Chapter 546: The Furious Old Man, Infiltrating the Terran Top!!!

“It’s been twenty years, really.”

Suddenly the old man’s figure flashed suddenly.

Appearing directly in front of Deng Yong, the divine light in his hand skyrocketed, turning into an incomparably powerful law power.

Slammed on Deng Yong’s chest!


In the main hall of the temple, a huge opening suddenly appeared.

The huge sound suddenly exploded, and the originally quiet people’s faces suddenly changed and flickered, and the flashes on their bodies emitted divine light.

Left the main hall directly.

Appeared over the temple.

Gray divine light, shining.

Deng Yong looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

If it is not instinctive, in the extreme of a thousand shots, burst out of divine power.

His own may die in that sudden attack.


“Unexpectedly, among our human race, there is still the method of learning the true gods of foreign races!”

At the gap in the temple, the seemingly elderly Luo Lao looked at the sky, exuding a creation divine power that was completely different from ordinary Terran cultivators, and his face couldn’t help but whisper gloomy.

While speaking, the body began to change, the divine power was circulating in the body, and the breath still became stronger.

Listening to Elder Luo’s words, the others couldn’t help but look at the dark light in the gray divine light, and their eyes couldn’t help shrinking.

Among the sixty true gods, nearly one-third couldn’t help but hold their breath and carefully control their divine power.

Fortunately, others did not find their abnormalities.

But standing in the void, Ye Tianxuan did write down those people one by one.

Everyone was barely serious, and when they felt the changes in Luo Lao’s body, they couldn’t help but become serious.

And a middle-aged man who hadn’t seen Luo Lao’s shot for a long time, in addition to serious accidents, actually had strong expectations in his eyes.

He knew what Luo Lao’s change meant.

“Elder Luo, it’s time to move the real thing!”

Deng Yong, who was broken by Luo Lao in the sky, his face became extremely ugly, his eyes quickly turned, looking around, and others.

My heart couldn’t help but sink.

Especially the few old men behind him directly cut off all his possibilities of escape.


This thought just flashed through my mind.

The sky suddenly condensed.

The old figure waved his fist.

Appeared directly in front of Deng Yong and struck a sudden blow!

Powerful power, with the power of law, is like heaven and earth pouring out.

The surging is more than just a blink of an eye.

At the moment of the moment, the gray divine light suddenly turned, turning into a strange shadow and greeting it.


Two forces come together.

The huge energy is like a heavenly river collapsing, rushing between heaven and earth.

Roar, air waves.


A low roar came from the mouth of the old man, remembering the ears of all the true gods present.



Pillars of light suddenly penetrated the sky and the earth.

In an instant, it was linked.

Form a block of light curtains.

Block the storm that is about to erupt.

Also lock up the two who are fighting.

“Four turns of true god, it seems that those people have given you a lot of good things!”

Feeling the other party’s divine power, Luo Lao’s eyes were as cold as a cold pool, only killing intent.

“Old immortal, don’t think that your strength, stronger than me, you can defeat me!”

The breath is shocking, the momentum is confrontation, the divine power is crazy to vent, and the competition for superiority.

Deng Yong, whose body divine power was flowing wildly, heard this, and the corners of his mouth showed disdain.


Elder Luo sneered, and then the divine power of his body broke out again, and the suddenly increased divine power made the balance of the original confrontation begin to tilt.

Under the powerful power, a cold gaze flashed in Deng Yong’s eyes, and the divine power of his body suddenly changed the original way of operation.

A gray shadow flashed, and the originally somewhat strange creation divine power, Lu Ran changed, and a strange aura appeared on his body.

Spatial shocks.

The divine power of creation, as if it had encountered some restraint, began to collapse little by little.

Elder Luo’s expression changed slightly, his face became a little ugly, and his eyes flashed with anger

“Destroy the divine power? Do you know that this power should not be cultivated by the Creator God! ”

In the deep voice, there was indifference.

“Old fellow, whether it is the creation divine power or the destruction divine power, as long as it is used by me, it is power!”

Also falling with the sound was a powerful blow containing the power of destruction.

The divine power is turbulent, setting off a storm of energy.

A divine power shield constructed by sixty people.

The flickering does not stop.

“Destroy the Divine Power?!!!”

Although the energy was blocked, the breath of the possible amount, they could still feel the natural antithesis to the Creator God, making everyone’s faces change slightly.

The divine power of human beings comes from the awakened world, and its divine power attribute is creation, even if some divine power is biased towards the same divine power as creation.

And destruction, like the creation of the world, requires the world, and the difference is indeed he is focused on destruction.

This kind of divine power, in the entire human race, not to say that there is none.

But it will never appear in the temple council.

The Council is in charge of matters related to the lives of the Terrans, large and small.

But there is a category of people, but they are independent.

That is the mysterious place where death row prisoners of the Terrans are judged, and traitors of the Terrans.

This is a major practitioner who destroys divine power, and the first thing such people have to do is destroy their own world.

Because only in this way can the world in their bodies open up their independence and take the initiative to invade other worlds.

And this kind of person is no longer the creator god.

And now he already has the power of creation gods, even if some are mixed with other things.

But it is indeed the divine power of creation, with the divine power of creation, and there is also the power of destruction, then there is only one possibility.

He invaded other worlds and destroyed.

Because only during the period when the world is destroyed will there be a consciousness of death and destruction, which is the key to cultivating the power of destruction.

In the divine power barrier, both of them launched a fierce battle.

One divine technique after another, all kinds of secret methods were used one by one.

Divine techniques collide, secret methods meet, energy bursts, causing the barrier to ripple.

“Deputy Council Leader, are we watching like this?”

A True God powerhouse who watched the battle continue, with a desire to fight on his face, waited for a somewhat impatient inquiry.

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but look at an old man who had been squinting his eyes and seemed to feel the gaze of the audience, and the old man said with a smile: “Don’t get in the way, don’t get in the way, old Luo, he will deal with it himself.” ”

“If you have something to do, you can leave for the time being, let us old men just watch!”

The old man’s words were very kind.

“Since the deputy council leader has spoken, then I will leave first!”

When a middle-aged man with a somewhat strong body heard this, he first expressed his thoughts.

“Oh, Fang Filling, you really can’t delay too long there, it’s good to go back!”

The old man looked at the man, squinted slightly and nodded and said.


After the man named Fang Cheng spoke, he turned into a stream of light and left the place.

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