Chapter 545 Chaos That Cannot Be Opened! Council in the temple!!!

Ji Yuanxin can say this, except that she is the master of the chaos world, but what is more important is her continuous attempts.

Su Qingyun looked at Ji Yuanxin, who had a firm expression, reached out and touched her little face, and said gently: “Just have a heart!” ”

Three months, this is the time required for Tianjiao to make a result.

But is the Tianjiao list really ~ important?

This is not important to Su Qingyun.

Even for the entire academy, that’s it.

Even for the students of the university department of the college they attend, the Tianjiao list is just a gathering place for some people who like to show off themselves.

But obviously, this thing is very important to Ji Yuanxin.

“Today, let’s see how your Chaos World is growing?”

Yes, the world of chaos is different from other worlds, and its growth is actually divided into two states.

One is to be rationalized to give birth to the world and grow with clarity.

The other is passive growth.

And the second is the one unique to the chaotic world.

The chaotic world will grow according to the passage of time and even the things devoured by its owner.

And this growth is the growth of the law.

This is also the reason why if you straighten it out in the early stage, then in the future, Chaos Creation will become more and more difficult.

Ji Yuanxin nodded slightly and took out a special tool from the storage bracelet.

Law detector.

This is a tool that any college will have.

The size of the tool and the style will appear differently depending on the requirements.

Of course, the bigger and uglier the appearance, the cheaper it is.

The higher the accuracy, the higher the price.

In addition, the smaller the more delicate, the more expensive it is.

And what Ji Yuanxin has in her hands is currently the most expensive one in the entire day city.


Its size is also the thickness of the arm, and the way it is used is also extremely simple, just put it directly on the arm.

Soon the information in the chaotic world was presented one by one in the field of vision of the two.

There is more information than they think.

Because of the convergence of laws in the chaotic world, even the most accurate detector cannot detect many laws in Chengdu.

Generally speaking, in the chaotic world, the law that cannot be detected is between one hundredth and five hundredths.

But now the test results do have the law of life, and they are indeed directly exceeded by 20 percent.

“What have you tried lately?”

Su Qingyun’s face was a little serious.

Knowing that twenty percent of the law means that the law can basically be used.

If this is placed in other worlds, to this extent, it is completely possible for the world to achieve some law gods.

In the chaotic world, it can be used as an introduction to condense the law creatures.

“I haven’t done anything recently, I deduced the lotus flower of the master, and if you want to create the lotus, you naturally need to understand the lotus, so when you left, Master, I went to see the lotus!”

“Carefully found that the characteristics of the lotus flower are more powerful…”



“… Look at what this Su Qingyun has done! ”

“Don’t say anything about forcibly detaining the owner of the Chaos World privately.”

“You actually dare to use a sword to attack other councilors!”

“Such lawlessness, this is completely in disregard of the rules of my temple!”

The seat table with a circular shape is divided into upper, middle, and lower, and placed on the outside, middle and inside.

In the outer circle and the highest place, a very old true god pointed to the picture projected by divine power in the center of the hall, and said angrily.

All the councilors present were gathered because of the incident of Su Qingyun attacking the True God with a sword.

Looking at Su Qingyun’s understated look in the picture, she tortured a three-turn true god into a dog.

Everyone couldn’t help but frown.

Seeing that everyone did not respond, this person continued to shout with great dissatisfaction: “If you can do more today, then next time, will you directly lift the sword and block our door!” ”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes turned to the man.

“Deng Yong, this meal can be eaten, and words cannot be said nonsense!”

A strong man sitting in the innermost stood up and said slowly.

The true god who was summoned as Deng Yong froze slightly, and then said with a normal face: “Councilor Zhang, I didn’t talk nonsense. ”

“That true god has been rude to Su Qingyun? If you stay at home, you will suffer such a calamity. ”

“He was even severely injured by Su Qingyun and was seriously injured. Fix a section for the drop. ”

“This kind of bad behavior. It is completely because he is better than others, wantonly so-called! ”

Hearing this person’s words, the people around him frowned a little.

Some did show disdain, and their eyes looked at the person named Deng Yong with a bit of dissatisfaction.

Does this person really treat others as fools?

Who doesn’t know why Su Qingyun is like this.

Not yet because of someone’s descendants, the rhetoric is too much.

When I got here, I wanted to stand up for him.

“According to your words, Su Qingyun relied on her own strength to trample on the rules set by our temple?”

An old voice sounded.

Everyone froze, and then looked at the old man in the corner who looked like an ordinary old man.

When Deng Yong saw the old man speak, he was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly spoke: “Yes, Council Leader!” Su Qingyun ignores the rules, we must punish her heavily! ”

He didn’t even dislike being convincing, and said: “And without heavy punishment, you can’t serve the people, for the temple, for the Terrans!” ”

“Haha, what a good one for the temple, good for a human race!”

When the old man heard this, he laughed, and his words were full of satisfaction, and he seemed to appreciate Deng Yong very much.

“Luo Lao.”

A middle-aged man beside the old man looked surprised, and he asked with some doubts.

But the old man stretched out his hand to interrupt him, slowly got up, looked at Deng Yong, and asked, “Then what are you going to do?” ”

“Council Leader, I think Su Qingyun’s cultivation should be sealed, and let him hand over Qingnian Day Academy for us to manage!”

“And students, whether they are students or those who have graduated, we should monitor them well.”

Deng Yong’s eyes lit up, and he immediately avoided saying what he had already prepared.

Hearing this, the councillor, who had been slightly close to Deng Yong, took a few steps back and kept his distance.

Because no matter how stupid they are, they mean that things are not right.

But they are not stupid, and from the short conversation, they already know Deng Yong’s plan.

But they understood that they were even more unlikely to be on the same side as Deng Yong.

The old man’s face was full of smiles, and he opened his mouth to ask: “You are a member recommended by Elder Ji, right?” ”

“Yes, yes, it was recommended by Elder Ji, the little one is not talented, enter the temple council, it will only be twenty years!”

Deng Yong immediately answered Elder Luo’s inquiry, but his heart was excited.

I never expected that there would be such a development, and I couldn’t help but admire that master.

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