Chapter 547: There is more than one battle! There is more than one traitor!!

Seeing this, the others all said that they had something to do and needed to go back.

And the old man did not stop it, and kept nodding to say that it was okay.

“Old Zhao, I suddenly thought that there are still some things at home, and I need to go back to deal with it!”

Suddenly, an unexpected voice came from the side.

Squinting his eyes, he couldn’t help but flash a trace of surprise, and a hint of exclamation, and turned his head to look at a companion not far away, although he looked very old, he was in excellent physical condition.

“Old Wang, there is something at home, why didn’t you say it earlier, things are not urgent, if it is urgent, then what are you waiting for?”

A look of surprise flashed on the old man’s face, and he hurriedly said.

“It’s not that parliament matters! You see, if I hadn’t come, I didn’t know that our parliament had actually been penetrated by some people with ulterior motives! ”

The old man who was called the old king, explained, and also meant the other people who had some meaning.

“Yes, I didn’t expect it, Fang Fill.”

The squinting old man, that is, Zhao Lao, sighed, and then said: “What are you talking about all this?” Old man, hurry up and get busy, rest assured, there will be no problem without you here! ”

While speaking, no one knew that he was secretly vigilant.

“I’m sorry!”

Lao Wang’s eyes flashed a trace of complexity, he glanced deeply below, and said in a low voice.

Immediately, the divine light flashed, and the figure disappeared.

The old man’s mind opened, and within a thousand miles, after feeling the breath of the old king appearing several times, he disappeared into the range of feelings.

Only then did he speak: “Even if you haven’t lost your heart. ”

As a companion, he did not know where Lao Wang’s own family lived.

At this moment, he is willing to go back, that is the heart of the human race he has not forgotten.

Now, though, it needs to be cleaned up, some of them.

Looking at the few figures left behind, Lao Zhang slowly opened his eyes and squinted, and his originally kind face became faintly serious.

Asked in a low voice, “Are there any traitors here?” ”

The voice is very abrupt.

Let the people who remained look stunned.

The atmosphere gathered solemnly, and after half a sound, among the people, two of them’s faces changed abruptly.

The divine light flowed and suddenly flew outside.

At the same time, Shen Nian also directly emitted a dead lock to the others, in case they blocked Zhao Lao’s figure from moving.

The two of them froze in their hearts.


“This is not a self-confession?”

A chuckling sound sounded.

Immediately, a young man came out of the void.

Elder Zhao blocked the path of the two.

The two of them changed their expressions greatly and did not think much.

The divine power in the body flows, the laws are concurrent, and the space is broken.

But the two of them invariably used the most adventurous and fastest way to escape from here.

“Want to go?”

Looking at the person in front of him, suddenly wanting to use this method to escape from his palm, a trace of disdain flashed on Ye Tianxuan’s face.

Reach out and press the void!

Suddenly, the space around it seemed to be forcibly suppressed.

The steps that had just been taken were rigidly fixed in the void.

The man who wanted to flee had wide eyes, and his eyes were filled with fear.

At this moment, he was extremely frightened to find that his whole body could not move, and even the divine power in his body was slacking and became extremely slow.

Compared to Ye Tianxuan’s forcible suppression.

Zhao Lao on the other side was obviously extremely violent.

Seeing that the other party wants to break through the space and escape from here.

Elder Zhao really stepped directly into the air!

Under the thick divine power, the law gathered and erupted.

The true god who wants to escape, has just stepped into the void and wants to leave.

A storm of time and space broke out violently.

Time and space, the void are chaotic.

The true god who fled was pushed back abruptly.

On the other side, several old men and others who had come back to their senses from now slowed down and hurriedly flew away, blocking the path of the two.

At this moment, space is either suppressed, or affected by crazy space-time storms, how can these people use the method of breaking through space to rush.

Several old people were not very assured, and the young man who suddenly appeared came to the young man’s surroundings.

However, when several old people came to the young man’s side, when they saw the young man’s appearance, their eyes shrank, and their faces became extremely serious.

Shouted in amazement: “Ye Tianxuan! ”

“How did you get back?”

The voice was full of surprise, doubt, and thick vigilance.

A few true gods on the side who did not know what happened in the past looked at several old men with a confused face at this moment.

They could clearly feel the youth in front of them, about the same age as them.

No, or rather, they feel each other’s thick life force and the bottomless breath.

It is difficult for them to imagine who this person in front of them is.

Hearing this, Ye Tianxuan’s eyes swept over the three old men, and he could see the eyes of the Heavenly Avenue flash.

Immediately a smile appeared on his face and greeted: “I haven’t seen you for many years, Elder Huang, Elder Chen, and Elder Qian are still in good health!” ”

“Answer our questions!”

The old man named Elder Chen asked.

Chen Lao, ordinary in stature,… The breath of the body is not visible.

“Elder Chen, don’t be busy, Elder Luo and Elder Zhao will naturally explain the situation for me later.”

“The top priority should be well controlled, this…”

Saying that, Ye Tianxuan stretched out his hand and pointed out.

The true god, who was still suppressed by the power of the void, felt everyone’s gaze, and his panicked eyes showed fear.


Absolutely cannot be left behind.

As soon as he thought in his heart, the power that was originally hidden in an instant was suddenly activated.

An aura full of evil charm rose.

The original creation divine power Lu Ran transformed into an extremely ordinary divine power and carried out an amazing reversal.

One law after another, when it begins to move closer, it is condensed into a line.

“Damn it!”

Huang Lao, who had a big mole on his face, saw such a scene, and his face was instantly ugly.

The figure dived abruptly.

The person appeared in front of the true god in an instant, and a light flashed in his hand.

A large knife emerged.

Cold light flashed and streaked across the sky.


A loud bang sounded!

“Tsk, just want to kill me based on this?”

The evil voice sounded, and under the wild wolf, the originally tall and thin middle-aged true god was like a skin dissolved and completely replaced by an evil youth.

As the figure appeared, a cold big sword appeared in his hand.

The whole body of the big sword is gray, and the connection between the sword body and the handle is not something else, but a strange skull, which at a glance is to see the demon, and also to see the decline and death in a trance.

As the law accommodated, the icy aura suddenly dispersed.

The avenue began to emerge.

Extreme death began to spread.

If you can see the body of this evil young man at this moment.

You will find that the entire kingdom of God has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

The sun in the sky turned into a blue planet.

The originally vigorous molten slurry turned into cold ice at this moment.

All the creatures on the earth breathed cold breath from their mouths, revealing icy runes on their bodies.

The whole sunny earth turns into a cold world.

The great sword dances.

“Bastard, what do you think of life!”

Feeling the true god who had completely changed, Huang Lao was furious, and the big knife greeted him.

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