Chapter 550 Su Yang Strikes! Death to all traitors!!

Su Xiao sneered and said, “Don’t you want to see me?” Why was you scared when you saw me? ”

Saying that, Su Yang took his right foot and stepped slightly!

Time and space flow.

Heaven and earth change color.

The whole heaven and earth suddenly felt as if they were under unimaginable power, and began to tremble slightly.

The bend, the ocean, the continent, the deep sea, and even all the intelligent beings hidden in the sky can’t help but feel a little in their hearts.

A panic flooded his heart, and he hurriedly opened his eyes.

But nothing can be seen.

Thousands of living beings ~ are uneasy.

Impatience, anger, anxiety, and fear all grew up.

No matter in the world, time and space, and even the lone figure of any dimension, his eyes slowly opened on the throne.

The power of rich mythology, flowing, a pair of completely different eyes, all radiated light, cast to the bend.

Seeing Su Tian’s figure, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but upturn.

“Finally back!”

Chuckles, sarcasm, disdain, indifference, expectation, uninteresting voices sounded from their mouths.

Then his expression moved slightly, and the power of mythology followed the field of vision and entered the void.

Floating in the middle of the sky.

Looking at the mythical power that appeared around him, Su Tian’s eyes flashed a cold light.

“Demonstration? Or is it a temptation? ”

Su Xiao muttered to himself.

It seems to be asking yourself, but also asking who you are looking at.

But then he whispered: “Just what I want!” ”

As soon as the words fell, the divine soul in the sea of knowledge quietly opened its eyes.

The hybrid light wheel behind the divine soul turned abruptly.

Under the power of cause and effect, all the betrayed Terran cultivators were undoubtedly displayed under Su Tian’s eyes.

“Traitor, die!!”

Then the light wheel turns again.

One after another, the power of mythology disappeared from the sea of knowledge and passed through the void.


In the entire range of the human race, Dao divine arts, spells, divine powers, and secret methods flew out of thin air and went straight to the target.

Whether it is in the crowd or hidden in the secret room, there is nowhere to hide under the connection of cause and effect.


When Ye Tianxuan heard this, his face changed abruptly, and he drank lowly, and he no longer hesitated, and his figure suddenly disappeared directly into the sky.

Divine powers are formed, and time and space are condensed.

Myth, only myth can be defeated.

In a desperate place, the emptiness of the original retreat and cultivation of the mind suddenly flooded with a strong aura of death.

Shocked in his heart, when he opened his eyes, he saw a long sword appear in his cave mansion at an unknown time.

And with the momentum of feeling the wolf cut down.

Move it!

Kong Guanghe frantically used his divine power, but found that he couldn’t move a bit.

The sword gradually fell, just as it was about to die.

At the same moment, Ye Tianxuan suddenly appeared beside Kong Guanghe, and the power of mythology broke out, hitting the long sword with one blow.


Condense time and space and return to normal.

The two mythical forces touched, and the unimaginable power that erupted out.

The laws of time and space emerge and collapse.

Even Kongguanghe, whose strength is not weak, is affected so close that he loses his mind in this shun.

Only a little True Spirit Star remains.

This is still Ye Tianxuan’s critical moment, make a move.

Otherwise, there will be no more empty people in this world.

Looking at the only true spirit in the palm of his hand, Ye Tianxuan’s face was extremely ugly.

“You want to protect him?”

Su Tian’s indifferent voice echoed in this completely collapsed time and space.

Ye Tianxuan took a few deep breaths and said in a deep voice: “Although this person is at fault, he also has merit!” ”

Before the words fell, Su Tian’s voice sounded again: “It’s not low!” ”

Ye Tianxuan’s pupils shrank, his eyes burst into anger, and he said, “Su Tian, don’t you think that you have become very domineering now!!! ”

The voice unconsciously increased.

“Overbearing? If we are merciful to our enemies, do you think our Terrans will survive well? ”

“Ye Tianxuan, I won’t blame you for your original behavior, but if you want to atone for him!”

“Let’s finish changing the blood debt on your body first!”

In the collapsed time and space, there is no echo, only the various visions caused by the collapse, and the sounds that appear.

Ye Tianxuan, who was silent for a long time, then covered his hand very much.

The true spirit is broken.

Kong Ming patriarch, Kong Guang He died.

Over the temple.

On the three battlefields, a divine power exudes divine radiance, and the law and the power of the avenue are surrounded, revealing Deng Yong, who is endlessly mighty.

As the heavens and the earth trembled, the law roared in an instant, and suddenly his heart became panicked, as if he was stared at by death.

When you are panicked and restless.

A voice sounded in his ears: “Traitor, die!” ”


A thunderclap suddenly sounded, and in zero time, a thunder came out of thin air.

With the infinite power that seems to be able to penetrate heaven and earth and annihilate all enemies.

Drop directly!

Deng Yong only felt that his body was numb, and he no longer felt it.

Heaven and earth trembled, and under the roar of the law, Elder Luo suddenly felt panic in his heart, and his mind scattered in an instant, waiting to come to his senses.

The scene in front of him really made Elder Luo frightened, and looked at everything that happened in front of him in horror.

“How is it possible!”

“Actually with just a thunder, you can fight with your own inextricable true god.”

“Split into flying ash?!!!”

Elder Luo muttered in disbelief, fear instantly welled up in his heart, and the whole person was like a frightened bird, looking panicked and vigilant around.

Be wary, that unknown enemy.

Treat him like Deng Yong.

The same scene also appeared on the other two battlefields.

Elder Huang, Elder Chen, Elder Qian, and Elder Zhao, just like Elder Luo, were shocked by the scene in front of them.

However, compared to Luo Lao fighting alone, it is not clear whether it is friend or foe.

Huang Lao and they are much more stable.

The fact that the situation changes during the battle and can directly shoot at their enemies without affecting them shows that the person who made the shot, at least at this time, has no intention of attacking them.

As for whether it is the act of killing people and killing people, abandoning the army to protect the commander.

For them, this sentence is impossible.

Being able to kill them directly under their noses without being detected, killing them is easy, and even if you really want to deal with the Terrans, you don’t have to be so sneaky.

Elder Huang looked at the others, and then also looked at another battlefield, and also saw the gaze cast by Elder Zhao.

His mind moved, and he said, “Past! ”

The others nodded, and then followed Elder Huang over.

The two groups of people moved closer and looked at each other.

Both found the serious expression on each other’s faces.

“By the way, could this be Ye Tianxuan’s hand?”

Suddenly Elder Chen opened his mouth and guessed.

“Should. Probably, right? ”

“When he left, he was almost past us old men.”

“That’s right, and just now, looking at the big picture, it should have been discovered something, and we don’t say that there are seven turns of true gods, but no one has found it.”

Several old men also nodded one after another, agreeing with this guess and saying their reasons.

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