Chapter 542: Heavenly Lingzi Dojo, Slashing the Heavens and Returning!!

Su Xiao said modestly, and then his words turned and talked about the matter of Tianlingzi.

Tianlingzi was stunned for a moment, and then a few thoughts flashed in his eyes, to be honest, when it came to their step, the importance of the dojo was extremely important.

Because it’s about being able to continue.

But the person in front of him was no one else, but Su Tian.

According to his understanding of Su Tian, if you don’t look at it today, you may go in directly next time.

After all, I have been exposed, and I want to hide it, but it is a little difficult, but this is my foundation after all.

After thinking for a while, Tianlingzi made a decision not to let him go.

But this requires persuasion, so he said: “Daoist friends said and laughed, logically speaking, as the owner of this piece of chaos, the poor Dao should invite you to take a look, but Daoist friends you should understand!” ”

“What does the dojo mean, if because of what you did before, Daoist wants an explanation, just mention it.”

A trace of surprise flashed on Su Tian’s face, and he immediately found that it was a little wrong to do so, and he compared his heart to his heart, if he encountered an opponent who he could not be sure whether he could defeat.

In the face of such inquiries, such choices will be made.

After all, the cultivators who break people are not the enemies of the heavens.

Although this was originally an ordinary, intimate practice.

But in their realm, this kind of practice is a manifestation of hostility.

Also understanding what Tianlingzi was doing at this moment, Su Yang opened his mouth and said, “Daoist friends misunderstood, Su has no other meaning. ”

As for the previous behavior, you can rest assured that Su is not dissatisfied.

Having said that, Tianlingzi was still not at ease, that heaven and earth had been managed by him for nearly ten million years.

It is difficult to condense more mythical power, if it is destroyed, there is no place to cry if you want to cry.

“Hearing Daoist friends say this, poor Dao is even more uneasy, so!”

“If Daoists can forget that the Daoist place of the poor Dao is there and do not disclose it, the poor Dao is willing to give the Heaven-Slaying Sword to the Daoists.”

While speaking, Tianlingzi stretched out his hand and turned it, and a sword appeared.


Looking at the sword in Tianlingzi’s hand, Su Xiao Su Tian’s brows frowned slightly, which was completely different from when he was holding it at that time.

Tianlingzi, who had been paying attention to Su Tian’s expression, saw a trace of doubt flash in his expression, so he took the initiative to explain: “Yes, this is the heaven-shattering sword that Daoist friends took out when they were in that shattered heaven and earth. ”

“Entering this way, it is indeed because the poor road still prefers this relatively sharp and thin long sword compared to using a big sword.”

“Of course, Daoist friends are willing, if you further strengthen it, it is no longer important that this sword is a big sword or a long sword.”

When Su Xiao heard this, he nodded, yes, if you need to strengthen the power of the sword itself, this is very simple for him, such as assimilation with the power of mythology, which is the simplest choice.

Besides, he also has the Waidan Sect.

Although the Wai Dan Sect pays attention to Dan, it can also be used for refining tools if needed, but don’t forget that in mythology, Taishang has refining treasures.

What was passed down by him was completely enough to make and practice the Heaven-Slaying Sword.

However, the problem is not in this sword, but in the fact that Su Yang no longer needs these things.

With the power of mythology, everything in the world can be used as a divine weapon, and besides, he is now in the realm of real people, as long as he is taking a step forward.

When he became a celestial immortal, he had his own weapons.

And because of the concept, this weapon has the concept of imperishability and indestructibility.

Seeing Su Xiao nodding, Tianlingzi thought that he had agreed to come down, so he gave things away and said, “Please also ask Daoist friends to take it!” ”

Su Xiao retracted his thoughts and looked at the Heaven-Slaying Sword that had been sent to him.

Glancing at Tenreiko’s appearance, he could see that he really wanted to let himself take it and cut off his idea of going to his dojo.

As for whether to really go or not? Su Yang had that plan just now, but now he doesn’t have this mind.

The existence of the dojo is not because of the power of mythology, and now this Su Yang is not lacking at all.

The realm of real people has been able to swallow chaotic qi and condense the power of mythology in the body.

So Su Xiao didn’t say anything more, holding the long sword in one hand.

Mental traction.

The inheritance of Jing Yu’s predecessors has been well left in the space inside the sword.

It’s exactly the same as when I got it.

“This sword means a lot to me, thank you Daoyou!”

Withdrawing from his mind, Su Xiao thanked him with a slight salute.

“Haha, Daoist friends like it! Just need to remember the agreement between us! ”

Tianlingzi laughed and said in a dashing manner.

“In that case, then this is the farewell if Daoists want to come to the Terrans, we are always welcome!”

Su Yang made a farewell salute.

“Hah! ~~~ Since Daoist friends are invited, Poor Dao will definitely take time to go to the human race! ”

Tianlingzi’s expression froze, and he said with an embarrassed smile, and also returned a salute.

Su Tian’s figure moved slightly, and his figure turned into an afterimage and flew into the distance.

Watching Su Xiao leave, a look of flesh pain flashed on Tianlingzi’s face.

I think that in order to reforge the Heaven-Slaying Sword, he was a lot tired, and now, he gave it to others for nothing.

I couldn’t help but feel a little angry.

Outside the heavens and the earth, the peerless Tianjiao relied on nearly ten million years of law cultivation and the avenue of impending great consummation to break the impact of the chaotic wave.

Let the offensive, which was originally integrated, separate.

“Almost exhausted old man!”

Tianjiao let out a fierce breath at this time, and then his last aging buff, the image of the old man appeared again.

Let the heaven and earth, those ancient powerhouses couldn’t help but twitch the corners of their mouths when they looked at it.

Then I looked at myself.

He still maintains the youthful appearance he had when he became enlightened.

Immediately, he was very conscious and gave himself an aging buff.

No way, they all know this guy’s temper, perhaps, at some point in time, directly to the door to fight.

Chaos finally returned to calm.

The surrounding heaven and earth, under the protection of their respective supreme beings or supreme beings, have been preserved without danger.

But in those worlds, the upper limit of strength was originally not high, and in the face of the last wave of chaos, even if they were strong, the gap in the final level was annihilated in chaos.


Seeing the world he knew was annihilated, the old man sighed slightly.

“You sighed again!”

A voice sounded.

Tianlingzi appeared in front of the old man.

With the appearance of the Heavenly Spirit Son, a force directly took over the ownership of this piece of chaos.

Within heaven and earth, the strong man who originally watched the chaos also found that the old man’s figure could no longer be seen.

In fact, don’t say that it is an old man, even Lin Zheng, who has just disturbed the chaos and calmed the chaotic qi, was suddenly surprised when he did not see the figure of the old man.

In this chaotic space, and even in heaven and earth, there is no one who is most calm than a middle-aged man.

Others found out, naturally he also found it, but because of it, he knew that the one in the old man’s mouth appeared.

Think of that one. The middle-aged man wiped his head again.

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