Chapter 549 Excuses? No, just because of fear!!

Even if he wanted to explain, he felt that Ye Tianxuan would not believe that he wanted to accumulate His Royal Highness’s dowry.

After all, this thing, when it comes to their realm, is really dispensable.

Mythical cultivation is different from other cultivation methods, especially their Asa God Race Ziming.

They pay more attention to their influence on heaven and earth, as well as the world they control, and even the people.

So the Terran population became one of their choices.

Not to mention the wisdom of the creatures, they also control their own cultivation system.

When done right, it can make an impact.

But who came up with such a place.

Seeing that Yahid said a few words in a hurry, the two of them opened their mouths and said: “This person’s behavior is not to accept my instructions. ”

“We are a friendly race, you Terrans can look at the appendages, you can check them completely.”


How to check?

Is it hard to modify a record?

Don’t say anything else, just say the same sentence just now, the book is not good, there is a change.

As soon as the myth arises, heaven and earth move.

Not to mention changing a dead object, it is to change a person’s memory, or even let him self-suggest death.

can all know.

And as long as this person’s strength does not reach the quasi-saint (four turns of true god), it can be.

After arriving at the quasi-saint, as long as the power of mythology is enough, they will deliberately change.

Ye Tianxuan was extremely disdainful of this statement.

His eyes stared straight at the man in front of him, and he used his eyes unscrupulously, trying to see clearly.

When he saw the man’s heart, he was very dissatisfied.

Only then did Ye Tianxuan speak: “Friendly race? ”

“So you let him cultivate the Divine Power of Destruction to reflect your qualities?”

With the blessing of the power of mythology, he saw clearly the method that the man cultivated.

Although it was called the changes in Deng Yong’s body, he did not look at it very carefully, but from those changes, he could see that the power was the same as the power of the person in front of him.

Therefore, Ye Tianxuan was very sure that the person in front of him was the one who guided the clansmen to cultivate the victory of destruction.

In the chaotic world, the world inhabited by human beings.

Suddenly, the light floated, and the barrier that enveloped the heavens and the earth emitted light and appeared in the chaos.

Outside the barrier, a figure appeared, it was Su Tian.

“Arrived, this is it.”

Su Yang spread out his thoughts and leaned into it.

Soon the whole heaven and earth came to mind.

One breath after another, and those mythical breaths.

Su Tian’s expression changed slightly, his eyes flashed a cold light, and his figure moved, entering the heavens and the earth.

Between the light and darkness of heaven and earth, in many mezzanine spaces.

Ye Tianxuan’s eyes stared straight at the mythical power of the man with the aura of destruction and death in front of him, and there was a clear distinction.

They have the characteristics of their own strengths, especially those that have a great relationship with their own practice.

In the face of Ye Tianxuan’s questioning, the man did not hide anything and said directly: “This is wronged, I just provide cultivation methods,”

“I didn’t interfere in his choice, you are also a person with mythical power, you should know how to check if you have touched your hands and feet!”

The man admits that he provides the method of cultivation, but if he admits that what he does is under his instructions, this is not possible.

This is his personal behavior.

Besides, whether it is imprisoning Su Qingyun, or controlling the academy and then controlling the owner of the Chaos World, it is something that cannot be put on the surface.

And Ye Tianxuan also believed this, because he couldn’t hide it.

All you need to do is catch and check.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianxuan set his eyes on the person next to him, and before he could speak, the person himself said: “Enough, don’t act here!” ”

“I still don’t know what you guys think?”

“Ye Tianxuan, you are good. It’s a pity that you really think that we say these words because we are afraid of you? ”

“We’re just for Su Tian’s face!”

Indeed, this person saw that the two were so polite, and their senses still stuttered a little, and they were a little angry.

It is completely embarrassing for their group, and they have no position of their own.

So seeing Ye Tianxuan’s gaze, he directly and unceremoniously scolded loudly.

Even directly said that everyone treats you because of Su Tian, not your own strength.

Hearing this person’s words, Ye Tianxuan’s expression changed slightly, but he could return to normal immediately.

Yes, as long as you are afraid, this is enough.

It’s me, it’s him, at this time, is that important?

Ye Tianxuan did not speak, but looked at the man calmly.

And Yahid and the others, hearing the man’s words, their faces were also a little ugly, staring at him.

It is nothing to be looked at by Ye Tianxuan, but in the face of the other two people’s eyes, the man has some hair in his heart.

Immediately said with some hesitation: “You but… is a traitor who betrayed the Terrans, why does he want to atone for his sins now? ”

The more he spoke, the smoother he became, and he didn’t say much through his brain: “Don’t look at it, you released Jin Yue’s bastard in the first place, where there are so many things.” ”

“Destruction of heaven and earth!”

“The Terrans cut their wrists to protect themselves and let a large number of clansmen die!”

“All this, you caused everything, and now you want to make up for it?”

“Don’t dream, no matter how much you make up for it, you can’t change the fact of this thing!”

“Those people are what we arranged, we can get from…”

The man didn’t seem to be enough, crackling and talking a lot, and it looked like he kept talking.

At this moment, don’t say that the party Ye Tianxuan, even Yahid is looking at the man who has been taunting Ye Tianxuan with an unkind face.

Although from the words he scolded before, he could detect that something was wrong with this person’s head.

But I really didn’t expect that I would actually make personal attacks and stupidly expose my purpose.

It is precisely seeing the strange, this kind of person can handle it?

Yahid sighed secretly in his heart, and this thought just flashed through his mind.

Suddenly a voice sounded.

“From what?”

As the icy voice fell.

The sound of clicking kept sounding.

The time and space where the four people were located suddenly cracked.

In an instant, time and space dissipated like a mirror.

Time and space turned, and the four people were directly exited the mezzanine by a force and came to the front of the world.

The top of the head is a dark bent top.

Underneath him, white clouds, layer after layer superimposed to form a cloud bed of thousands of miles.

At this moment, everyone reacted and looked around in surprise.

But they found that at some time, a person appeared not far from them.

Handsome face, wearing a milky white Taoist robe.

Cold eyes looked at the person who kept talking just now.

Under the powerful aura, the man couldn’t help but salute and panic.

When he saw who it was, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he said in horror: “Su…”

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