line up, and the original serious and fierce temperament instantly broke, and the whole person had the appearance of a significant brother next door.

“Lin Zheng, brother advises you, behave well, otherwise, if the old guy launches a rush, it will be miserable!”

While speaking, his hand shook.

The flagpole was opened, and an ancient sail appeared in the hands of the middle-aged man.

“Heavenly Sail!!!!!”

Just hearing the middle-aged man’s words, some anxious young people, seeing the flagpole showing its original appearance, his eyes instantly widened, and even stretched out his fingers in fear, pointing at the things in the middle-aged man’s hands with trembling faces.

“Huh? You say little wind? It turned out to be this name, but it was taught a lesson, and it was not called! ”

The middle-aged man was a little puzzled when he heard this, and his brows furrowed and finally suddenly said.

While speaking, he couldn’t help but reach out and touch a certain position on his head, and the memory of that day still made him can’t help but hit his forehead.

Lin Gong was shocked when he heard this, and looked at the middle-aged man in horror.

Subconsciously looked at the magic phase opened by the old man in the distance, and the powerful offensive couldn’t help but miss half a beat in his heart.

“Suffered, I have to go quickly!”

The middle-aged man saw the young man’s vision and looked into the distance.

When he turned his head, he roared anxiously, and the Tianfan in his hand danced.


Space shattered.

Time and space disappear.

The real person suddenly rushed and appeared in another corner outside the world barrier, launching a strong offensive.

There was only one sentence in place.

“Hurry, or the old man’s extinction bell will be smashed on your head.”

“Really, this old man’s violent temper, when can it be changed!”

Hearing this, the man Lin Reverse was really stupid in an instant!

Originally, I thought that I was high, the strongest, youngest, most accomplished, and the most harem among the three supreme, but at this moment, I found that except for the last one, nothing else was there.

The ancient holy weapon that destroyed the heavens and the earth, he only had half of it.

Look at the power driven by the middle-aged man’s move, what kind of power it is, I can’t understand it at all.

Especially now the bursts of movement from that corner, people are not only stupid, but also numb!

Even when you think about it, there is the oldest supreme.

Wouldn’t that be stronger.

Thinking of this, Lin Gong instantly broke out in a cold sweat and his soul burst out.

“Don’t do it yet!”

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly exploded.

Lin Gong’s will to survive instantly exploded, and his spirit instantly returned, pulled out a big sword and looked at the half-saint Dao weapon that he was proud of in the past, and couldn’t help but roar in shame: “Ah!!! ”

Directly broke through the chaotic qi and flew to a corner.

Flying and flying, I was ashamed again.

Look at the middle-aged man’s magical powers, and then look at his own ability.

Suddenly a thought of being worthy of the supreme name flooded my mind.

At the top of the chaotic airflow.

Feeling the breath of Lin Zheng rushing over, the old man slowly exhaled.

Then thinking of what the middle-aged man said behind him, he couldn’t help but feel a little unhappy.

“Is my temper so bad?”

Suddenly, in the midst of chaos, a powerful force suddenly erupted, and came, setting off a wave of chaos, directly hitting the old man at the very top.

“Sleeping!!! Are you TM endless? If the One finds out, it will be bad! ”

Speaking of this, the old man’s body was like an abyss, and he burst out with unprecedented power.

The surrounding chaos, and even in the heavens and the earth, can feel the breath of the great that terrifies all spirits, all things, all laws, and laws.


The bells echoed.

The entire heaven and earth, and even the surrounding chaos, instantly became quiet.

The middle-aged man who felt the power echoed in his ears the words of the old man just now, as well as the rebuttal just now.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

This is not called violent temper, then what is called violent temper and those who also heard this, also felt the power of the old man, Lin Zheng’s mouth opened, looking shocked.

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