Chapter 541: Heaven and Earth roared, and in the dark, their eyes were open!!!

In heaven and earth.

All spirits couldn’t help but look up at the sky.

Forbidden places such as lava in the center of the earth, hundreds of millions of cold pools, and even the heart of the earth, which are sealed in various places of heaven and earth, suddenly appear bright lights as the bell rings, lighting up the entire space, and figures seem to come from ancient times appear in the space.

At this moment, they couldn’t help but look at the sky.

Look at the extreme of heaven and earth.

The figure beyond the heavens and the earth.

The old age faded again, and the slightly wrinkled skin began to comb.

A peerless heavenly pride slowly appeared in their eyes.

Heavy, serious, brows.

“I’m gang, if you enlarge your moves, why do you have to regain your youth!” It’s not that I don’t know that you are beautiful! ”

The strong man left over from ancient times, looking at his figure, especially the man, suddenly roared angrily.

And among the group of people, the only few women couldn’t help but become a little obsessed when they saw the past Tianjiao.

Recall scenes from the past.

But right then.

The waves transformed by the chaos suddenly made the ancient powerhouses who had originally put their vision into the chaos couldn’t help but suddenly take a step back.

And that peerless Tianjiao was indeed holding the Extinction Bell, turning into a cannon sheet and directly greeting the bombardment.


A violent sound suddenly sounded in heaven and earth.

Let everyone who was originally attracted by the bell couldn’t help but be startled in their hearts, and suddenly stood up.

In the dark, where the Avenue of Heaven and Earth was, the slightly floating figure slowly opened its eyes.

A flash of light flashed, lighting up the entire underworld.

He was dressed in a white robe, with a mysterious aura.

Around the figure, there is a stream of light floating, swirling around its body, as if it is spiritual.

The world suddenly pierced the dimension, the void, the time and space, and saw the picture beyond heaven and earth.

In the midst of chaos.

The center of chaos turmoil.

Five figures also appeared in his eyes.

“Is he?”

When he saw one of them, an incredulous voice couldn’t help but mutter.

But right then.

The five people in the chaos seemed to have feelings!

Four of them turned their heads and kicked their heads.

“Who dares to spy on me and wait!”

With the sound, a force, ignoring distance, ignoring time and space, ignoring the void, and even dimension, directly attacked the man.


The man snorted coldly, and the streamer suddenly flourished.

That power was like meeting an opponent and collapsed at the touch of a button.

But in the blink of an eye, he condensed again and left this place directly…

In the midst of chaos.

A man and beast head man held a scepter, and his body was red and sunny, like a god of flames, and his summons were extremely powerful.

An old man dressed in a starry black robe, holding a solid sword, and exuding arcane brilliance all over his body, commanded the chain of laws.

Together with the former, attack the extremely handsome man in the center with a divine breath.

And not only that, I saw a person who was full of white light, and a person with wings emitting black light, also constantly attacking on the side.

Hoo, boom, boom, boom.

The man waved his sleeve in response to the attack of the four, making a burst of noises.

“I really didn’t expect that the shining angels of heaven and the fallen angels of hell would make a move!”

The breath divine man calmly faced the attack of the four people, did not see the slightest panic, but looked at the flying radiant angels and fallen angels with surprise.

“Can let us shoot at the same time, Su Yang is proud as a human race!”

While Guangyao spoke, the Shining Sword in his hand slashed again.

The light in the sword was magnificent, and under the blessing of the power of mythology, it turned into a huge light curtain, looking directly at Su Yang.

Su Yang looked at the appearance in front of him, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but be fierce, and said sarcastically: “Just by this? ”

Su Tian’s right hand was directly void.

The huge big hand suddenly appeared, directly grabbing the light curtain, and the wolf pinched it very much.

The corners of the four people’s eyes twitched, and their eyes looked at what they saw in shock.

“Damn, who gave the information, didn’t it say that Su Yang was just a little Taoist boy who had just entered the country? What’s going on! ”

The old man holding the ancient book completely lost his identity as the controller of the arcane, and couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

The creature of the beast-headed human being, the eyes the size of copper bells suddenly shrank,… I wanted to take a step back.

If he was not mistaken, the hand that suddenly appeared was not the appearance of rough energy blessing mythical power.

but the true hand of the gods.

That is a magical power that only those who become gods have.

At this moment, the beast head couldn’t help but be afraid in his heart.

He just took on the task of killing the false gods, gods, how could he kill with his own strength.

The faces of the Shining Angel and the Fallen Angel are a little ugly at the moment, and the originally beautiful faces are also gloomy…

Information is not reciprocal.

Something must have happened here.

You know, the heavens and all realms, under the great will, have just opened.

I originally thought that there were only a few frogs or toads in the deep well, and there should be nothing else, but I didn’t expect that such a python would actually come out.

What does this do with them.

Looking at the four people who hesitated on their faces, Su Yang couldn’t help but sneer in his heart: “I didn’t expect that the heavens and all realms were so lively!” ”

Sure enough, his own information had been placed on the table of other myths, and when entering the chaotic world, the Asa god race appeared.

Now there are Is’s unique angels, as well as the divine warriors on Gu’e’s side, and this arcane magician who did not know where he came from for a while.

“Forget it, solve them first, and then talk!”

This thought just flashed through Su Tian’s heart.

A feeling of being spied on suddenly appeared in my heart.

When Su Yang snorted coldly in his heart, when he wanted to teach a little lesson to the peeping, he suddenly found that his breath was somewhat familiar.

For a while, I couldn’t help but stop the means of countermeasures.

As the breath pulled, I saw a person.

“It’s really an old acquaintance!”

Feel your strength being crushed.

The four people, who were already a little suspicious, couldn’t help but change their faces and directly withdrew their strength.

Directly break through the chaos, directly escape into the back of the chaos, and scatter in all directions.

“Humph! It’s quite fast to escape! ”

A cold sound sounded, and the chaotic time and space suddenly shrank.

Then a figure appeared in front of Su Tian’s eyes.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Su Xiao held a salute in both hands and shouted calmly: “Long time no see, Tianlingzi Daoist!” ”

That’s right, the person who suddenly appeared, that is, the paper cultivator in the heaven and earth, was the Heavenly Spirit Son who had a brief communication.

“It’s really a three-day farewell, which is impressive. How long has it been since this, but I didn’t expect that Su Xiao Daoyou had already stepped into our realm, which made the old man shocked and ashamed! ”

A flash of light flashed in Tianlingzi’s eyes, and when he saw the mythical power that was full of Su Tian’s body, he couldn’t help but say in shock.

Daoist said and laughed! I didn’t know that Daoist’s dojo was actually in this place! I don’t know if Daoist friends are willing to let Su visit it! ”

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