Chapter 551: Heaven and Earth Change Color, Myth ‘Abandons’ Son!!!

Right at this time.


“Those who commit crimes against my human race!!! dead”

A voice entered everyone’s ears and echoed in their hearts.

Magnificent, and with a sense of momentum.

At this moment, the hearts of human races, foreign races, intelligent life, and even monsters, spirit beasts, demon spirits, and even beasts have forgotten to beat.

Is it an instant? Or half ringing?

When all the creatures reacted, the heart started beating again.

An inexplicable impulse in their hearts drove them to bow down.

No matter the time, no place, no matter the enemy or us, they all knelt down one after another.

Even the plant is slightly bent at the moment to show its respect.

And the extreme bend, cover the heavenly chapter.

As the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

The huge body, like an ancient god who opened up the world, stood proudly.

The breath of sacredness is incomparable, and the momentum of God is like hell.

Steep out, sweeping the whole heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the clear and bright continent broke away from the sun and entered another dimension.

Everything in the world seems to have entered the night.

It seems that in the whole heaven and earth, only he has survived forever.


A faint halo, and giving people a sense of infinite brilliance, a glorious figure, one stream of light emerged, flying.

It was as if a meteor suddenly broke open and fell!

The world is lit up.

The whole heaven and earth are attracted to this.

Whether mysterious or not, regardless of mind or not, only cause and effect.

“What is that!”

A strong man who was originally proud in his heart, when he struggled to look up to see who it was, he didn’t want to just look up and see the streamer flying down from the sky.

The streamer flows, gradually transforms, and the luster of the metal appears.

Great power began to show.

In the eyes of the strong, it seemed that in an instant, the whole world began to change, and countless streamers turned into weapons.

“Not good, that man is an enemy!”

Fear flooded, but in an instant, he was crushed by the strong man of the Terran race.

Some panicked voices shouted in all directions.

But I saw several figures rushing out of the crowd towards a frenzied escape.


The weapon transformed by the streamer passed through the space, passed by everyone, and in the stunned eyes of the strong, it went straight to the fleeing figure.

“What the hell is going on!”

Horror, amazement, disbelief, stunned emerged.

But then my mind thinks of what the figure said when he appeared!

“Damn it!”

“That’s an alien!!!”

The Terran powerhouse suddenly realized, and the resentment on his face and the angry roar made the Terrans who were originally calmed by the scene in front of them.

They couldn’t help but widen their eyes and look into the distance.

There are even people who get up and try to grab their urge.

A few breaths before.

Meteors appear in the sky.

Aliens hiding among the Terrans, living in cities, clan residences, and even some people of subordinate races.

Suddenly feeling a breath locked on them, their eyes couldn’t help shrinking, and when they looked up, their faces couldn’t help but change greatly.

Especially when he saw the meteor, killing intent and turning into a weapon, his face was even more frightened.

“The power of mythology!”

“It’s him, it’s him, it’s Su Yang who is back!”

Thoughts flashed in the hearts of the aliens, but the more they confirmed the facts, they couldn’t help but feel fear in their hearts.

“No, it shouldn’t be like this, adults don’t say that Su Yang is just a kid who has taken good luck, why does he have such a lot of mythical power.”

The scene of meteors in the sky made him unbelievably frightened, but he still couldn’t help but want to ask.

But the attack is getting closer.

At the moment of life and death, they who originally wanted to continue to hide themselves, did not hesitate and broke free.

It’s time to get ready to use magic to leave!

Suddenly found that time and space are not there, dimensions do not exist, and the space he is in has indeed been divided.

“No, it’s impossible! How could he seal time and space!! ”

Anger, fear, fear welled up in my heart.

The heart is shocked, panicked, watching the attack of the power of mythology not far away!

The mind is unwilling to use magical powers.

The divine light appeared, but it was annihilated in an instant, and the secret method, when the divine power just revealed the spark, disappeared instantly.

The surging momentum began to envelop the whole body.

A chilly chill rushed to the top of their heads!

A terrible thought appeared in their hearts!

“No, you can’t, you can’t do this.”

The people of the alien race were terrified like a flooded river, bursting out.

Sheng Li, try, hurry, try again, run, still can’t use any extraordinary power.

All divine powers, all divine techniques, all the power of laws, and even the avenue have been indifferent.

It was as if the whole heaven and earth, even like this chaos, were rejecting…

Even in horror, they found the proud power in their bodies.

At this moment, it also quietly disappeared!

“No, my God! Don’t abandon your loyal servant! ”

The power of mythology falls, hiding in the Terrans, violating the will of the Terrans, and even the aliens of the Terrans’ living order.

At this moment, they all turned into ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

“This is dead?”

Everyone around, only to see the weapons falling, the running aliens, the body gathered unimaginable changes.

Then it dissipates into fly ash.

“No, I saw it just now, those few alien races have divine power on their bodies, and even have divine powers, traces of the use of secret methods!”

“What is this, they still want to use the power of the law, that is…”

“It’s just that something is suppressing them and making them unable to use it!”

As the alien race died, the impulse and momentum on the body disappeared, and the tribesmen who were originally kneeling on the ground also stood up.

There was a discussion around taking the location where a few aliens died.

The irritation of palpitations, the resentment of kneeling, the humiliation of self-esteem, are all left behind at this moment.

After all, these are all forces that everyone cannot resist together, and no one says anyone.

On the contrary, they are really curious about what happened to this alien race.

“Yes! Indeed”·

“But the question is do we Terrans have this ability?”

“Those who can use the power of the law are either the high true gods, or those high-level powerhouses.”

Outside the circle, among the crowd, a shocked old man looked at the figure slowly disappearing from the sky, and his face couldn’t help but glow with excitement.

The old man who was about to fly up desperately, suddenly heard the conversation of several people, and on his excited face, he couldn’t help but show a bit of a sneer, walked in directly, and said: “True God? ”

“The true god can’t suppress the power of the avenue on the alien race!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces around were shocked.

Then, after seeing the words of an old man, especially after feeling that he did not have the slightest bit of creation divine power on his body, his expression couldn’t help but show his eyes and disdain.

Just when one person wanted to open his mouth to refute.

In the crowd on the side, another person came out with a strong figure and said with a serious face: “Indeed, as far as I know, a true god needs at least five revolutions of a true god to be able to use the power of the avenue more!” ”

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