Chapter 555: A Unified Combination of Divine and Human Nature, Gilgamesh!!

Su Qingyun’s gaze moved slightly.

“This sense of spatial violation.”

Obviously, Xiaoqing’s physique was not enough to support him to fly at this speed.

He himself should also be aware of this ~ point.

However, he was still able to fly in the enchantment laid by Su Tian.

This is definitely not something that can be done by mere physical cultivation.

She looked at Su Yang, who was present.

“No, it’s Su Yang who relaxed the restrictions on Xiaoqing.”

Her brow furrowed slightly.

There is only one reason that can be explained, in Su Tian’s time enchantment.

All the humans and gods present could not completely escape this influence from time and space.

Su Qingyun’s face was complicated.

“Su Tian, do you really still not recognize me?”

“Or are you hiding from me?”

Her heart gradually became tangled.

After all, Su Tian’s strength had long exceeded his imagination.

In this universe, there is no second god who can compare with him.

Xiaoqing all the way unimpeded.

It didn’t take long to fly in front of Su Tian.

Su Xiao smiled slightly.

“Long time no see.”

Xiaoqing’s face was also slightly happy.

Indeed, he and Su Yang hadn’t seen each other for a while.

However, there is no time for reminiscence.

There are also many powerful gods still present.

Although Su Tian’s space-time enchantment could block them for a while.

But it can’t stop them.

He silently walked behind Su Tian.

If you want to challenge Su Yang here, you must also see if he agrees or not.

But the result was unexpected.

All the gods present stopped one after another after Su Yang made a move.

Are you kidding?!

Since Su Yang’s debut, he has been a ruthless life harvester who kills decisively, and almost all races that have been hostile to Su Yang have been instantly killed by him.

And what about those who are still alive?

They have already honestly begun to clip their tails and behave.

Su Xiao didn’t care about the reaction of these gods.

After all, the gods who come now are not really appetizers.

Are they all weaker gods, at most they think they are half-human demigods like Gilgamiya?

Therefore, the people present did not continue to act, although it was a little unexpected for Su Tian.

But it didn’t surprise him too much.

After all, his strength has been proven in countless battles and the death of countless gods.

The hall fell into a dead silence again, and no one continued to speak.

They are all waiting quietly.

Waiting for the portal above the nine heavens, their familiar voice came again.

The gods of the Father and the Mother who created them.

It’s about to come through that door.

Su Tian’s expression once again became indifferent to the real protagonist he invited had not yet come.

He only feels that the current atmosphere is slightly boring.

Xiaoqing’s face was slightly embarrassed.

“Maybe it’s a little redundant to jump out now.”

But he immediately put that idea behind him.

After all, his personality is naïve and lively.

Naturally, I don’t think about that many things.

Su Yang still didn’t say a word.

Stand silently in the center of the field.

Gilgamiya’s gaze narrowed slightly.

His eyes have been fixed on Su Yang in the field.

But since it just started.

He found that Su Tian’s face gradually became blurred.

Even his supreme artifact could not be seen through.

At the moment, there is only terror in his heart.

Endless terror swept over him.

“So Su Tian’s strength is already so strong?”

Gilgamiya also felt endless fear at this moment.

“Fortunately, I was not provoked by King Arthur, and I directly shot in this hall of the god king.”

“Otherwise, I don’t know how I died.”

Gilgamiya was born with the bloodline of a seven-point god.

It can be said that it has endless wisdom and strength.

However, even he is not a perfect god.

After all, there is also human blood flowing in his body.

Not a perfect god, but a perfect human being.

But as long as it is human, it must have its limitations.

At this time, his heart was at war between heaven and man.

“Damn, why is it the same human, why is the person in the center of the hall so strong!”

“I don’t allow anyone in this world to be stronger than me! Even King Arthur is nothing more than an ant in front of me! ”

“Damn! Why…”

He still sat there quietly on the surface.

But the body is already shaking uncontrollably.

The terrifying killing intent made the surrounding gods of average strength and grade tremble and gradually moved away from Gilgamiya.

They didn’t want this stunned young man to implicate themselves when Su Yang broke out in the thunder rage.

Su Yang also noticed the strangeness of Gilgamiya at the beginning.

“This guy is worthy of being a half-hanger…”

“Is this almost impatient?”

Su Xiao smiled lightly.

He has always maintained a pitying attitude towards this poor miscellaneous god.

As long as he didn’t die himself, Su Xiao would naturally be too lazy to spend energy to take care of him.

However, this does not mean that Gilgamiya is safe here.

Right now, for example, he is frantically tempted on the brink of death.

Jirōgami is a powerful creature with the bloodlines of most gods.

After all, it was with a powerful divinity that defeated the inferior nature that belonged to mankind.

Those tyrannical, jealous, jealous and crazy thoughts are all wiped out under the suppression of divinity.

A confident smile once again appeared on his face.

The empty look once again swept over the gods present.

“My Father is coming here soon.”

“The eternally great sun god will once again grant me eternal brilliance and glory!”

Su Xiao smiled lightly.

Gilgamiya’s thoughts naturally couldn’t escape Su Tian’s detection.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that this guy would be able to suppress his own strong jealousy.

Su Xiao faintly tilted his head and smiled dumbly.

“Gilgamiya, I picked up a life a little!”

Su Xiao also did not expect such a contradictory collection like him.

There are times when opinions can be unified.

It seems that the sun god who gave Gilgamiya the ability is also a relatively powerful existence.

Although his creation is not perfect.

However, it has a powerful ability to dictate the thousands of years of history of a civilization.

It’s a good work of art.

Su Xiao smiled slightly.

“Borrow, if your Father does not obey my commands when he comes.”

“It’s still going to be destroyed. Corpse. ”

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