Chapter 554: Classification of Myths, Battle of the Avenues!!

The law does not exist with this, and time and space have no meaning here.

Looking at them revealing their avenue light wheel one by one, even Nydia, who was standing not far away, was revealing her strength at this moment.

Although her divine ring at this moment has not condensed into an entity.

Even their own strength is inferior to others.

But even so, in the face of the behavior of other people, she did not flinch.

Difficult to open their own field.

“Unexpectedly, the person sent by the Asa God Clan is actually a little baby!”

“Hey, I said that your Asa God Clan is there no one left?”

“Or is it already the turn of the government to be a vassal?”

Just when everyone silently stepped up and proved themselves.

Suddenly a voice sounded in the originally silent space.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, especially some of the people who first came here and saw Nydia following Su Xiao to say hello.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but show a strange face, and his eyes couldn’t help but watch Su Xiao and Nydia come and go.

With a strong sense of curiosity.

And some people who don’t know about it, hearing the prompt, can’t help but look at Nydia.

Hey, it’s a beauty!

Seeing Nydia’s figure, the male thought flooded his heart.

Even in the crowd, a woman dressed grandly was eclipsed at this moment.

In terms of appearance, she didn’t feel that she was a point behind, but the simple, youthful, and even full of determined look made her feel very dazzling.

Especially in the face of other people’s sarcasm, the confidence revealed in her eyes made her squeeze her hand.

“Talking is so yin and yang, worthy of coming out of a small place!”

“What is the situation now, where is your turn to speak.”

“Don’t think of anything wrong with yourself, put yourself in a high position first, it’s really a shame for the people behind you!”

In the face of the sarcastic words, Nydia’s face was only disdainful.

What a place this is.

Not to say that he is outside, let’s say that the people present now are some figures with heads and faces.

Where is the turn, a little devil comes out and says these words.

Besides, they Asa’s god race can’t talk about others.


Hearing this, the man who opened his mouth to mock suddenly became angry.

Originally relying on the aura of the avenue to occupy a small place, suppressed in other people’s avenues, it is not much bigger than Nidia.

Under the emotional impulse, the field is instantly out of balance.

In an instant, it suddenly broke open.

The people around were taken aback.

“Not good!”

As soon as they saw this, they all hurriedly stopped it.

That’s what saved his life.

But it was the people around who saw the situation and took the initiative to return to the power of the avenue, otherwise a guy who condensed the aura of the avenue would be directly erased by the power of the avenue of others

“Just your cultivation?! It also means to condense the avenue! ”

The sudden scene not only surprised everyone present, but also surprised some people.

Even Nydia was taken aback, and then she was even more disdainful.


When the man heard this, his face couldn’t help but flush, and he was indeed extremely angry.

Looking at the people around, Lian Tuo wanted to walk away.

They don’t want to be hated by others because of their mistakes.

However, this action even more annoyed the man.

The man was angry, and did not care what the situation was here, and directly sent his own mythical power.


A muffled bang!

Everyone was surprised, and then looked at the man with strange eyes.


Under the power of many avenues, the man’s blue muscles came out, but he still did nothing.

The conquering king who looked not far away couldn’t help but flash a trace of anger.

The originally dim and irrelevant divine ring suddenly glowed.

The huge and incomparable momentum suddenly stretched out.

“Hey, I said old guy!”

“This is not the place for you to do what you can!”

Gilgamesh, who was closer, King Arthur’s face moved, a little dissatisfied, and even Gilgamesh nagged with dissatisfaction.

As the voice fell.

A huge momentum also erupted from his body.

There was even the mood to press King Arthur.

In the face of such behavior of the two, the corners of King Arthur’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

He could see that this guy was stirring up trouble.

Without saying anything, the momentum on his body also burst out.

The momentum of the three kings suddenly made everyone who was originally a little stunned.

Under the majestic momentum, everyone can only forcibly improve their power of the avenue.

For a time, the entire space became turbulent again.

As a result, some ordinary small forces who originally lacked their background and wanted to fish all over and see Su Yang instantly fell into the dust.

Su Tian, who was in the center of the center, faced such a side, and a trace of disdain flashed on his indifferent face.

The light of the avenue behind him emerged, and the hybrid yuan light wheel with the meaning of hybrid infinity appeared behind him.

The light of various avenues, which was originally like a hundred flowers, suddenly dimmed.

There are no exceptions and there will be no exceptions.

All laws, all avenues come and chaos,… It can also be attributed to the mixed element.

The originally arrogant, arrogant, even disdainful, and even wanton looks all turned into the same appearance at this moment.


Serious than ever.

At the same time, they also understood why, from the beginning, the gods above them told them not to be enemies.

But everything is already preordained.

Below the bend.

Terran monks.

When Luo Lao, Zhao Lao, Huang Lao, Chen Lao and other true gods flew halfway.

Suddenly the speed stopped.

Su Qingyun, who had just arrived, looked at this scene and looked a little surprised.

Because she found that it wasn’t that they really stopped, and the expressions didn’t seem to be interesting to their situation.

It’s as if they’ve been flying, but actually stay where they are.

“Phantom Array?”

“Or space-time?”

Su Qingyun’s face was serious and slowly approached.


As Su Qingyun slowly approached.

A strange power instantly appeared in her perception.

“Time and space?”

Space and time began to change.

The Terran powerhouse, who was originally close at hand, directly opened the distance in Su Qingyun’s gaze.

It seems to be endless.

She found that the space at this moment had changed.

Time also began to change unusually.

When the whole person enters this space, it is like entering an endless quagmire of time and space.


That is the powerful wind force brought by the flight of the Terran strong.

Su Qingyun turned around, saw Xiaoqing, and flew towards the sky.

“Isn’t Xiaoqing a physical cultivator? Why so soon…”

But because of Xiaoqing’s speed, she didn’t fly together.

But I didn’t expect to be surpassed.

“Not true,”

“It should be that I stayed in this space and did not fly for a reason.”

Suddenly, Su Qingyun realized that something was wrong!

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